Animated Text Highlight in premiere pro #mizanforagi #videoediting #premierepro

Animated Text Highlight in premiere pro #mizanforagi #videoediting #premierepro

Mizan Foragi

55 лет назад

7 Просмотров

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Animated Text Highlight in Premiere Pro: An Essential Guide

Animated text highlight in Premiere Pro is a popular and effective technique to make your videos more engaging and interactive. Using this technique, you can highlight specific text or words that will capture the viewer's attention. It's commonly used in advertisements, music videos, tutorials, or any type of presentation.

To highlight text in Premiere Pro, first, you'll need to create your text using the Text Tool. Then, to add animation, you can use Keyframes to modify the position, scale, or color of the text. Additionally, by applying various Effects from the Effects panel, you can creatively highlight the text with different transitions and styles.

This kind of text animation adds a new dimension to your video and makes it more captivating for the audience. By learning more about this technique on your YouTube channel, you’ll be able to easily create professional-looking and visually appealing videos.


#premiere_pro #Premiere_pro_tutorial #Adobe_premiere_pro #Premiere_pro_how_to_highlight_text #Premiere_pro_text_animation #Highlight_text_in_premiere_pro #How_to_highlight_in_premiere_pro #Premiere_pro_highl8ght_itext_effect
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