Top Key Comics To Invest In For 2022

Top Key Comics To Invest In For 2022

Jerno's Comics & Pop Culture

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@pedrowindu6072 - 13.12.2021 16:10

Already got 2 on this list years ago. Nice choice of book

@donwilk9196 - 15.12.2021 09:45

Eyeing that X-Men 133 for sure. Just recently got back into collecting. Randomly found your page. Enjoying your vids bro!

@mattlabno1089 - 16.12.2021 06:47

One of my local shops had a flawless copy of xmen 133 for $50 in the beginning of the year. I didn't have enough money, so I waited on it. Came back 2 weeks later and it was gone! I know this happens to everyone, but that hurts since I'm collecting the full Uncanny run.

@mikebutler3239 - 17.12.2021 01:11

Nice video as all ways. I like the asm 50.

@nowherebound2908 - 17.12.2021 01:17

Great list, Chris! The only one I have is X-Men 133, bought last year. It looks like a possible 9.0 or more, but it's missing the bottom staple! No holes so it must be a printer error. Could that affect it negatively? I've heard it shouldn't, but I dunno...

@YurrNext - 17.12.2021 01:18

Thumbs-up on the Captain Britain #8
Take a look at Invaders annual #1
Awesome Alex Schomburg cover art you can afford in high grade.🤘

@remywohlman7880 - 17.12.2021 01:26

Don’t get fomo buddy

@MajestixComicsClix - 17.12.2021 02:42

I remember when you were doing a shill bidding video and you used ASM 50 as an example and you could have gotten a mid grade copy for like $500 back then when you were bidding lol

@michaeltan4204 - 17.12.2021 02:46

Nice affordable list. Your list is almost similar to mine. 😄

@bryant1979 - 17.12.2021 03:08

I believe that you are correct. I feel Most of the X-Men will be introduced piece by piece in late phase 4 mainly in phase 5 films.

@jasondcerny3646 - 17.12.2021 03:12

Great list! X-men 133 is also on my list.

@sade281 - 17.12.2021 03:22

Yoooooooo ASM 50 I hate that book!! That book I keep missing in my travels !! I hate it lol

@sade281 - 17.12.2021 03:24

I got that Dracula book in a 4.5 still love it dope cover !!

@gregorylinford - 17.12.2021 03:48

The captain Britain #8 book is so scarce in high grade. Uk published magazine format are basically made of toilet paper. It's a privilege to be in the UK to get your hands on these but still hard to find in great condition.

@zophar1001 - 17.12.2021 04:05

Maaaaan, I hate you for including WW 204 on this list! 😂 I can never touch it when I come across one lol

@rushdiehard8784 - 17.12.2021 04:22

6 for 8 for me in high grade 9.0 or above....missing the captain britain and wonder woman books....great content and video!!

@williambain3979 - 17.12.2021 06:01

Xmen are coming

@dandelatorre1870 - 17.12.2021 06:20

Brother, I also passed on X-Men 133, now I’m kicking myself. 😑

@latch78 - 17.12.2021 06:27

Kevin feige is bringing the marvel characters from Sony and Netflix into the MCU, so not sure why he wouldn’t do the same for FOX, especially since he was involved with some of the x-men movies.

@jbonilla8955 - 17.12.2021 06:59

Cool list, i love elektra, Talia al ghul, king pin, psylocke and tomb of dracula

@SwytchComics - 17.12.2021 07:03

I got two of the books on this lists. I'm in the process of making a list of my current tops wants as well!

@Dgrayman1313 - 17.12.2021 07:46

Man kingpin gonna be so hard to buy especially Elektra. Im currently been buying and sending comics to cgc that have low populations in 9.8s. Like I just bought a few usagi yojimbos. What if hulk killed wolverine newstand. Hoping to bring in funds to buy the keys you want 🙏

@kryptoniterocks8245 - 17.12.2021 08:19

You can’t top ASM 50 it’s without a doubt one of the greatest silver age book ever.. nuff said

@leeniren3706 - 17.12.2021 08:30

Yes the marvel books have had a big uptick over the past two years it stands to reason that DC books can do the same if they can only get their movies right. The last great movie they had was the dark Knight and it’s been all downhill from there. A good movie will cause the books to rise.

