A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul

A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul

Ligonier Ministries

1 месяц назад

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@mattrollins7506 - 23.05.2024 18:19

Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” - Luke 17:20-21

@BirdieSenpai - 24.05.2024 07:05

I became postmillennial forty-eight hours ago, and, suddenly, I have all these great videos bombarding me out of nowhere to affirm postmillennialism for me.
