Are Destination Weddings Rude?

Are Destination Weddings Rude?

The Real Daytime

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desmond daly
desmond daly - 11.07.2023 09:03

Idiotic! All these women are rude

C L - 15.06.2023 01:21

Location not so loco, nice🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Maria Andrews
Maria Andrews - 19.05.2023 04:47

Maybe if the US had more paid time off people would be able to go

Andy Joy
Andy Joy - 18.05.2023 18:53

Then you divorced him lol

V J90
V J90 - 25.02.2023 00:34

I was thinking the same with Tamera! 💙

Cam - 08.02.2023 04:39

Loving Loni’s outfit!

885 Blackjack
885 Blackjack - 17.01.2023 01:58

It absolutely is a selfish bunch of garbage. I don't revolve my PTO for your impulse wedding that you saw on TV. Get over yourselves. It's not about the money. It's about my time. Nor is anyone trying to save for YOUR event. Get a clue.

OOF - 26.12.2022 08:56

Yes, it is rude when the bride and the groom are not willing to pay for certain portion of the budget. This might be a culture difference since I am from Asian country, but the thing I cannot understand is, why do I have to spend my money when they are the ones that want me there?

Manuela haratonian
Manuela haratonian - 16.09.2022 05:20

I don't think it's rude. You can do whatever makes you happy. But what I find rude is when people say they can't come because they can't afford it. And the bride and groom gets all pissed off about it.

Dal Sangha
Dal Sangha - 13.09.2022 23:01

I’m Indian and I don’t like half my extended family members so I would have a destination wedding just so half of them wouldn’t come 😂

Nouvel K
Nouvel K - 13.09.2022 04:28

“We didn't pay for anyone to come, but we thought the people that really should be there will come.” So entitled.

Spicy News
Spicy News - 29.06.2022 03:11

This a bunch of rich folks talking about poor folks problems.

Katie Rose
Katie Rose - 15.06.2022 00:32

I’d never go. Not even local weddings.

UltimateMoralizer - 01.06.2022 04:42

They are rude but MGTOWs quite frankly couldn’t care less about weddings as they don’t go to them and are against them. Western women are ancient history to enlightened Western men and western society is a sinking ship. It’s finished.

UltimateMoralizer - 16.05.2022 05:47

Yeah, I’d say it’s more than rude for a bride and groom to expect everyone to come to a wedding abroad especially if they don’t even get along with them, don’t resonate 1% with the others who are invited and have behavioural issues. I seriously cannot stand weddings. I doubt I’m even going to get married. Besides females today expect men to have a lot of money and do everything for them, therefore it doesn’t make sense to have anything to do with them if they’re that unreasonable. I’m satisfied as a single male anyway. It’s much better than being with a stupid cow who just “loves” you for your money.

Lauren Gonzalez
Lauren Gonzalez - 24.04.2022 18:48

I’m doing a destination wedding specifically to keep it small.

LCC144 - 03.04.2022 18:39

We invited people to our destination wedding as a courtesy, but are fine if only our immediate families come. That's the best way to keep it small.

Destiny 100
Destiny 100 - 20.03.2022 00:59

It's only rude if you expect them to come to the wedding. There a lot of people who can't afford it. I will respectfully decline. Look at Loni coming through Adriene and Jeanie spoiled.

FB - 03.09.2021 20:06

You give people a year or 2 in advance. That should be enough time

Akihiro - 22.08.2021 13:54

I think it's rude to have a destination wedding 6+ hours away and only give people a year to get everything in order. If you want 100+ people to show up to your destination wedding, you need to be accommodating with your timing, as for some, a year is not enough time to save up for that expense.

Creator House Vlogs
Creator House Vlogs - 01.08.2021 13:14

No it’s not rude. It’s your wedding not theirs have whatever tf wedding you want.

Jenny ONeill
Jenny ONeill - 26.07.2021 20:35

You can get married and have a small local wedding....

Jenny ONeill
Jenny ONeill - 26.07.2021 20:34

Adrienne got married far away

Spiritual Influencer
Spiritual Influencer - 23.07.2021 22:33

Loni stay comin thru with the "Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Some bridezilla are unrealistic and they demand things that they know people can't afford.

Unknown T
Unknown T - 17.07.2021 18:27

I'm having a destination wedding. I am well aware that not a lot of people will come for whatever reason but am in no way offended. I threw out the gift registry, will have no bridesmaids, and created a honeypot to pay for some people who we really had to have on that day. =) Also this wedding will take place in 1.5 years.

Bri - 15.07.2021 04:41

Well it’s the couples choice because it’s their wedding whatever they want

New New414
New New414 - 29.06.2021 20:33

Adrienne dumb I wouldn't have said it was intentional to have a destination wedding to have a small group. If that's the case don't mislead people with wedding invitations be a grown woman about your choice.

