VTuber company hired a what???

VTuber company hired a what???

Beelz FlyLord

9 месяцев назад

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@m1zxry_tt832 - 04.10.2023 03:29


@albertnortononymous9020 - 28.09.2023 16:44

To be fair, “banged ur mom” is how 15-year-olds talk.

@declansavage519 - 28.09.2023 13:09

I’m just here to see if the pedos will show themselves

@AmanogawaAku - 12.09.2023 02:21

The worst part? This isn't the first time she's been in a company with creeps who show her favoritism. The last one she was in she was told not to even tell her genmates she was a minor. Them saying this now tho dosen't stop the fact that she's getting groomed by the CEO

@jucabnubster - 09.09.2023 00:09

I'm sure there are minors who can stream or vtube with no issue, but most of them will get rough fast. When I was in HS, let's just say I'm glad I wasn't much into making content. I'll just batten down the hatches and see what happens

@neoragexHD - 08.09.2023 03:17

Yes they did

@LeoGuda - 08.09.2023 01:15

I tried to find what Missus Mummy claims and without success, of course, because vtubing is about anonymity and the only reliable source would be AkioAIR. Even at the age of twenty, you are considered a minor in Mississippi, Puerto Rico and in some states of Canada you are a minor at eighteen and you are talking about a child here.

@zakku_88 - 07.09.2023 19:33

My honest opinion: It's just irresponsible on the part of the agency for putting her in this position, knowing that she's a minor. Regardless of whatever plans they may have in place to "protect her", anyone who's been in the vtubing space for more than 5 minutes (either as viewer, or as a vtuber themselves) knows how full of down bad creeps it can be. I genuinely hope that no one tries to send her inappropriate messages, but looking at this realistically, it's probably gonna happen at some point...

@espurrseyes42 - 07.09.2023 14:49

It's one thing if a minor is a Vtuber independently, but given the type of community Vtubers have around them, no company worth their salt should be hiring a minor. It's a very questionable area. Namely the creation of [perfectly safe artwork created by the fandom] of the character. Sure, it's the avatar, the character, that's having the [perfectly safe artwork created by the fandom] made of them, not the minor, but it's still questionable since they're providing the voice and personality of the character.

@taylorcrawford4387 - 07.09.2023 14:18

As someone else had said, the company is gonna have to watch her closely. The internet isn't a kind place and I'm honestly worried that if she ever says or does anything that's considered controversial. Not for the company but for her own mental health as she can and will be bullied as she's in the spotlight. Talents have been fired and quit for many reasons, I can't imagine how bad their health would've been if they were minors.

@ETG715 - 07.09.2023 14:04

Now there's something you don't see every day.
Man they hired a actual kid to do this

@bahamutgamin1424 - 07.09.2023 13:51

Y’all may be wired but you haven’t gained the ability to calm your the most sexualized the furries still exist lol 😂

@mayyoufindlove702 - 07.09.2023 13:11

What state is she from? If she's legal in her state, then we have nothing to say, wether it's working laws or age of consent.

@Plazmasoldier - 07.09.2023 09:59

They essentially turned some high school sophomore/sophomore equivalent into a corpo VTuber. Man, this seems dangerous.

@AtelierGod - 07.09.2023 09:40

In my country you can join the work force after finishing the mandatory education which is 9 years starting at 6 meaning any 15 year old or higher in my opinion is legible for taking any job that doesn’t require higher education, VTubing isn’t one of them. As long as the person behind the avatar is of legal working age and knows what they’re getting into it’s their choice to make.

@AtelierGod - 07.09.2023 09:35

Who scrolls through the Twitter home page?

@lordzaboem - 07.09.2023 09:30

You're not wrong, Beelz, but I do think we are overreacting to a degree. The talent herself hasn't done anything wrong as far as I know, and she is absolutely the person who will get punished for it. If the struggling for it's life joke about someone elses cartoon boobage is the standard for sexualized behavior, not one classroom of fifteen year olds I have ever (former substitute teacher) would pass that threshold.

