HOLMES AND WATSON - Official Trailer (HD)

HOLMES AND WATSON - Official Trailer (HD)

Sony Pictures Entertainment

6 лет назад

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@danieldegracia1690 - 15.02.2023 11:51

Love the way it parodies ,and makes fun of the real "bullshit" of a pretentious prick '.

@TighelanderII - 28.02.2023 21:00

I just watched it last night. Not a great movie, but better than the low rating it got.

@jakehubbert1258 - 15.03.2023 07:37

That’s hilarious 😆

@brunovanhove1832 - 08.04.2023 00:59

Ze zijn zot daar in Amerika,wat een geld verspilling.

@Scripture-Man - 10.04.2023 16:44

I liked the bit where he was trying to shoot the bees with a gun. The language puts me off though. The "no --- Sherlock" was justified, but the other just seemed gratuitous.This could have been a family film without the swearing.

@ugurxys8956 - 14.04.2023 13:02

amk, ilk 5 saniye zaten dayanılmaz bunu izliyorlar bir de

@HeroOfKiller - 17.05.2023 14:23

Wil Ferrell and John C. Reilly, both are American. This is show how American Ruined British culture lol

@jokomendoza_official - 25.05.2023 09:19

Plz remember when making such a series movie that some of our international viewers have purchased this movie for kids believing it is one of the Hollywood Sherlock Holmes series.

@filetmignon9978 - 23.06.2023 20:51

I don't understand! I grew up with the books and other movies, but why do people hate this movie so much?? I haven't laughed at a movie this much in a long time, I thought it was hilarious! I don't understand how this bombed tbh.

@liltyke585 - 26.06.2023 05:56


@felipeaguena5289 - 30.06.2023 00:42

Selfie! Haha so funny! Kill me

@giuseppeianniello1998 - 03.07.2023 00:20

No wonder this film won multiple Razzies

@Atarashifatan - 10.07.2023 13:08

This movie is a big example, even with the right actors, who are known to have great chemistry
It still can’t save the movie if the writing is bad

@Türkbjk-TR - 15.07.2023 11:13

Braun storman

@huh8662 - 03.08.2023 22:02

This movie could easily be the worst movie I've ever seen. If you laughed at any part of the trailer, you've seen all the parts that will make you laugh.

@robertcarpenter3098 - 22.08.2023 15:26

Not past me plot and plan neneh cherry pop star style to murder 1980 General months dog instead queen the works the lott redd robbearrirhe dub six irl 1968 to 2023 ad world april fools az above described 1986

@nodgelyobo1 - 16.10.2023 07:26

Probably the worst movie in any genre that has ever been ever made!

@CricketNite - 21.10.2023 21:05

Methinks this is a Clue!

@samwhitacre - 08.11.2023 17:23

I was such a Will Ferrell fan, and I thought it was funny and I accepted it. I just held the truth inside. And, you know, it's just been tearing away at me all these years. And now, five years later, looking back at it, I just gotta come clean and honest, man. I'm just gonna let it all out. This movie is f**king terrible!

@al1383 - 17.11.2023 04:10

Worse "comedians" to pick for these rolls. Who thinks these teo are funny?!?

Its pie in the face humor. Nothing creative, wity, or new.

@joelugalde8843 - 06.12.2023 22:06

This is by far one of the biggest insults to one of the greatest literary characters of all time. Not only has this movie Forgot to capture the same spirit and heart of the original novels, but made something extremely forgettable and I’m watchable that no hardcore cinephile would ever want to see this. Weird humor, a thinly messed up plot, worst casting choices, and A mystery not worthwhile, makes us not only one of the worst adaptations of all time, but one of the worst movies of 2018.

@christianmcgee2169 - 27.12.2023 00:22

Yeah I’m a dumbass don’t watch this movie

@KarinaGambirazio - 12.01.2024 23:12

Sherlock Holmes de verdad muy aparte de sus INVESTIGASIOES
me parece SUPER DIVERTIDOS Y PASAN POR Estúpidos. Jajaja
QUE CONTINUEN LOS ÉXITOS FUTUROS., Su amiga FOREVER Karina4ever la hija del Altísimo 😂❤😇🌟🌟

@constantreader7483 - 12.03.2024 11:23

Holy fucking shit, how can something so awful be comprised of so many things I love?

@sarahelizabeth778 - 15.03.2024 04:56

You can’t convince me this isn’t just Dale and Brendan living out their fantasy movie.

