Oddly effective ways to increase writing motivation | For Thesis, Research Papers and more

Oddly effective ways to increase writing motivation | For Thesis, Research Papers and more

Andy Stapleton

2 года назад

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K F - 06.11.2023 20:42

yeah tastefull routine brought me 2 sizes plus...

Jonathan Lim
Jonathan Lim - 04.11.2023 07:55

Thanks very much

Nada - 05.10.2023 23:52

Thanks Andy I writing my masters thesis now and my a supervisor does not help me whish hinders my progress in the thesis, does not respond to my e-mails. This is very frustrating, but the presence of your channel helped me very much. I am grateful.

Miss Undercover
Miss Undercover - 22.09.2023 18:13

So good!

Ravi's Pharmacology and Anatomy
Ravi's Pharmacology and Anatomy - 09.06.2023 05:25

Whenever I see you videos I feel like I am talking my friend or colleague on science aspects.... ❤

chandni Khaund
chandni Khaund - 28.05.2023 08:24

I feel I can write with pen on a notebook better. This way my ideas gets generated in a free flowing manner. With my laptop, I get overwhelmed with number of words and pages. Of course, I need to fair out everything on my system later though. Double the work, but it works for me

Evans Ragwa
Evans Ragwa - 17.04.2023 07:54

Who's watching this and has a paper to write?

Felix B
Felix B - 07.04.2023 21:45

I didn't choose engineering to be writing so much. I'm writing more than a literature major. :(

The Bookish Khmerican
The Bookish Khmerican - 24.03.2023 20:05

Cue. Habit. Reward.; Habit stacking; Some of these concepts that are helpful are from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. The pomodoro method is also extremely helpful

Shin Axia
Shin Axia - 20.03.2023 00:34

Affirmation works because you raise your self-esteem, you see more beauty in the world so you make yourself happier and therefore more productive. It's simply a way to raise your endrophins and dopamine. Others might say that you then feed yourself with positive energy. When you say to yourself, "today is such a beautiful day, it makes you want to live," it will be easier to work than when you say: "what a nightmare day, I don't want anything." Affirmations put you in a good mood and a good mood makes it easier to work. I, for example, can't write when I'm depressed or stressed. I always have to be in a good mood to write.

ludivine blais
ludivine blais - 10.03.2023 07:27

One of the things a wise professor once told me was: " the worse draft that you'll ever write is the one you don't". This simple phrase motivates me to write something every day even if it's complete trash. It makes me feel better that a start is all I need to avoid the worse possible outcome.

Perseo Eridano
Perseo Eridano - 25.02.2023 22:39


Lazy Scholar
Lazy Scholar - 16.02.2023 00:14

Something that is touched on here is the importance of knowing how you work.

If you tend to get overwhelmed and push deadlines back, working every day is probably your best mode of progress.

But if you are like me, and work in fits and spurts of 3-5 hours no problem, then I would focus more on using that hour a day to review literature or to help break down your writting task into clear objectives for when you finally do start writting.

Either way, I ultimately agree with the idea that staying engaged with your research on a nearly daily basis (with breaks on the weekends) will surely help you write.

Wijdan Mohy
Wijdan Mohy - 07.02.2023 13:36

Finally ....the only logical and well structured video that motivated me to start writing...the other videos are ridiculous

MM - 23.01.2023 20:56

I enjoyed your style. Thank you.

katek baulpaule
katek baulpaule - 26.12.2022 21:09

Bravo, Andy

Hollie - 12.12.2022 01:47

I’m currently writing my biochemistry PhD thesis and hearing the ‘each day your best is different’ was needed!! I felt like I was losing steam and I was starting to stress!

SHREYA DUBEY - 27.11.2022 14:21

Are you also a Ph.D ?

tigrepalenque - 17.11.2022 09:29

yeah tell me about the chocolate... defo a no-no go to. I ended up with high cholesterol and hypertension crisis by revving myself up on coca cola and chocolate. Not to mention having to shed the extra kilos after

Rosmariani Manalu
Rosmariani Manalu - 16.11.2022 16:01

Thank you very much for sharing. I'm in the 'less motivated' stage to continue my writing. Maybe because the condition of the cafe where I write is quite noisy, my favorite seat for writing has been taken by the other visitor hahaha, and I see all of the readings on internet looks disgusting. Even though 2 days ago, I was writing really flow.. and ON FIRE, but today.. feel sucks and hard to get inspirations
