Why Everything You Know About The Multiverse Is Wrong

Why Everything You Know About The Multiverse Is Wrong


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Whether you know about String Theory, Schrodinger's cat, or Rick and Morty, I'm here to explain to you in this video why everything you know about the Multiverse is wrong. If you're a Quantum physicist you won't learn anything from this video.

TheOdd1sOut video on Reality Shifting:

I would like to give a BIG thank you to Staxlotl for editing this video:

A special thank you for the Thumbnail form Leah:

My Patreno: https://www.patreon.com/JustARobot
0:00 intro
0:37 The Multiverse might be real
1:20 I am not a Quantum physicist
2:15 Misconceptions about the Multiverse
4:36 Porkbun!
5:45 Are there infinite universes?
8:29 Reality shifting
11:24 Who the Harry Potter Universe might be real in an alternate dimension.
15:15 ending thoughts


#Multiverse #String_Theory #reality_shifting #tiktok #harry_potter #hogwarts #multiple_realities #draco_malfoy
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@IGSA101 - 23.06.2024 08:27

A lot of our calculations still assume the speed of light to be A. the fastest achievable speed and B. a universal constant. Even though we have calculated galaxies moving at faster than light and we know that light is slightly slower in an atmosphere than in a vacuum. So our understanding of objects where we can only test them by their effect on light, is obviously going to be skewed.

@EksaStelmere - 23.06.2024 08:55

As a geophysicist who is also not a quantum physicist, thank you very much for covering this. It doesn't exactly go as hard as I'd like, but it's a start. We absolutely need to explain that the term "universe" is not something you can simply treat as something so inconsequential. Reality is far more impressive than people think by applying a term like "multiverse" without understanding how impressively all-encompassing as a universe actually is.

@quincythecreaten3703 - 23.06.2024 10:28

I'm a simple home school layman. I have very simple understanding of any of science. The Multiverse is similar to predestination/predeterminism, in that it robs the wait of chance and choice. Predestination it doesn't matter what you do or what happens, because it was predestined or predetermined to happen. In the multiverse case, because infinite versions of you did the same infinite versions of you did the opposite infinite versions of you did nothing. And infinite versions of you did something else entirely.

@almightyk11 - 23.06.2024 10:56

I have a lot I could say on this subject but this is not really the place for details.

When it comes to the "infinite multiverse" it is important to distinguish "infinite possibility" from "infinite outcome". You somewhat covered this when talking about the laws of physics, but the coke/pepsi analogy is another place to look. If you choose the pepsi, there was never a possibility of you choosing the coke. Your decision to choose pepsi was not the result of a coin flip, dice roll, or other random factor (random carrying that strongly there) instead it was a variety of circumstances that lead to you choosing pepsi that day. There may be an alternate timeline where you chose the coke, however the branch would have been much further back.

I was recently discussing this exact topic this morning, before seeing your video, when talking about a major issue with the movie "Yesterday". The entire premise of the movie is "Our world but the beatles don't exist" and that fundamentally doesn't work as a basic shift. The beatles were influential for many other bands, the acceptance of that style of music and british bands in general, and many musicians (including Ed Sheeran who is famous in the movie) likely wouldn't have gotten into music. It also has other factors too, like another band becoming the number 1 in place of the beatles. Why were they not mentioned?

A similar discussion was had when a friend mentioned a book about "If Nazis won WW2" which is a commonly brought up topic. It's one of those things that is hard to quantify when there are so many factors to consider. Even disregarding what is necessary to ask such as "When did they win" and "What technology would change" but it is important to consider "How did they win". A key factor for Germany to have won WW2 would be for the USA to not get involved, which requires Pearl Harbour not to happen. For Pearl Harbour not to happen, the Japanese needed to have chosen not to assist the Nazis which they did solely as an excuse to attack the USA. For Japan to not join, they would have to not be in a position to hold a grudge to want to attack the USA which would go so far back that it raises the question of "Would WW2 even have happened in that universe?".

tl;dr while all possibilities could potentially happen, they all happen in response to so many other factors that not every outcome is a possibility

