ОтветитьGOD BLESS ❤❤❤
ОтветитьBecause Maddie is the favorite MeLiSsA
ОтветитьI can tell this is one of those fights they were forced to have 😂
Ответитьthis entire situation was blown out of proportion if you've ever danced at a studio before the teachers show favoritism and the best person's solo gets shown to the entire studio. if you don't like it take your kid elsewhere but it's an art. just like in art studios the best artists work is put on display. I get that they're 9 but they also were dancing at a professional level at that age. professionals don't get upset when someone is featured/ better then them that's just how show business goes.
Ответитьthat's why chloe won anyway with no support from her teacher and then maddie had the audacity to throw a fit
ОтветитьThe goood gwurrlll got me dead
ОтветитьMelissa’s layers are not layering
ОтветитьMother/bullies should have spent less time worrying about what Maddie was doing and more time asking why Maddie gets ahead and focusing on their own kids doing the same. They'd be a lot happier and their kids would be better dancers. Abby didn't make people hate her. The mothers grown women in charge of their own feelings, decided to dislike her all on their own and role model that to their kids.
ОтветитьAbby is a monster.
Ответить“I don’t want to dance here anymore” Why do the mums always talk as if it’s them who dance or them who won
ОтветитьI love nia mom
ОтветитьI like how the official account admits Abby was turning the other kids against her.
ОтветитьI think this is one of the best days ever
ОтветитьI don’t believe for one second that Maddie believed Abby when she constantly told her that all her friends are jealous of her and will never be happy for her and don’t really like her, she might have been a kid getting gaslighted and manipulated, but she knows she had real friends. And it’s funny how she talk about them never being happy for her but if Maddie got 2nd place she couldn’t even be happy if it was her friend who got first because abby made her feel like she should ALWAYS be the one to get first and held her to an impossible standard. I know she was happy for her friends to win but couldn’t show that she was okay with getting 2nd or 3rd in front of abby, like how are any of these girls supposed to win in Abby’s eyes with a system like that?
ОтветитьPeople naturally have favorites and that’s okay, but being Abby’s favorite, especially back then, might not have been the best thing.
ОтветитьMelissa: flips out don’t ask me to come back 😡😡
Also Melissa: comes back the next morning everyone has their moments it was no big deal 😁
Ответитьabby and melissa are both on my nerves they are always putting maddie first all the time, and what about others they Count aswell this favourite is just sickness me it doesn't feel it's dance mom's its all about maddie
ОтветитьIt’s sad that everyone criticise melissa but it’s not her fault. the other moms would do the same as her. maddie was the best, she has the technique but also the emotion. she became the most famous for a reason
ОтветитьI'm actually curious that if maddie were to go to a different studio would she be as good as she is? Would she be as famous?
ОтветитьMelissa yes you do when you just lie. To Kristy and Kelly this isn’t right Plus of Jerry ballet school is Chloe is going to get it not Maddie is not.
Ответитьyou can really see by the way abby talks about/with chloe and maddie the way she really hates chloe. i truly don’t know why because maddie and chloe are two truly talented dancers and the way she acts is absurd
ОтветитьI Blame MadDie she knew what she was doing and she did it anyways she has No Remorse
She Disgusts Me
Is it just me or holly has never said a bad word 😮😅😊
Ответитьam I the only one noticing Nick and Brandon sitting with the senior company??
ОтветитьI like how Abby said I hope Maddie will dance forever but left in season six
ОтветитьChristi and Kelly being Jealous of Maddie is more like it. How they mad Abby prefers her over Chloe?!
ОтветитьI don’t like Christie Chloe because her mother Christie is just so mean to Maddie and Melissa she says she sticks up for all the girls but she only does it for Brooke page Chloe Nia McKenzie except Maddie Melissa is not my favorite dance moms because she’s also rude to her kids my favorite dance moms is jail by the way Christie Chloe I don’t like you
ОтветитьI feel so sorry for chloe. She gets the short end of the stick all the time. Her, Nia, Kendall, Camryn and its sad. Everyone else like Kalini, Brynn, elianna, and lillana as well as maddie she treats like queens. Its not right
ОтветитьActually as you may guys know the scene when Abby called Chloe a sneak which was terrible but Christi did defend Maddie
ОтветитьWith Maddie she doesn’t give her a hard time but like she doesn’t give them to the other girls
Ответить"I don't want to dance here anymore, Maddie." I thought Maddie was the one dancing, not Melissa, hahaha. The reason Maddie is marking things is because she ran her solo twice and is tired
ОтветитьAnd tbe mother put their children through that she on so if them
ОтветитьThis title sums up everything wrong and toxic with Abby’s relationship with Maddie. She’d manipulate this kid 24/7 saying things like “nobody’s happy for you, everyone’s jealous of you,” “the moms are vultures,” “you know Chloe would never be happy for you.” She even tried to manipulate Maddie to go against her own mother to appease her. Their relationship was not loving or healthy, idk how people can watch Abby’s obsession and gaslighting of Maddie and say Maddie should be “grateful"- she didn't ask to be the favorite.
ОтветитьMy name is maddie
ОтветитьChristie stats the drama. Always
ОтветитьOh my God, just keep dancing. I got into the Joffrey Ballet Russian Masters Ballet princess Grace and much more and I’m 11.
ОтветитьYou're sick and tired because you know it's the truth
ОтветитьMaddie is the one who stabbed her friends in the back