Ryzen 5 5600X | GTX 1660 Super - Valorant (Competitive, Low, High Settings) 1080p

Ryzen 5 5600X | GTX 1660 Super - Valorant (Competitive, Low, High Settings) 1080p

Overseer PC

3 года назад

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@IlhamPraja - 04.07.2021 14:46

Ryzen 5 3600 | GTX 1660 Super , please

@oyunicinhesap7033 - 04.07.2021 14:59

Thanks bro for do this video😀

@oyunicinhesap7033 - 04.07.2021 17:59

Bro did you optimized your PC ??

@cranzit7406 - 04.07.2021 18:08

How do you get more fps than my rtx 3070 tho i have a amd ryzen 5 3600x with it. Should I upgrade to an ryzen 5 5600x?

@saikyun5135 - 04.07.2021 20:25

are u using air cooling or water cooling ?

@oyunicinhesap7033 - 05.07.2021 10:34

Bro when you do optimization how many FPS increased

@JadentNakazato - 05.07.2021 13:00

I like the meme touches.. Made me laugh while watching pc stats

@joaquinmena4428 - 11.07.2021 02:36

I will go to the same fps with a 1050 TI?

@gunslinga5906 - 13.07.2021 07:51

Thanks for the vid man I have a 1660 ti Ryzen 5 2600 32 g ram 3200 mhz and I run at 140 -200 fps about was thinking about upgrading to the 5600 x that is a big difference in fps with the bigger cpu how is that such a big difference thanks

@frizzy573 - 16.07.2021 12:55

400 fps with a 1660 super yea thats true

@UminokoBenchmark - 19.07.2021 14:00

Hello, i have also done a similar benchmark but with an rtx 2060. But i didn't get the same fps. Do you think it depends of the map?

@ravenin8963 - 24.07.2021 09:39

did u oc the cpu by any chance?

@veronica6162 - 01.08.2021 05:29

What monitor do you use?

@editby_silver - 20.08.2021 16:05

This is same the r5 5600x and rtx 3060 ?????????

@mbakuhantam9472 - 21.08.2021 15:33

how are u getting 50c temp, i have r5 5600x with rx570 but my cpu got like 75c with nzxt 240 aio and 90c with stock cooler

@daaviicito - 22.08.2021 15:04

I have the same specs, and i only get 100-140 fps, why?

@DynooYT - 05.09.2021 19:11

bro wat if i pair it with gt 710 can i stream and play and get around 144fps in lowest settings and resolution ?

@dodry3866 - 07.09.2021 15:57

i have ryzen 5 5600x, rx 5600xt, 3600mhz cl16 ram and 120-170 on deathmatch wtf

@nazrinismail1583 - 18.09.2021 18:29

how do u manage to make the GPU usage to 92%..mine is only below 50%

@TheRockmamba - 24.09.2021 12:39

Bro, I have Ryzen 5 5600x, 32gb ram, and GTX 1070. My FPS is hovering around 130-190. I can't average 144fps in a game. Could you help me tweak my settings? My FPS does not change when I switch my settings from High to Low.

@biiouiali8532 - 25.09.2021 11:58

I have 5 5600x rtx 3080 and i only have 400-500 fps

@opmety3319 - 26.09.2021 11:38

Hi overseer, would I see any noticeable increase in performance if I upgraded the cpu to a Ryzen 7 5800x?

@marvinwesthus6235 - 17.10.2021 16:00

Is the performance still the same?

@12washere - 01.11.2021 04:48

Holy shit, you've reached a 700fps peak when planting on Bombsite B, i have i5-8400 & gtx 1660 ti doing good at 150-240fps, do you think i'll get double the fps when i upgrade to ryzen 5600x at the very least?

@speedop7290 - 01.11.2021 18:10

Hey! Is ryzen 7 3700x is better than 5 5600x?? Coz one of my friend has 7 3600x n 1660 super but he gets around 200 fps only.

@tfbMD - 24.11.2021 03:54

hello I have a 5600x and a 3070 ti and am only average 230 soemtimes goes as low as 170 fps can you help me please

@trollerone6386 - 29.11.2021 15:54

what monitor

@ordjk4797 - 27.12.2021 16:49

5 5600x is a CPU MONSTER NO CAP

@laszlopinter8847 - 12.01.2022 15:36

I don't undertsand. U even peaked 600 fps. When I check low settings 5600x with 1050 ti it's more likely low 300 fps and rarely 400, very rarely. However you seems to be have almost a stable 400, sometimes you have 300-350 yes. But it seems to be better to have a 1660 super on low settings than a 1050 ti? I'm confused. Yes I know Ryzen need 4x8gb rams for being dual rank and at least 3600mhz cl16, but I'm only checking tests like that and 1050 ti had that too. He didn't have thermal throttling or anything. Even the same map. Any ideas guys? Patch was more or less the same as well.

@camden6371 - 21.01.2022 18:26

will this change if i have a 1660 ti

@eska4935 - 12.03.2022 21:13

what's the difference between competitive and low settings?

@reevx4258 - 07.04.2022 16:34

do you think i will get 240 fps with a i5 10400f and a rx 6600 on valorant low settings ?

@checkmate3562 - 03.07.2022 21:22

Is my ryzen 5 3400g bottleneck my 1660 super graphic card

@Hazard.01 - 13.04.2023 17:21

Is it safe to turn on multithreading?

@flozyy.. - 17.08.2024 18:22

what is the doffrence between 5 5600 and 5 5600X
