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@jessquinn6106 - 10.07.2022 05:22

I have read a few different versions recently of Jacko. Most do not have an ending, just ends abruptly. A couple say he either escaped, was let go or died on the way to "wherever". Jacko however was not the only one captured in the 1880s. As you say Will, the older stories seem to hold more weight to them. I try to focus on the 1600s-1800's the most. LONG before "sasquatch" was made a household name.

@brucewhaneyll2561 - 10.07.2022 05:56

I believe it I have herd quite afrew stories from my mom about the bigfoot an my husband wasn't the type of person who would tell u some story to take ur time up

@cfuzzkennedy - 10.07.2022 05:59

So does a young “Bigfoot” have big feet?

@pharllslim4544 - 10.07.2022 06:36

Being Engl ish! the words British and Columbia always seemed strange put together. Bit like your peanut n jelly/jam. Cheese n Jam is what your looking for.
Yh I know
It's not Sa'be related but it's 04:35 am uk time and I've just got back .

@ByGraceIGo - 10.07.2022 08:34

Hey Will I don't know what's wrong but it seems like your voice sounds low and I have my volume completely turned up all the way, and also I know it's not my phone because when I add comes on it scared the crap out of me cuz it was so loud. Just wanted to let you know. 👍

@trymeimalreadyaghost1456 - 10.07.2022 09:21

Maybe at one time Many years ago something existed but With armies of people hunting and chasing the mythical sasquatch today I find it odd that there's so little "evidence" of it's existence. A couple videos and footprints that's pretty much it( pretty much as in maybe there is a little more but still not a lot). No animal can exist without leaving traces of it's existence everywhere it goes. If there are deer in an area you can continuously find tracks poo have occasional sightings and recordings etc. If there are bears in the area again you will find signs over and over again and have sightings. Even if this sasquatch was smart and avoided humans that still doesn't explain it's ability to leave virtually no trace almost ever. supposedly this sasquatch exists but leaves almost no trace ever is rarely seen and when it is seen it's generally only in circumstances where you could mistake one animal or sound for something else or sounds can be distorted by the environment like at night or when you are hyped up? I imagine many people who have had "experience" with sasquatch have actually been hearing normal animals and seeing shadows etc but in the moonlight at night with all the hype and emotions imagination can easily get away from a person (we all know this to be possible even if you refuse to acknowledge it might have happened) leaving them hearing and seeing say a bear, in the dark with people on edge already, but believing it's sasquatch (not to mention they really want it to be sasquatch). And we definitely know that when someone believes something you can just about beat them to death with undeniable facts and proof and they will refuse to listen and even get mad. I'm waiting for those reactions. I know they are coming because the people who believe they saw sasquatch will not accept that maybe they didn't. But in order to be absolutely sure they would have to be perfectly in tune with their environment and could identify exactly what sounds and shadows they saw and heard. No chance whatsoever the environment (and their imagination) was playing tricks on them. So ok animal experts who can identify all bear sounds and animal shapes in any light and place, who have perfect night vision and who are invulnerable to being fooled it was sasquatch.

@darrenwoolley8736 - 10.07.2022 09:51

You Bigfoot fans are so enthusiastic, good for you guys

@victorknezevich7281 - 10.07.2022 12:43

Why no pictures taken of Jacko,?photography was surely available,maybe it was just a chimp,escaped from a travelling zoo, no evidence for this other than heresy.

@judas2891 - 10.07.2022 12:52

How come after hundreds of years we still dont have bodily evidence of these creatures or clear photographs? Skeletal remains? These creatures are just stuff of legends and dont actually exist.

@lesamos8900 - 10.07.2022 14:56

Australia has a big foot ,i married her lol

@johnvan6082 - 10.07.2022 19:00

Hey Willstar , more good work . Keep ' coming ! When I was a kid back in the early 70's . I heard several accounts of this story as well . Probably in the National Inquirer or the National Star ( later just called Star magazine and mainly dealing with celeb - u - tards ) in the version I recall , Jacko was being shipped to Britain to be put on display ( alive ) but the ship carrying him sank .

@kloverwise7317 - 10.07.2022 20:44

Have you come across forest supernatural entities/tree beings/tree demons/ or portals in the woods???? I am new to your channel and love your content so very much!!!!! I’m truly so happy I find your videos! I loved the Indian lady story. That is the first of its kind that I have heard. Very interesting and it is all so cool and exciting to me and my husband!