Side note; I love to mess with people by pointing out that if all potential realities exist in the multiverse, it's possible there is a universe where the multiverse doesn't exist and it's likely ours

@TrueReverse74 - 23.06.2024 12:34

What was the point of this video? I mean i understand what you were saying, that a universe where our fiction is fact isn't and is a possibility, but was this just debunk someone who preaches about entering a different reality to ours? Cause it ain't computing to me. I know you said that it was clearing up what people think of multiverses, that's it's not infinitely branching realities from every time we didn't die from something. But the whole bit about harry potter being fake just seemed kinda pointless. Maybe it doesn't exist as magic in another universe, it's tech or something, or if magic does exist as we imagine it, then a big bang made it, just like a universe without was made. Overall, i'm just confused as to what the purpose of all this even was. Or at least that specific section.

@Mabra51 - 23.06.2024 12:51

Why the the big focus on choosing cocaine over pepsi ?

@GreatGreenGoo - 23.06.2024 14:46

The closest anyone will ever get to living in a fictional world is Matrix stle VR simulations. Which would still be pretty awesome

@yokai1235 - 23.06.2024 16:40

one curios thing about black holes is that exist a theory that the bigbang was a black hole that turned into a white hole after the previous universe reach its end aka maximum point of expansion. and basically created a new universe with no traces that the previous universe ever existed

@badpunking1883 - 23.06.2024 17:20

Finally, thank you. I have a friend who insists that the only valid interpretation of the multiverse is that anything that can be imagined will happen, thus leading to fiction being real, just in other universes.

As an amateur writer/worldbuilder I absolutely hate that interpretation because it is cosmologically incoherent. I keep trying to explain that, at least in my writings, anything that can happen will happen, not that anything that can be imagined will happen.

In short, in one timeline you got a coke, in another you got a pepsi, there is no timeline where you cast a spell to make yourself not thirsty.

And no, "except in the universe where it does" is not a good response, that's an infuriating joke answer when used in legitimate discussion that only proves a stubborn lack of willingness to engage in said discussion.

@Sercil00 - 23.06.2024 17:23

The multiverse. What a wonderful plot device to make a bajillion uninspired spinoffs with absolutely no consequences, or bring back whatever character you dramatically killed off in the main universe. Or you bring back a character with a different actor and explain why they look completely different now, and possibly why they're genderswapped too.

@lyka1392 - 23.06.2024 17:35

Now all i need to know is if the multiverse is real, why haven't other universes invaded ours?

@Therealsds1000 - 23.06.2024 17:45

"The multiverse is an abomonation. We need to return to Leviathan." Lethiva the 3th, the Grand Lilith.

@slevinchannel7589 - 23.06.2024 18:25

Video feels a bit silly to Me. While he isnt technically wrong and im not sure i wanna defend anyone who he called stupid iiim not surrre he's not missing some points, at the very least. I dont know if i manage to explain this but did you notice that this defintion of Multiverse here he uses entirely relies on "Its PARALLEL-Universes", wihch he DOES admit buuut not really follows where that leads to? So other Universes with Magic or actual Pokemon can still totally be real, they would just because of Petty-Defintion-Battle not count as the Multivers. Indeed, i think they call that Meta-Universe? But either way and anyway: in general, he dismisses a lot even though it has to be admitted its unknown if other Universes with completly-different-Rules dont also exist. So hairsplitting is definetly a thing. My comment is way too long and your epic for reading this much bet le me say one last thingg: Precedence is a Keyword with all this talk about 'Maaybe Hogwarts exists in another Universeeee'. Yes, magic isnt real but so much is real and just rare that simpy another Configuration of what we have can very well be extremly Otherworldly

Video relaly undersells this whole 'The Start of the Universe could have been different' but also just HOW WHACKY robot's own world is


@phantomgamer4463 - 23.06.2024 19:14

Is there a difference between Multiverse and Dimension ?

@davidross5640 - 23.06.2024 19:53

mulitverse doesnt exist, because a universe doesnt give a shit if you had cream in your coffee this morning or not... its call narcissism...

@MarcLombart - 23.06.2024 20:34

The irony of saying that people got the Schrödinger thought wrong when you get it wrong.

