Tips on How to Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep! Doctor Jack Ep. 70

Tips on How to Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep! Doctor Jack Ep. 70

Doctor Jack Has Your Back

2 года назад

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@crackerjack2228 - 15.08.2022 01:11

I've found cbd on its own doesn't do much to help me sleep but if I vape a mix of about 80% cbd hemp flower with 20% thc marijuana I'll fall asleep extremely quickly and tend to stay asleep. I've found the sleep quality is very good.

@NazVick - 15.08.2022 01:46

Thank you, Doctor Jack.
I'm trying everything under the sun, but one thing I have yet to find is the right foam mattress that isn't too hard or too soft. Otherwise, I need to start trying Yoga/stretching and the breathing exercise.
I have to say that you're absolutely right about the melatonin supplement losing its effect if taken for a long stint. I've experienced that first hand.
Thank you for your very informative presentation covering the majority of causes, effects, and various advice and helping factors covering that precious but elusive "Mr Sleep"
It's true that we don't appreciate something that seems so easy until we lose it, just like everything else.
Thanks again.

@marieupton551 - 15.08.2022 02:46

Good pointers! I’m a terrible sleeper… I’ve tried many things over the years… Discipline and steadfastness are two “elements” that I lack when it comes to promoting better sleep!
Trust me , I’m working on it!
Signed: Sleepless in Raleigh!!!😴

@j_grieshaber - 15.08.2022 03:16

Hi Dr. Jack! Great video as always, such an important topic. I do have a few things to add that I have found have helped me in the past. I am a huge fan of the supplememt Valarian root, it can be found in the vitamin isle and I joke is nature's valium. It is non habit forming, I have never felt groggy the next day or hungover. For me it works well if I am rumerating on a thought, my mind just going, it will just quiet the mind and poof you are off to a dreamless restful sleep. It is recommended you do not take it with alcohol or other depressants so always check with a doctor and/or pharmacist about drug interactions with drugs you currently take. Other things I have done to help with sleep have been to take magnesium glycinate, it is an even more subtle nudge to the land of sleep and lastly is a relaxation technique where you focus on relaxing each part of the body starting with the feet and working your way up to your face focusing on the muscles of each area and feeling them physically relax. Lets see what else, oh I have a nighttime cannabis I prefer, it is an indica. I find indicas, if you are going to sleep right away are fantastic because it will promote sleep and if you are asleep then you should be able to avoid the munchies which can come with it unlike the Sativas I would suggest for daytime use. Ok. I hope those help. I did have one note: I have never been a fan of people taking melatonin, especially people giving children melatonin regularly. Melatonin is a hormone made by the body, if you regularly supplement with it, so I am talking extended use not getting over jet lag which it is great for, but long term use then the body will down regulate your own production of melatonin which you don't want. It also effects other hormones in the body like estrogen so I would just be cautious with it and try not to use it long term. Alright I think that's all I got, you covered a lot, as always. Thanks for making these videos, it's so great to have a qualified medical professional giving sound advice. Keep up the good work!

@elisabethscott20 - 10.09.2022 08:25

New subscriber here. I saw a comment you left on the Institute of Human Anatomy's channel and was really excited to find your videos. Do we know if the endocannabinoid system can get damaged? I've heard this can happen with trauma and would be interested to learn more. Thanks!

@JTDesign1 - 19.09.2022 20:46

Great information for good sleep hygiene. I've been doing everything you recommend except the weighted blanket. I have chronic pain 24/7 due to a spinal cord injury, so sleep is my only relief. I protect my routines and habits, and my body falls asleep within 10 minutes of hitting the bed. I even us a CPAP. But the real benefit comes from High Dose CBD and low Dose THC. I bought a liter of high quality hemp based CBD, then mixed it with about 2 grams of pure THC. At 300mg's per night I never have an issue with sleep, beyond the need to pee frequently.

@Robebabu - 28.02.2023 10:05

exort, LOL. Thanks much for this video! There is a lot I already knew, but a lot that I was unaware of which will hopefully help me get my sleep back on track. I have a tendency to stay up late and sleep during the day. This causes me insomnia and familial issues. What am I doing up this late? Staring at the blue light emanating from my laptop, of course. Like right now, as I type this comment at 1 AM.

@Kasakee2 - 10.04.2023 12:00

Excellent video, thanks for this. Great work

@redgeraniums57 - 20.07.2023 18:08

This is a great video tho!