@Swordsman69 - 10.07.2022 22:42

Will, I like and respect you and your podcast, but I must admit giving locations is creating a very dangerous situation for all concerned. I can only see problems from people going places they shouldn't go.

@bretthansen3560 - 11.07.2022 00:54


@LTD-7 - 11.07.2022 01:58

Once i was chased by BigTits through the woods....

@joseph9531 - 11.07.2022 02:42

They are Nephilim, human hybrids.

@lukebertrichardson7799 - 11.07.2022 07:01

I have seen nothing that can not be explained, by natural abilities, I have not seen any type of portal, yet if portals can be activated by sound, they could do it.
They have three kinds of hair, the longest hair is triangular and translucent; all apes can learn to make their hair stand up, when Sabe does this, depending on angle of vision, they can completely disappear, or seem to half fade away. It is like Sabe has thousands (millions?) of three sided mirrors extending out beyond it's pelt.
Sabe is almost completely, of quick twitch muscle fibers, much like Chimpanzees, or Gorillas. Amazing strength, speed, and quickness, they pay for it by the limited time they can function at peak expenditure. Longest I have seen then heard was a little under 3 minutes. I have never seen one swimming or in water above their head. Quick twitch fibers are denser than slow twitch, I have seen one in water at about shoulders, and I could tell he was walking on the bottom. Dense - Heavy - Low Endurance (compared to man) - can twist a person in half before they know they are dead.
Sabe uses infrasound, low frequency sound waves, that can cause nausea, confusion, in severe cases hallucinations, I do not know if they can kill with it. I know between their hair, and their use of sound, they can appear and disappear at almost will. Construct a high frequency generator from an old radio, $10-$29 in parts, how to's and diagrams on the net. I use it at bat level, and they show no notice. Make one , use it, be astounded. You will see that which you should not be able to.
DOGS: Sabe hates dogs, and will go out of his way to kill them. I go with a minimum of three. Sabe has killed Sissy (golden retriever,) she would not even go to their side of the river. bastards stoned her. maybe a couple of others over the last 35 years. not positive. They take injuries at about the level of a kodiak bear, they bleed, they die. Do Not trust them, they are an apex predator, it is the consuming first thought of them always. You can go from interesting to snack cake in an instant. Going to the woods? Take a weapon that is powerful enough to pause a large bear in its tracks, minimum of three dogs (and they have to be able to mind when excited,) ultrasonic sound generator, and a friend or two - three - 67 or so. When in the woods do not let someone drift off somewhere alone. Be careful, be safe, do not trust the aggressive lying bullies, the two 9ld stories ring true with what I have been told. They are not your friend, or a friend to the forest. When man became friends with canines, it started Sabe's long retreat into the remote regions. Because of rural areas depopulating, Sabe is having a population explosion. be safe, listen to your gut, you feel weird get the hell out of there.

@seko2426 - 11.07.2022 22:14

Oh yeah! Something unknown, rare and seen the first fuckin time.....
Of course a human is chasing it, scrambling senseless with a rock!
Even a wonder he didn't beat it dead!!!

@miked1765 - 12.07.2022 00:10

As I recall, years ago John Green investigated this and said he believed it to be false and created to sell newspapers.

@chrisgann8986 - 12.07.2022 01:25

Looks like an Ewok ha ha

@debbytonks49 - 12.07.2022 23:30

I always look forward to your video's Willstar. There truly isn't anyone else who puts as much detail into their content, it helps you imagine the story better when you can see exactly where it all happened! Top draw stuff for all of us absolutely fascinated with Bigfoot & the like.👍👍👍

@bigp3006 - 14.07.2022 02:05

If sasquatch is migratory, perhaps the area lies along their route.

@hunni2theb498 - 14.07.2022 02:13

Dude, please jump into the 21st century, we are NOT Indians, we don't come from India. We are First Nations People.

@markhansen8078 - 14.07.2022 05:56

As always you did a very good job showing us where this all happened and provided excellent background to the stories. I heard the story about Jacko before but did not recall all of the details. I can't help but wonder what was the fate of Jacko. I suspect that since it is so mysterious it was not a good ending for Jacko. I wonder what is going to happen when our government acknowledges these creatures exist and live in our forests. TY MH

@ozarklisa1199 - 15.07.2022 07:15

Clicked from your short. Never clicked so fast man! Do this more!

