INTO THE FOGLANDS | Kenshi: Genesis - Warlord #2

INTO THE FOGLANDS | Kenshi: Genesis - Warlord #2

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Kuro Kurosawa
Kuro Kurosawa - 27.01.2022 15:20

A normal day in the foglands, I see :)

The Man
The Man - 23.01.2022 19:09

Kenshi without beep are like drink coffee without sugar. He is the strongest💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Doan Prasmana
Doan Prasmana - 04.11.2021 11:42

what a beautifull mongrel you got there,,,, and the first impresion at night time
but it will be nice is the background music volume not to loud....

Will Gnue
Will Gnue - 28.09.2021 06:57

Game name Gnue... Ballsie stuff run down from the North into the Fog lands. Watched and 👍 Liked

Cothfotmeoo - 12.09.2021 22:48

Amazing. Those hordes of fogmen really weren't messing around. It's a good thing you were able to make it into the city. XD Beep!!! Well played!

Demon 2210
Demon 2210 - 07.09.2021 00:11

Just found you a couple days ago and been binge watching your old kenshi series. Excited to be here for the start on this one!

Artem MMA
Artem MMA - 05.09.2021 02:13

Beep is one of the best characters ever

Artem MMA
Artem MMA - 05.09.2021 02:11

Love this game. Only played through it once but I destroyed the holy Nation and united cities

kain j
kain j - 04.09.2021 21:33

:) so good

Julieda Simbul
Julieda Simbul - 04.09.2021 20:52

Cool vid i wish you upload fast but i think you have reason to upload like not long not fast either but great vid i like it!

Thanatos - 04.09.2021 17:15

[Accessing Data]

{Data Retrieved}

[Displaying Data log: B-4-9-Z-0-1-3]
X4VIE7, this was the name that I was designated. this really my name? I feel like it doesn't fit. Wait. this normal? Perhaps I may be malfunctioning...Xavier...Xavier. Yes. That's what these traveling groups call me now. I feel that is my real name, not the designation given to my shell. Perhaps this is what the others feel when they have their names? What the great heroes felt when they held such grand names.

Stel-O, Ray, Behemothian, Luathem. I have been able to access data-logs that told tales of these great heroes of another time, possibly of another place as well. I fear I may never grow to understand how they were able to rise so high above ALL expectation, but then again, that is the weakness. To put 'logic' fully behind every understanding, I am limiting myself too much. Not everything can be solved by logical equations and theorems, but rather through vigorous research and even trial and error.

Perhaps as I travel I may very well be able to understand the great lengths these heroes went through to hold such grand strength, to lead such vast and powerful armies. And to topple the empires of their days. I wonder how they were able to do so well, but then again it is not my place to question the greatness of heroes of 'eld' as the fle- no. As the others say.

For now. I will need to complete my maintenance here, the other data logs are still scattered in my memory...I can feel a breakthrough almost on the tip of my processors, soon I may know the full extent of what happened to me before.

But tha-

{Error! Error! Insuffecient data space, storing log for later maintenance and repair.}
[Unit: X4VIE7]
[Status: Awaiting repairs. Searching for directive.]

{Closing Data now}

[Data exited successfully]

(Hope you enjoyed this updated log! Let me know what you think of the new format for how I'm using for this skeleton. I hope it's enjoyable to read!)

Once again great work as always Koko, good to see Kenshi back on the list once more. And I can't wait to see what heights this group rises to.

Gerard Mulder
Gerard Mulder - 04.09.2021 12:31

In the mean while, Uncle, who made his way from the mines disguised like a holy servant, made it to the Hub. Here he would start to reclaim his fortune. It was not ideal to reach the United cities from here but on the bright side the thieves guild would offer him some opportunity to practice his rusty skills while the regular incursions of hungry bandits offered him the chance to scavange some equipment to wear and sell. Scorchlanders were not uncommon in the Hub. He would have no problem blending in. After a few days sleeping in a delapitated house and a few nights in one of the bars he had learned a lot. The dust king commanded a lot of able bodied sheks. There were many encampments that occasionally took to raiding the Hub and he planned to follow one of them home to find their campsite. This would be his hunting ground, a few shek to sell to his contacts in the UC would put him back into business. Uncle trained his strength carrying dead bandits out of the city to prevent flies and dogs from swarming the streets of the Hub and close to the bar at least he was safe from slavers that would have him back in chains before you could say Uncle.

Fylon - 04.09.2021 10:21

Han's Story continues....
Han thought after he defeated the slavers he was decent in fighting, until he returned back to his race's land, the shek land. Everyone was so much powerful than him, he heard they're fighting the holy nations, when he was at the martial village he heard about the holy nations cruelty, he seeks out a party to help him get stronger which he found one in the bar at squinn, their leader name is Karsa, he was with a metal stick or something, Karsa told him it was a skeleton, Han immediately got curious but put it off and went on an adventure with Karsa's group.

RAZALAS17 - 04.09.2021 04:28

(Day5) Life of “Mucy” the Bull

Mucy the Bull follows his current boss of animal traders.
Thinking it would be another day of hauling useless goods for his no good boss.
He is gifted with a group of starving bandits. Though not his first choice of enemy they will help as a warm-up.
Mucy charged head long into the bandits Making quick work.
Mucy isn’t all too happy he was only able to get two good runs.
The fight was over before it started the rest of the traders came to fight.
It was over in a blink of an eye and Mucy was back to hauling goods for the gains of his boss back to mundane work.

Graeme Barnes
Graeme Barnes - 04.09.2021 02:35

You're a fantastic storyteller. you're the narrator who guides us through the worlds you explore.

Grimnir Smith
Grimnir Smith - 03.09.2021 23:09

Aw heck I must have missed the first episode when PatricianTV did his 12 hour quick introspective for Oblivion. Gonna have to go back and watch, happy to see Kenshi getting another series! One of my favorites.

Coqueiro Lendário
Coqueiro Lendário - 03.09.2021 23:00

A Lonely man writes in a book, lost in his own thoughts.
His writing seems like of a small child, but he doesn't seem to mind that.
In the page he is writing now, it (barely) reads:

Bugub is still talking with diary alone, no one wants to be Bugubs friend anymore.
They say bugub is ugly and that Bugub should not eat those bandits that die in the sand. But why?
Aren't they meat like any meat? Bugub still doesn't understand.

Bugub also can't enter old cannibal tribes anymore, they think that Bugub is too "corrupted" now, people are weird and that makes Bugub really confused.

Old Longfellow
Old Longfellow - 03.09.2021 22:51

appreciation intensifies

UberMcFailsauce - 03.09.2021 22:39

While Cardinal Percheval was following the animal trader who happened upon him from town to town he noticed a religious text in the trader's pocket. he hoped he could motion to this and convince the trader of his importance. Sadly the buffoon of a trader thought the cardinal was trying to eat the sacred texts as if he were a mindless beast like the other goats in his caravan.

Henry Mueller
Henry Mueller - 03.09.2021 22:30

Hey bud, another great video. I'm looking forward to all sorts of fun and games in this series. I do have a question for you and anybody that wants reply, people use to add a....? Texture or maybe an enhancer kind of mod that made Kenshi move vibrant and colorful and less washed out looking. Is that included in the genesis mod to? I've never used this mod. Thank you Koko and everybody. 👍😊