TheCosmicValkyrie - 23.06.2021 21:38

Its rude as hell, just cause you have money doesn't mean your guests do.

Victória Câmia
Victória Câmia - 01.06.2021 17:23

Well Jeanie been uninvited y’all in the U.S still. So it really ain’t about that.

Christelle J
Christelle J - 13.05.2021 04:16

destination wedding means “i only want my wealthiest/most financially secure friends at my wedding” if it’s about having a small wedding have it small but if ur gonna use destination to make it small ur allowing financial status to define the guest list and that to me is little bit rude ...

IYKYK 2022
IYKYK 2022 - 10.05.2021 14:59

I had a destination wedding in Morocco and all my friends showed up and the house we got was big enough to have my friends and family with me. Everyone else made it into a holiday and travelled around afterwards or before the big day.

Zariah Monique
Zariah Monique - 03.03.2021 20:54

Just say who’s invited and who’s not invited lol I would. It’s my day and I’m inviting who I wanna invite. If you don’t know us as a couple , don’t hold your breath. I’m not going to another location across the world just to let you know that.

C. A.
C. A. - 22.02.2021 03:27

I love this look on tamera

Diana Lopez
Diana Lopez - 02.11.2020 08:16

Yes....Loni you tell them... Keep it real..

Pure Radiance
Pure Radiance - 31.10.2020 02:44

In love with Tamera hairstyle ⚘🌷

Lee M
Lee M - 24.10.2020 08:05

Just elope and stfu.

Secret Name
Secret Name - 23.10.2020 00:11

Ugh! I can't afford to go to that destination!! That's rude! I'd rather YOU pay for a very expensive large, at-home wedding! Bruh 😒 it's their day

•Lexie Medina•
•Lexie Medina• - 13.10.2020 09:33

I like destination weddings because I want it intimate and it is my day!

Dileyca Cepeda
Dileyca Cepeda - 30.09.2020 00:17

Rude maybe not. But a bit unconsiderate. I like Tameras recommendation.

Mike the Mechanic
Mike the Mechanic - 23.08.2020 21:08

Destination weddings are wrong. You only do it to exclude people. I had a large wedding with 400 people. It’s about other people not you. Our wedding was at an Hotel with dinner and dessert. We barely had time to eat at our own wedding. If you are going to have an Destination wedding. Have a simple party or small wedding for everyone where you live.

Kameryn - 10.08.2020 15:22

If the question is about who’s invited, Instead of having a destination wedding just so people can’t come, only invite people you actually
want to be there. What a concept lol.

indigo_blue _s
indigo_blue _s - 20.07.2020 00:54

It's totaly ok to have your wedding whereever you want. However, to expect people to come and travel and spend all that money for YOUR WEDDING is nuts. I aint going broke for anyone. If it's that important to you that I be there-pay all the expenses.

Riah Munnblck
Riah Munnblck - 19.07.2020 17:58

Loni looks like Patti LaBelle here

Brains • Beauty • Couture
Brains • Beauty • Couture - 14.07.2020 04:28

I’m having a destination wedding, it’s intentional for me because I want a small people and I agree with Adrienne I want a small group if I have an actual wedding it would be 200+ people. I want to enjoy my day and not worry about what’s going wrong or right. But we are having a big reception when we get back. And I’m only funding myself & my fiancé.

Maddie - 11.07.2020 21:23

It’s only rude if you expect everyone to come while knowing some people can’t afford it or if you don’t give an adequate amount of time to plan and save money.

emilee - 24.06.2020 03:23

times like this are when I actually like Loni.

Lori Wolfcat
Lori Wolfcat - 18.06.2020 13:44

One of my distant cousins got married in who knows where, in Mexico. They had no plans moving there, or setting my family with maybe a guesthouse, so shoot, I didn’t go. I ain’t gonna go to another country, not know Anything about the city, Plus my brother’s girlfriend’s mom was actually the one that set my family up with one of Their guesthouses. Jeez, So much drama for that. Oh, and my family literally drove too. My cousin and his girlfriend were mad and tried to guilt me into going, saying I was their favorite. Dude, so? If I was your favorite, have it here! They wanted their wedding in Mexico and Did expect Everyone to go. Even distant family. THAT’s rude!

My sister’s wedding, was actually pretty local, and she was very flexible if people couldn’t make it. I didn’t especially wanna go, but she set up a suite for us, and even offered our family from a far drive, to stay in her suite after she would go to her honeymoon. That’s how you flippin do it! But my distant cousin, no Wonder why they’re distant. And I hope it stays like that. Rude much.