@ozarklisa1199 - 15.07.2022 07:25

Dang. The youngster captured. Gotta go dig around and see if I can find anything else. Crazy

@blueunicorn9793 - 15.07.2022 10:12

Thanks Willstar 🙏❤️🙏❤️👣♥️👍 Great channel, google earth approach is new and awesome

@-SoldierofChrist- - 15.07.2022 21:26

I think we should leave them alone. Not cool

@corrinaeastman368 - 16.07.2022 07:56

Great story, Great story telling😊🥰

@seko2426 - 17.07.2022 21:49

It's very sad the juvenile were beaten unconscious by a rock, brought in captivity and tortured! They're sensible beings and unable to survive in captivity! As the white shark is!! They need their Clan/family, their liberty and a lot of space to move!
In captivity they die within days because of sadness and depression

@jeremiahyeo5863 - 19.07.2022 12:53

Unfortunately, Indians are also liars too. Every last one of us are sinful transgressors against God. None of us are without sin.

I think this “tale” of them boring children is total b.s. - This you could definitely call a “story“. I think we very easily forget that Native cultures also utilize metaphor and hallucinatory experiences along with folklore and intrigue to assist in painting a poetic picture regarding the past. For instance - according to native cultures, the earth rests upon a stack of turtles.
But we should just go ahead and blindly and willfully accept that native cultures don’t needlessly lie. That’s a lie in and of itself. I’m born again, not born yesterday.

I think this yarn of a tale belongs on Dixie Cryptid‘s “it might be true” fairytales and fables. Let’s not throw logic out the window now all because someone hyper allegorizes an event.

Dogs cannot procreate with cats. Birds cannot procreate with lizards. One kind cannot procreate with another kind. Humans and Sasquatch are different kinds. Have you ever looked at your feet and realized you don’t have a metatarsal break, Nor the ability to propel yourself by way of a quadrupedal gait, let alone the ability to rip entire large trees out of the ground. The Sasquatch do.

Why we suddenly make the exception that a mountain ape could procreate with a human, completely escapes me!! This is so ridiculous.

Next I’m sure you’ll finish up with trying to confirm that humans evolved from apes. This is just more unsubstantiated conjecture about the past. This is not scientific whatsoever.

Better off if you just tell some more “stories”.

@davidapple8047 - 23.07.2022 19:46

I have heard the story of Jacko and also of the Sasquatch who broke into the house and the mom and children did get away only to leave the house for good. Crazy,scary stuff sure! Great stories WILLSTAR!

@jekillhyde1253 - 25.07.2022 12:05

Indians are from India

@Loonytunes1961 - 26.07.2022 12:25

The family of bigfoots in my neighborhood woods the father wore a Harvard sweatshirt which explains their snobbish behaviour

@georgetabacco5379 - 22.08.2022 03:31

They had cameras then , where is the photo !!!

@blancamiranda778 - 28.08.2022 02:05


@admiralhowdy - 08.09.2022 01:11

It's a cruel cruel world. Those poor women.

@jdmbraceyourself695 - 08.10.2022 04:51

Great news

@maverick627uk - 09.10.2022 00:01

A very well put together channel my friend. Very interesting and fascinating subject and the maps etc help get more of a feel of each testimony. Good work 👍👍

@bridgetmonica31 - 08.12.2022 10:26

Only 127 pounds.

@patsyspikes1188 - 12.12.2022 03:30

If it was captured why didn't they film it hard to believe without evidence

@elsie9649 - 16.06.2023 04:26

May be real.

@westcarter3862 - 19.06.2023 17:35

.. Apparently The Captured Juvenile'.. Went DELINQUENT !! 😹🦍

@philliplosco6988 - 11.08.2023 04:21

Nobody believes you dill weed

@indiandoc2 - 21.08.2023 01:34

Read the account of Daniel Boone & his son’s encounter with a hairy man. Boone killed it. The account is verified in writing. Boone wrote to brother in-law

@maxwellmattison6224 - 02.03.2024 02:45

You are very welcome@Willstar! Thank you for PROFESSIONAL narration, @MaxwellMattison

@qure0013 - 03.03.2024 06:31

I don't believe the jacko story but definitely do believe in the existence of sasquatch.

@robertcoggeshall3071 - 25.07.2024 16:51

Many think this was an old newspaper hoax, but the description of the creature as a young bf seems too spot on, and several people claim to have seen Jacko.
