Summer Day Ticket Carp Fishing Masterclass (2024) | Darrell Peck

Summer Day Ticket Carp Fishing Masterclass (2024) | Darrell Peck

Korda TV Carp Fishing

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@water2bank804 - 22.07.2024 20:09

Lol if your that confident in your sharp hook theory put one that you consider blunt inside your lip attached to a 2 oz inline and drop the lead....see how that blunt hook does 😂

@SteveMartin1971 - 22.07.2024 20:12

Brilliant video Darrell / Korda . The masterclass videos are to help everyone and give great solid content anyone can use or tweak to suit themselves not just snippets of info (secret squirrel) that leave folk wondering how/why etc.
Even if the venue is taped off or put under cotton wool , it's for OUR benefit because the fantastic video footage/content brings carp fishing to everyone just like when Danny started he wanted carp fishing for all not just secret pockets, hence why the brand is bullet proof and all the Korda workforce from the very top to the bottom are committed to the cause .
Flawless as always Korda , Thankyou.

Steve M

@briancorby01 - 22.07.2024 21:30

Kudos to Gary ,,, again 🎥
Tight lines, great reel 🐠🎣

@MartynsAnglingAdventures - 22.07.2024 21:48

Nice one Darrell.

@Mark-r5h8q - 22.07.2024 22:13

F.G.A. guess what that means. Tight Lines All.

@jackmorris7741 - 22.07.2024 22:38

Spent a large portion of my childhood with my grandad and uncles fishing week in week out. I don’t understand this new modern angler Jargon, fucking painful to listen to.

@scriptr6 - 22.07.2024 22:49

Does anyone know what butt grips he’s using on the buzz bars

@bryn3652 - 22.07.2024 23:01

Dropping leads on a venue like that can't be good.

@suzypennycook3047 - 22.07.2024 23:42

When does Monster Carp season 9 start please?

@callumwilliams4578 - 22.07.2024 23:50

Abit of a random one... will korda be bringing out there wader cover in dark camo ?

@Mikeyboofboof - 23.07.2024 00:35

Good vid with some useful tips🙂Lots of people here whinging about the fishery reserving Darrell a peg. Bit silly and naive to be offended by this-been going on for donkeys years in angling films and is perfectly acceptable IMO. Korda throw staff time and a lot of money at filming projects like this so of course they’re going to need a decent peg to film on. They’re even 100% honest about it too, so I fail to see why people are so bothered🤷🏻‍♂️. Only question I’ve got is what was the diameter of the rope……😉

@MrGoodring - 23.07.2024 00:40

New set of waders by korda and blue krimp tool?????

@bogeybeamish3772 - 23.07.2024 02:32

Several times you said you said you had put quite alot of bait in, but would have been useful to say how much.

@dylzdylz1003 - 23.07.2024 09:49

Watching peckers fish makes me think it has nothing to do with luck🤣pure skill

@garyhewes5766 - 23.07.2024 11:36


@benscarping2941 - 23.07.2024 12:48

I don’t understand the people chatting shite tbh, yeah they roped off a swim, but if you were trying to make a film and paying a camera crew why would you risk a rubbish shoot by getting a shit swim on a very busy complex, it doesn’t matter if the swim was roped off or not the film still shows exactly how to apply good angling practice in that situation, and if everyone is that fussed about ‘no privileges’ there are a metric ton of those videos on Korda’s page. Genuinely baffles me how low some people’s IQ is to have some of these silly opinions, blatant ignorance and jealousy clearly as they can’t seem to catch as well as the anglers shown in Korda’s films. The people who slate big companies for stuff like this talk utter bollocks, they can keep their temu and ngt gear and catch less carp because of it, I’ll keep using quality gear and watching quality films as they each help people catch more carp

@KingRiley-hx8xd - 23.07.2024 14:04

Day 1 of asking korda for a pair of kaizen platinums

@terminator882 - 23.07.2024 17:16

Is Darrell back with mainline baits already???thought he moved to sticky baits about a yr or so ago....or was this filmed before he moved baiting companies

@michaelbiberacher7938 - 23.07.2024 18:03

Like the Movie 👍

@bank_life_therapy - 23.07.2024 20:59

Back to Mainline? Thought Sticky was his new bait company

@vicencarp - 23.07.2024 21:02

I went back to mainline thinking I was on sticky baits
gj darrel

@leeshaw2940 - 23.07.2024 22:36

Good video but the spomb float advice was obviously forgotten about shortly after mentioned

@brynb2502 - 23.07.2024 23:14

Yep roped off swim says it all and probably pre baited for you as usual 🤦‍♂️

@jacobferris4556 - 24.07.2024 01:20

Well done pecky lad 👍🏼

@pennywise7903 - 24.07.2024 21:32

Would you use the Bait up method feeders at the start of the session as opposed to bags any time?