@MissClaireAnnBradshaw - 18.03.2024 04:07

i didnt know men could scream

@leavingitblank9363 - 21.03.2024 06:45

This looks terrible, but so many great faces!

@laikacons - 18.04.2024 05:32

They had me laughing during the quote in the beginning. Hannah Montana as a quote to start a Sherlock Holmes story. I can’t stop laughing. Also, the dr*gs jokes has a morbid sense to it. Also, “no sh*t Sherlock”.

@aceyourhole9538 - 29.04.2024 10:24

The films not as bad as people are saying on here
It’s just good enough to make it well below average
*Genuinely not being sarcastic

@TheSonicPerson - 29.04.2024 17:10

Absolute garbage

@calebsoria1901 - 12.06.2024 22:20

Nothing but jokes.
This is by far the worst portrayal of Sherlock Holmes.

@garud7560 - 22.06.2024 11:33

Abomination.... These woke directors are ruining the classics🤐🤐

@2BigFooted - 26.06.2024 03:56

Who else never knew this existed? It's kinda crazy how you can put out two legendary movies and then flop so hard.

@99GregPotter - 07.07.2024 22:29

This would have done amazing on Netflix

@AnuradhaKulathunga-xu5px - 24.08.2024 07:18

One of my favorite movie ❤😂

@mariannacross2538 - 02.09.2024 05:10

it's a mid movie, but my dad loves it, and i like seeing him laugh

@georgepom328 - 22.10.2024 01:18

It was a brilliant idea a comedy sherlock holmes like that funny but it was terrible

@hytek3962 - 25.10.2024 19:46

This movie was so bad it was good

@sethcrowleyflamel5383 - 13.11.2024 22:46

Braun strowman?

@FrankSteen_Jr - 15.12.2024 01:07

.... a woman doctor!

@ThePillager2099 - 01.01.2025 03:50

This movie is hilarious!!!!

@zdravkobitunjac9542 - 13.01.2025 14:25

This movie is so bad that is actually good .

@RoseDewitt-v8k - 08.02.2025 05:24

"Yeah no shit sherlock"

@WestgateShelby - 28.02.2025 20:54

Butchered the comedy we once had.

@joshx2117 - 15.03.2025 05:23

It was actually pretty funny

@1.4142 - 17.03.2025 03:18


@bertoinocencio6840 - 21.03.2025 10:13

Didn’t remember Will clearly disliking a bad script he usually makes do an makes even crap films good …. I feel like John nor Will could be bother to . God dare I say “ Try “ to act.

@aleixgarciacheca - 24.03.2025 13:52

O my goood how know

@aleixgarciacheca - 24.03.2025 13:53

Hola soy el cejas
A ver chati tiene novio?
Donde está que le meto dos placas que lo noqueo
Tu pa mi, que yo no soy celoso

Cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao que le meto
Cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao cuidao placa placa
Te meto una ensalada de pidias que vas a ver las estrellas, pimpin
Pim pin pim pin pim pin
Que le meto
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, placa placa
En cómo se ponga tontito le meto un
Marmita con tos los piños, que le tumbo
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, pim pin
Pim pin pim pin pim
Que vas a ver las estrellas
Pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin placa placa
Pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin placa placa

Mucho Bad Bunny, pero aquí el cejitas manda más
Te voy a dejar hecha una menestra de conejo, tontito
Aquí el que manda soy yo
Pichon pichon pichon pichon pichon pichon, a que te robo la motito
Pichon pichon pichon pichon pichon pichon, mazapán
Pan pan pan pan-pan pan pan pan, mazapán
Pan pan pan pan-pan pan pan pan que le meto
Plac plac plac plac plac plac plac
Plac plac plac plac plac, placa placa
Plac plac plac plac plac plac plac plac plac plac plac plac, pimpin
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, pimpin
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, placa placa
Pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin
Pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin, placa placa

A ver tu mazapán
Que le meto un marmita con todos los piños que le tumbo
Que le meto
Que le tumbo
Te meto, te meto, te meto, te meto
Te meto, te meto, te meto, placa placa
Te meto, te meto, te meto, te meto
Te meto, te meto, te meto, placa placa

A ver chati tienes novio
Donde está que le meto dos placas que lo noqueo
Tu pa mi, que yo no soy celoso
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, placa placa
Pim pin pim pin pim pin, que vas a ver las estrellas
Pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin, placa placa
Pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin pim pin, que le meto