@LegendarySorrow - 17.12.2021 09:04

I have Tomb of Dracula 4-7 from a ways back. I love the presentation of the old horror books! Any recommendations on where to get comics cleaned/pressed? They could definitely use it.

@Longshanks78 - 17.12.2021 09:15

4 out of 8 is not bad. Cool vid man!

@majorcoleman7356 - 17.12.2021 10:55

i remember buying the x men 133 and the DD 168 off of the newsstand those where the good ole days , i remember reading the x men 133 in the car i couldn't wait to get home and read it the X men at that time was the best reading and beautiful art a lot of great memories

@bestcore1214 - 17.12.2021 17:29

Solid list! I have a few and also want a few on you list. Great minds think alike!

@GovernatorAO - 17.12.2021 18:03

Great list! That Daredevil book is on my grail list.

@fightthegoodfight52 - 17.12.2021 19:03

Nice list bro! I’m with you, if they get it together and give the DCEU some love, a lot of those newer characters could have an opportunity to shine! I’ve been picking up comics featuring Wonder Girl and Nubia. 😀

@ComicCollectorGeek - 17.12.2021 19:37

These comics were all ones which I own. Great choices. I was lucky I got all for very affordable prices. ASM 50 I paid $20 for my 4.0 copy 20+ years ago and Tomb of Dracula I bought around the same time for $2. Actually the Captain Britain I got in January of this year in 7.5 for $475, which was a bit of an overpay but it is a book you really don't see often.
I hope you get all of these books in 2022.

@noahidecomics - 17.12.2021 20:44

DC won't normally push a lot of the more recent characters in movies for a long time. Look at Batman the new movies coming up. Penguin, Catwoman, Riddler & Joker on his way. DC would rather continue to REINFORCE their Golden Age foundation. It's a long time of pushing the same old same old before they move slowly into some of the ones from a bit later on. There are exceptions with some commodities, but it's not how DC work usually. They think long term. Marvel spend their money straight away and throw in everything into their TV series with hot spec being endless. DC don't push that with their fans. They go slow. Wait 40 years, though, and you might notice what DC are doing.

@50TBRD - 17.12.2021 20:57

I got 2 copies of X-men 133 in lots for next to nothing. Decent copies but I’ve been on the lookout for a much better copy.

@actionman38 - 18.12.2021 07:46

The DC books will rise whether a movie is made or not. Good video!

@moodswing4460 - 19.12.2021 04:29

Too many books I want that has made me pass on good deals. Could have got a tod 1 9.0 for 400. Passed because I had something higher on my want list. Could I got captain Britain 8 and 1 9.2 signed for 1k but only had money for 1 went with captain Britain 1. First American Psylocke would be much more affordable but I assume you have a copy. Asm 50 is going to be really tough to get at a good price. Might be too late on that one.

@billgober2 - 20.12.2021 23:08

Munn was great the rest of the movie sucked

@lethalwolf7455 - 24.12.2021 12:45

I’m a huge spider man fan, no way home one?

@stevebell5017 - 24.12.2021 17:43

Pretty good list I don’t think you can go wrong with any of these

@sergioreyes1970 - 26.12.2021 03:41

Is this list for newbies? The train has taken off on many of these! It’s like telling someone to buy crypto when they should’ve gotten in 5-6 years ago.

@gator34kag - 03.01.2022 11:56

I’m back into comic collecting. Do you think venom vs carnage #2 2004 aka the first appearance of toxin is a good investment? With the possibility of toxin being in a future movie

@kennygee1245 - 30.01.2022 13:26

Thanks, Chris! I enjoy watching your content!

@biggieshaq - 26.02.2022 08:57

Hey jerno the wiseman sent me

@jjackomin - 21.03.2022 18:53

Investing in comic books is tantamount to a Ponzi scheme. Good luck.