Erwin Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment, known as “Schrödinger’s cat,” was a critique of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. The Copenhagen interpretation, primarily developed by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, posits that a quantum system remains in a superposition of all possible states until it is observed or measured, at which point it collapses into one of the possible states.

@Derrick-hi7vk - 23.06.2024 20:52

Theory: If the multiverse exists then why do we think were the main universe. Maybe we haven't encountered aliens because we're not the main universe

@paradoxglitch1108 - 23.06.2024 21:03

There is something called a Type 4 Multiverse which actually would mean that things that seem fictional to us would actually be real to somewhere else so long as if it's mathematically possible, I recommend looking it up because it can get pretty weird.

@user-qd4zi4it4u - 23.06.2024 21:25

Real legends agree the old thumbnail was better

@kitestar - 23.06.2024 21:44

Ever since Hollywood became obsessed with it, I knew they were poisoning the idea of a multiverse with the incorrect presentations

@hatoru17 - 23.06.2024 22:24

The possibility of parallel universes is quite high. It will be possible for different laws to exist but I do agree that it's ludicrous for one thing you can create another world based on personal choice. A parallel world would have already existed and the thought of our choices creating one are is a little self-centered.

In Justice League : crisis on two earths, Owlman discovered the existence of parallel Earths where there are a multitude of different events that occurred that affected the outcome of that world's existence. This made him nihilistic because he felt that the life he lived and the choices he made didn't matter because it wasn't unique. He wasn't in control. He wasn't anything special. Everything stemmed from the existence of one world that branched off and created multiple parallel realities. In his twisted mind, this realization broke him to the point where he tried to destroy the entire multiverse.

With the exception of Superwoman, everyone didn't share his philosophy and worked together to stop him. Even if life isn't unique, it's still your own no matter how many other worlds are out there, it's important to think about the one you live in now. Some people who think so hard about how fiction turns out reminds me of that version of Owlman. Not content about the lives they have and trying to control others just because they're not satisfied. Wanting everything to cater to them. Nothing but pure selfishness.

@radudumitru3306 - 23.06.2024 22:29

well theres the stacked universe theory exists. ta ta

@christinehancock5995 - 23.06.2024 23:11

When I was ten years old, I had never heard of any such thing as a multi-verse. But I did tell myself a story:

Our universe is infinite, and somewhere there is another version of me with a completely identical planet and circumstances. I could trade places with her, but it would never ever make a difference, except that my doppelganger and I knew definitively we were from different identical planets and identical circumstances.

Probably not the most interesting story I could tell myself, but I was never big on making sincere wishes.

@WilliamiteWilliamiteStudiosWWS - 24.06.2024 00:54

Everything we know about the multiverse is not wrong
You’re wrong
Everything we know about the multiverse is right

@shadowsansvii8715 - 24.06.2024 04:32

It’s sad that there are people out there who actually think the multiverse is like that.

@the3dluxe53 - 24.06.2024 09:15

I also heard from someone once that parallel universes aren’t as glamorous as you might think. They don’t have any objects or enemies and not even any walls.

@ZontarDow - 24.06.2024 09:45

Something I like to remind people of when it comes to our understanding of the universe is that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics refute each other, both cannot be true yet not only are both observable in repeatable tests but there is technology that only works because of our understanding of each, meaning that like how Newtonian Mechanics was close enough to be practically applicable but still wrong both are likely the same and when we discover how to reconcile our observations of the micro and macro both will be replaced in a similar fashion.

This is also likely why a gravitational anomaly exists in our solar system that implies a 9th planet around the mass of a dozen Earth's orbiting on a tens of thousands year long orbit: a math error that exists from Relativity being wrong in the same way Newtonian Mechanics believed that a hypothetical planet that for decades was labelled "Vulcan" orbited around the Sun even closer the Mercury, which turned out to only be the result of a calculation error due to incorrect physics.