The decision to hire her was not great. I'll agree with that much. The explanation, however, hints to me that there might be legal reprocussions to not hiring her. Not knowing what country is in, I don't know if that country has anti-ageism laws on the books that could be used against the company should it decide to terminate her employment. At least six countries have some sort of law which prohibits employers from not employing due to age.

@Cyborgsheepie - 07.09.2023 09:13

If they allowed her in, they would have to be extremely watchful of her. I don’t really like the idea that they hired a minor to be in a position where there is a possibility of her being stalked, harrassed, drawn in a NSFW way, looked at parasocially but all I can say is I hope she does well. I feel even announcing that she is a minor can even put her in danger because there are creeps lurking in the VTuber community.

@vtubergeitor - 07.09.2023 09:06

oh - noooooooooooooo

@fleshvalleyartmaro965 - 07.09.2023 08:53

This just feels like a terrible idea. VTuber companies already get a lot of their support from NSFW works revolving around their talents. Might not be the biggest or most significant contribution, but it certainly helps regardless. So for a company to hire minors in this space in my own personal opinion is a HORRIBLE idea.

Ironically, them highlighting that she’s a minor (while better than keeping people in the dark) will only attract more creeps and unwanted NSFW art of Nophi to pop up due to the obvious result of reverse psychology, especially since Nepali herself said “MINOR, NO NSFW”. The only way they could’ve prevented this in my opinion, is the same way you and many others stated, and that’s by simply NOT HIRING A MINOR!

Child actors/voice actors/etc… are fine because they aren’t in a space where lust is so prominent. As opposed to minor VTubers, who could very likely bump into a lot of creeps, and get plenty of unwanted attention. While they could technically still do as they please in the regard of being a minor who wants to be a VTuber since it’s not illegal, I STILL think it’s not a wise course of action whatsoever. I would recommend the obvious decision of becoming a VTuber only once an individual reaches the age of 18 or older, that way nobody gets hurt in any capacity.

I’d also argue it’s not just a bad idea due to the rampant lust in the VTuber sphere, but also all the toxicity contained within it, which could cause a lot of potential alternative harm and trauma to come to the talents. Things like doxxing, swatting, harassment, bullying, stalking, death threats, so on and so forth. The point is that the harm a minor could receive from this community would not just stop at the sexual aspect of things if they’d be that unfortunate. If companies, parents, and the community aren’t careful, these minor VTubers could potentially wind up getting traumatized in the worst ways possible.

TL;DR: This space is not suitable for operators under the age of 18, and it’s for their’s and everyone else’s own good.

@LichCrypt - 07.09.2023 08:42

I'm gonna be honest here: if Vtubers had been a thing when I was a teenager, I would've wanted to become one more than anything in the world. Cringe, I know.
If the company can truly keep her safe and help her curate her community, then I'm more than okay with this. After all, Cover hired Haachama and Subaru when they were minors. Sure, the vtubing community is horny but it can also be incredibly wholesome. It really is a matter of your vibe attracting your tribe. Just look at Amai Hiyo. We also have to remember that the talent is not the character. There is an overlap, but if she can make this separation, I'm sure she'll be fine.
Regarding making "inappropriate jokes" - well, have people really forgotten what was like to be a teen? That type of humor is the definition of juvenile.
Oh and by the way, the word "philia" is one of the multiple ancient greek words for love, usually used in the context of friendship and affection.
Hope she has a great time. And Akio AIR better keep her safe.

@karifaevt - 07.09.2023 07:49

HSSSSSS it uses the light modes it does, the lights, it burnses the eyes

@vergillives9890 - 07.09.2023 07:45

Im curious how collabs would work or will the rest of gen be minors

@vergillives9890 - 07.09.2023 07:39

A black company with minor(s) what can go wrong

@smd3802 - 07.09.2023 07:31

I hope to give her a good chance at least!

@the25viole42 - 07.09.2023 07:21

Its kinda fucked that they didnt do a very good job. On the background check.

@BeelzFlyLord - 07.09.2023 07:19

So what do you think? Is everyone including myself making a mountain out of a molehill? Or is this actually kinda fucked? Also, what're your thoughts on including memes in the videos? Entertaining or distracting?
