APEC 2/17: Zero-Point Energy, Inertial Propulsion & Dark Matter

APEC 2/17: Zero-Point Energy, Inertial Propulsion & Dark Matter

Alt Propulsion

8 месяцев назад

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@delta-KaeBee - 18.02.2024 08:52

Amazing show today as always gentleman. Well done panel! 👏👍🙂💯🎆
Everyone be well, do good research, andddd catch yall again on the next one!!!🙏⚡

@alexswage1853 - 18.02.2024 16:54

Sharefacts/ Nikloa tesla scientist and inventor developed 700 working patents !
Nikloa tesla developed warp drive saucer spacecraft in Colorado Springs Colorado with patent in 1899 year !
Tesla developed teleportation of two devices of two doorways by enter one doorway and exist other doorway half miles away!
Nikloa tesla developed AC alternating current electricity that world uses today !
Nikloa tesla developed free energy devices for humanity as humanitarian for mankind

@chrissciacchitano8199 - 18.02.2024 18:59

Great Job Guys!

@l27tester - 18.02.2024 23:17

ZPE Zero Point Energy source to power a Warp drive?

@Felix-tz1tk - 19.02.2024 04:54

When stanley run his car f0r 100kms using 1 liter of fuel, he won the competition and the authorities said, the public is not ready for that so keep the technology secret. Now EV is pushing to public !! Do u believe when they say public is not ready ??

@markszlazak - 19.02.2024 07:22

Wow John Brandenburg stole the show! I think he is right!

@SKW-12 - 20.02.2024 01:30

Epic. So glad to find your channel. Thank you!

@OverwoundGames - 20.02.2024 05:37

There's so many problems with JB's stories. The resources of the asteroid belt would be more easily accessed than the resources of Earth. No one needs our water or minerals or fuel. And once you've mastered LENR and ZPE you need nothing from anywhere else, ever, not even other planets, you can just build your own, synthesize anything. No need for weird hybrid breeding programs. Doesn't mean there aren't ETs as stupid and evil as we are, but he's stuck in 20th century thinking. 🤷‍♂

@DJF1947 - 22.02.2024 02:25

I have been wondering for a long time what is wrong with Provatidis. Now I see that he is senile. Does he really believe that patents are proof of anything? You are all crackpots. So you know that 'patents' (usually a mere application for one) are just a means for scamming investors. And even when a patent is granted (because cranks like LaViolette and Valone have worked at the USPO), you continue to pretend that it is valid long after it has lapsed due to non-payment of the maintenance fees. Mad inventors have been designing mechanical reactionless space-drives since the middle of the 19th century. Perhaps you should all take Physics-101 again!

@Xsiondu - 02.05.2024 05:40

How is Earth both a "resource rich and rare planet" and also not remarkable?

@cknowles3980 - 02.06.2024 06:52

Thank you what a great presentation

@leom141 - 20.06.2024 04:04

Please Curtis Horn, teach me Sachs theory :D

@LostAnFound - 03.08.2024 12:24

Unfortunately, I dont have eight hours to watch this.
For the sake of us who support this (I buy books), can you create a highlights reel that includes data?
I know it's a big ask, but there has to be a way to make it more accessible

@jammesvqk857 - 17.10.2024 15:46

I am a civil engineer. I can see how Zero-point energy is going to make the field obsolete over night as floating cities and large structures like in the sci-fi movies and books are possible.

@jammesvqk857 - 17.10.2024 17:10

What it needs to happen is people who are involved in the physics and technology of these things and other people with access to this UFO/UAP programs who have signed NDA's come forward regardless and open source all the information they have and then based their legal defence on the fact that keeping this info secret is illegal.