@darrenking3622 - 25.07.2024 17:30

epic bit of carp fishing darrell, well done, they luved the fishmeal

@ogc1312 - 25.07.2024 21:08

Went to Norton the other day and there was 3 swims free hahahahaha fucking korda noddies everywhere

@DaveHamlett-1982 - 26.07.2024 01:19

Great vid Darrell keep em coming was at st Johns meself 5th july weed was just getting up couldn't get a drop so fished a naked chod pink pop up managed a 26lb linear beautiful character he was great place i fish bluebell alot at min

@kothi9637 - 26.07.2024 06:19

Where can i buy these nice waders?

@matthewcadle7200 - 26.07.2024 07:46

Cubbing season it is!.....

@w2tb36 - 26.07.2024 17:05

He is an actor, like most of them video anglers.

@steveunderhill2341 - 26.07.2024 21:44

I thought you was on sticky baits now

@Andysaurus73 - 26.07.2024 22:02

Great stuff was always gonna be a hauling vid if Darrell’s angling,big thumbs up from me for not putting your lips on the fish👍🏻👍🏻

@adibbins - 28.07.2024 00:05

Am surprised the camera crew, having picked up the rod and bite, why isn't he responsible for completing the catch and landing the fish?

@manninghr1 - 28.07.2024 02:10

Hi Darrell, I was confused the dark matter leader shown at 48.57 minutes is not the same leader shown at 49.01 minutes, so thought hang on what going on here while typing this I have found the KSZ52 leader you mentioned and ordered some.

@craigdalgliesh6728 - 29.07.2024 19:22

Brilliant vid, Pecky level of detail is different class

@ianchallis232 - 29.07.2024 21:02

Ffs let Gary put one in the net 😂 Enjoyed this guys, nice one.

@roostersfishingteam - 31.07.2024 22:39

when is gonna be korda waders available? 😄

@davesfishingoutdoors - 01.08.2024 00:45

I couldn't leave the cameraman film the take to get a video of the spool spinning on a barbless hook, bit worried it would turn go slack and the hook would pop out

@carldyke76 - 01.08.2024 22:30

Why wouldnt u do this review in the dark, as usual recently , pointless ..and for the record the trakker fan is the best on the market no offnence NGT u are amazing and i buy most of your bits and bobs, but this review was wank

@Sniffer1111 - 03.08.2024 02:21

Quality video. Much appreciated you guys sharing your tips and knowledge. What is the waterproof jacket pecky is wearing? Looks decent

@88pinkee - 03.08.2024 20:38

I've started carp fishing 2 months ago. I didn't know anything about it. Tactics, rigs, how carp behave, really almost nothing. You guys are doing an amazing job. I started with ready done rigs and everything, now i can do it all by myself. I always go just from sunset to sundown, since i still have to buy all the camping gear so i can stay overnight. But i got myself some nice fish. 3 20+ pounders and one over 30 in a local water where people mostly catch 10-20 pound carps (a lot of them) and only every now and then (maybe once a month) a 20+ pops up. Some would say it's just luck but i believe that everything i've learned from this channel is the reason the fish landed in my net.
The whole korda team and this channel is years ahead of any other carp fishing channels on YT imo and i just want to thank you for all the the amazing videos you are producing, especially the how to and masterclass videos you've made!

@davesfishingoutdoors - 08.08.2024 01:40

Fantastic film as always by Korda, But that was day ticket fishing, multiple night sessions, not fishing at night and baiting and waiting,
Day ticket session masterclass should be 5pm Friday to Saturday night, that's what 80% of us anglers get in the real world if that, awesome film but not a true reflection at all of day ticket summer fishing

@CarpFish1 - 10.08.2024 06:51

Find it bad angling that you don’t treat catfish the same as a carp every fish deserves the same respect

@andrewtate8303 - 24.08.2024 15:58

Pucker ! Wicked! Result !

@markchesson3346 - 29.08.2024 21:14

It ain’t a day ticket master class is it if you get best swim ffs lol

@mattm4600 - 18.09.2024 23:11

At least there admitting about roped off swims now but it's still artificial fishing and not a level playing field. The video is supposed to be educational but the context is unrealistic

@ronin9283 - 22.09.2024 17:38

Some boy!! Awesome angling mr peck!!

@cafesandcampfires6456 - 13.01.2025 16:06

Great stuff. I think our definition of summer in the states is touch different though. Beanie hat, hoodie and long pants in summer here would cook you.