@thomasgeorgeputhukayil4110 - 24.06.2024 16:09

Was not expecting the Odd1sout to be in this video

@akmonra - 25.06.2024 00:33

Also want to point out that, even if the Multiverse is real, you will probably never be able to travel to a different branch. The problem with that is obvious. If, at a certain stage of technological advancement, a civilization can travel to other branches of the Universe, all you need is just a handful of those civilizations to be hardcore expansionists, and they would quickly conquer all the branches. Time wouldn't mean anything in this case, so it wouldn't matter if the conquest took a trillion years. If they could travel to other branches, we should already see them and be interacting with them. We don't, so it means they probably can't, which means we also probably can't.

@isaiahbarr452 - 25.06.2024 03:38

Where is the video where I can listen to your robot voice?

@Mustachioed_Mollusk - 25.06.2024 09:20

You’re not dumb for believing you make a universe by making a choice. That choice could only happen through conscious thought and you are the consciousness required for this universe to exist. As are the detractors of my previous statments.

Infinite universes are possible and it’s explainable. Infinity is pretty simple to understand but impossible to expirence in totality.

Idk if shifting is possible but that’s basically a form of time travel. So maybe.

Don’t be so negative. Just explain what you belive and state why.

Good talk.

@shovelhead3843 - 25.06.2024 12:39

The way you’re describing the multiverse sounds kind of similar to the library of Babel. While the library has books containing valuable information like how to cure any disease or the full history of the Earth, it is all buried under a sea of books containing gibberish.

@driddick7361 - 25.06.2024 22:12

Wait, if the multiverse is infinite wouldn't that eventually justify one with different laws of physics? Assuming the multiverse is real would create a new series of laws of physics and whatnot. Wouldn't the potential for a dimension with wonkier physics go up in an Infinite series of dimensions?

@SeanLigman-yo6yc - 26.06.2024 03:00

The cat isn't real ...so..who's the idiot now?

@caelenthehuman3256 - 26.06.2024 14:02

I think that if we do have an infinite multiverse, then of course there are an infinite amount of possibilities to what could happen, meaning that anything that can and will be created will be real, not just a creation. That is, if not all universes follow the same laws of physics or whatever. Now, whether it's possible to find said universes is 1/infinite, so it's unlikely as hell. It's fun to think that those things are in another universe, but it's impossible to ever get to that, so it's nothing but an entertaining thought.

@emilyglass5313 - 26.06.2024 18:12

Off topic, I love the animation for your 'sona.

@sand5305 - 27.06.2024 08:16

So porkbun just buys tons of domains and sells them to people?

Doesn't thay seem a bit scummy

@smartmouth1819 - 27.06.2024 23:48

I just like stories where fiction is real.... i don't actually BELIEVE that, and doubt that many people actually do.

It's just a fun trope jar

@I-do-not-exist-here - 29.06.2024 17:14

Schrodinger didn’t actually perform the experiment, he invented the concept because he thought quantum physics was dumb.

The universe is indefinitely expanding space, but it isn’t infinite.

A singularity spinning would be pretty weird, but the mass around a black hole spins constantly so it doesn’t matter in the end.

Even if all laws of physics are up for grabs and magic exists in other universes, you can’t ever go there. Why? Because if universal travel exists then we all would be crushed under the infinite number of people from infinite universes who decided this universe was worth going to. Same thing with shifting, since the soul (if it exists) has energy and transfering it would create infinite energy in the finite space of our universe.

@MiltonGagliardi - 01.07.2024 11:25

You are telling me there isn't a universe where a robot decided to create a MyTube channel called Just A Human? What a dissapointment...

@adriankoh4859 - 02.07.2024 05:13

There is a theory suggesting that the universe is an illusion, so if you want currently most sciencetific fact of the Multiverse, I can tell you this:
1. The universe is a lie and we are all just living in a game. A very powerful computer game.
2. We're a part of a super computer so powerful that can make multiple games. Or let's not call it a game let's call it "tests".
3. We are probably players in this game of life and we participate all choices all at the same time thus creating the Multiverse 👍

@JamestonBoi - 02.07.2024 12:05

So you got mentioned on Enter's newest video. Kind off surprised he mentioned you, considering you haven't talked about him since that one Enter video you made back in 2018.

@thecaptain2237 - 05.07.2024 02:20

Domain expansion
