How to Estimate the General Requirements Cost in Construction

How to Estimate the General Requirements Cost in Construction

Cost Engineering Professional

2 месяца назад

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@vinods2655 - 29.12.2024 11:01


@formanite9909 - 29.12.2024 11:17

Thank you

@mohammedhaseebuddin1696 - 29.12.2024 11:34

Put discount on the course sir!! Like new year sale or something like that😅

@Sam_1417 - 29.12.2024 16:13

Very helpful sir, hoping for cost control videos thanks

@raymondokyere4040 - 30.12.2024 00:04

Nice and educative video. Please can you share your excel sheet with me 😂

@mehru7811 - 30.12.2024 10:39

The best mentor out there....Thanks.

@kawalyalawrence7905 - 30.12.2024 13:59

As if i have not seen setting out anywhere Sir

@wajidsaleem7311 - 31.12.2024 00:23

Sir there was a Udemy course of yours , in which i was enrolled but now that course is no more available in my profile, i think its removed from there so how can i again enroll in that course

@AzamMohamed-l7m - 31.12.2024 10:22

Very Useful Video Thank you.

@momensafwat - 01.01.2025 14:56

Hello Eng/Ahmed I have a question about the energy department/electricity generator
Does this department not need to add an item for maintenance costs or does the purchase price include maintenance for a period of five years
Thank you very much for the information you provide I have learned a lot from you

@ayushmansdiary2694 - 06.01.2025 19:35

Hi sir, I'm big fan of your teaching methods about cost estimation, cost control and contact management. One request if you can share your thoughts and advise us about productivity of various resources like manpower, equipment and what will be the productivity norms for various construction activities especially in oil and gas sectors

@hanyismail2737 - 07.01.2025 19:05

ENG thanks for your effort 🙂

@jojejudeaguilar4257 - 09.01.2025 09:12

Thank you sir. How about the temporary facilities where will it fall? Thank you sir for your videos

@kawalyalawrence7905 - 14.01.2025 16:54

Thanks for your teachings
How are O&P added because i didnt see you adding them

@engr.fakhar4066 - 17.01.2025 07:21

How can we enroll in your course???
