How porn addiction destroys your drive to go after your dreams

How porn addiction destroys your drive to go after your dreams


2 года назад

86 Просмотров

Download my Free Ebook “7 Things You Can do Now to Stop Watching Porn”

Access my Zen Guide to freedom from porn course:

If you are ready to start your journey towards a porn free lifestyle book a call with me now while spots last:

If you want to start your meditation journey, click here to access my meditation course:

Click here to listen to my Podcast: Aware Alpha

If you want to start your gratitude practice, click here to get my Ebook “My Gratitude Manifesto”

Connect with me on social media
Facebook : Muhammad Seafi
Instagram : Muhammadseafi1
Twitter: Muhammad Seafi
Tiktok: Muhammad Seafi

I do want to mention that everything I am sharing here are personal experiences of mine and the individuals I have helped overcome their habits around pornography. You must be aware that past performances don't necessarily indicate future results. I am not a medical professional or therapist. If you are feeling addicted to pornography and need serious help, please contact your physician to discuss a normal treatment. I am only sharing experiences and practices that have worked for me and have helped me overcome my obsessive habits around watching porn. Thank you for stopping by and I am excited for you to start your journey.


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