I ordered different Printify ornaments so you don't have to (Printify ornament review)

I ordered different Printify ornaments so you don't have to (Printify ornament review)


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@SouthernMelle - 25.11.2024 19:15

Is the postal strike just between Canada and the US or also within the US? Thanks for all the info on ornaments. It’s my first season of offering ornaments.

@margievanhandel259 - 25.11.2024 19:21

Christian, So why are there not issues with ceramic mugs? They've been around forever... Or, is there? Really appreciate your sharing this though with your viewers! Thanks so much.

@kattalley1384 - 25.11.2024 19:24

I sold IYP ceramic ornaments last year. The ornaments were matte finish last year and they changed them to glossy finish this year. I had to change all my ornament listings to reflect that. I got multiple 5 star reviews on them last year and no complaints.

@JC81082 - 25.11.2024 20:40

Great info. Thanks so much for all your great videos. Smiles and Merry Christmas

@P-Funk69 - 25.11.2024 20:40

I had that white edge on my glass ornament too but it didn’t look bad.

@judygarcia5348 - 25.11.2024 20:44

As always. Your videos are soooo helpful!

@makim4199 - 25.11.2024 21:29

Thank you!!! This video came at the right time. I just sold like 20 cermaic ornaments in the last few days and my heart sank when I heard you talk about them being blurry... BUT I took a chance on the SwiftPOD ornaments.. hallelujah, I'm so glad I did !!! 🎉

@ScarlettO323 - 25.11.2024 21:30

Haven't seen any myself, have 7 on the way to clients and I ordered one for a friend, PRAYING they are nice. I did the round acrylics - not the cut outs.

@ForeverSunsetsBtq - 25.11.2024 23:36

Thank you so much! Great to know about SwiftPod matte!

@RachelMullerCreations - 26.11.2024 00:00

I am doing shopify, would you price the crystal at the same price as the glass or cheaper?

@Sophies_Voice - 26.11.2024 00:23

Good video! The custom cut are unique. I like metal and acrylic because they are light and won't weigh down the Christmas tree branches! I didn't know there was a difference tween the metal and aluminum ornaments...

@wendyon4517 - 26.11.2024 05:24

I've sold six metal ornaments so far. Hopefully there are no complaints. I think the good point are:

1. that they are double sided so you can put two designs on
2. they are light so don't bend branches

@AnaRivera-j3f - 26.11.2024 05:55

Hi! I have a sample of the metal ornament. Luckily I ordered my sample before the strike and I have to say I really love it! It's one of my favorites. I would be more than happy to send you a little video if you want to see it, Thanks for always sharing so much great info. I really appreciate you!

@CindySimpson-h8o - 26.11.2024 06:34

Thank you for providing us with the good, the bad and the ugly in ornaments! This information is very helpful! Thank youo!

@lulual2047 - 26.11.2024 08:34

My first sale was an ornament and it was horrible the customer left me a 1 review 😢 it was blurry and it seems the print when through the other side 😭 I was so mad 😠 I contacted printify to reprint hopefully 🤞 it come better but will be using the mate finished from now

@starryeye3482 - 26.11.2024 14:04

Great video! Super helpful and now i can try to do this and get a good supplier. Thank you!

@MelissaYS1776 - 26.11.2024 15:18

I have had nothing but problems with the custom cut acrylic ornament 😢 it has been my bestseller this season too. Printify did say they are actively working on the printing issues with these being blurry. So I am hoping with all the refunds they’ve had to do they are working hard on fixing the problem so I am keeping them for now.

@Yahya_Zi - 26.11.2024 16:03

I'm actually using IYP, and I now regret not choosing SwiftPOD.
It's almost December, should I upload my upcoming listings with SwiftPOD now? I mean, looks like no time left :(

@agl5132 - 26.11.2024 22:07

I've seen many seller comparisons lately and Printiful seems to have better quality. Do you think it's also due to Printify outsourcing their printing? My understanding is that Printiful has in house printers so the quality is more consistent. I'm seeing more acrylic being offered this year. Thanks for your information.

@redianttherapyroom - 26.11.2024 23:46

I wish i had of seen this sooner. I have a best selling ornament but OMG i am just devastated at how they sent the ornament out looking this way. I went with a different print company Gooten. I deactivated the listing. I feel so defeated. Seriously, i just feel so bad. Id like to try the swift ornament, I am hoping they work out. The 3 reviews so far seriously devastate me.

@poohlet12 - 27.11.2024 17:07

I just added ornaments this year. This video is very helpful & timely. So we Etsy sellers should steer clear of the china product?

@AccesstoExploration - 27.11.2024 23:04

Have you tried the new one from Printed Simply that's on Early Access? I just ordered a sample but am wondering if anyone has experience. I just fulfilled about 20 from IYP and am nervous...

@rodger6869 - 28.11.2024 05:33

Great content. Any suggestions for POD suppliers that carry suncatcher ornament?

@margievanhandel259 - 28.11.2024 08:25

Christina, After watching this video, I created a design for ornaments and uploaded it to Printify. Just curious as to colors. Everything downloaded much darker than the image I created. Is this typical with ornaments, and is there a suggested fix? Thanks.

@AEM-n1m - 30.11.2024 18:08

So frustrated with Printify! I just opened my shop and my samples haven't arrived yet but I got my first order for a bunch of ceramic ornaments. They are a double sided print and I've just learned that the Printify mockups are not accurate, and that the sides may come out white even though there is no white on my design?? Do you have experience printing double sided? Should I tell the customer before I fill the order (the photos do not show this white on the sides)? I didn't even think the print may be bad until I saw your video and now I want to pull all the ceramic ornaments.

@tsm7964 - 04.12.2024 07:37

Isn’t blurriness due to lack of pixels? Maybe you need adobe photoshop instead of Canva for this.

@lizmurray2279 - 05.12.2024 15:29

What a great video! Thank you for putting this out and showing us the different samples. Question. So can we sell the crystal ornaments on Etsy from China or does that go against any Etsy policies? Thank you!

@carolinesglass - 05.12.2024 22:20

Transparent ornaments, whether made of glass, crystal, or plastic, achieve their vibrant designs through a layered printing process. First, a base layer of white ink is applied to the ornament. This white underlayer serves as a canvas for the colored design to stand out against the clear material, ensuring the image becomes opaque (non-transparent). Once the white base is printed, the printer carefully overlays the colors of your design on top.

This two-step process not only makes the design vivid and opaque but also adds durability to the print. A thin white outline often appears around the edges of the design. This outline is intentional—it acts as a buffer to ensure the design remains fully opaque, even if the color layer is slightly misaligned by a millimeter or two during printing. This safeguard ensures that the final product maintains its professional look and quality.

By layering white and color in this precise manner, the design achieves a striking contrast and clarity, even on a transparent surface. This process is especially crucial for ornaments displayed in brightly lit areas, as it prevents colors from appearing washed out or transparent when light shines through.

@JapanHeresWhy - 08.12.2024 15:18

A nice overhead setup for closeups/presentations would be good.

@Annabell-235 - 13.12.2024 10:55

Do you think which is better: focusing on selling one type of ornament or selling many different types?

@ndabox17311 - 17.12.2024 01:23

I have been selling the ceramic ornaments with good results until yesterday when a customer got 3 blury ones. She was very gracious and asked me to reprint them so I did, but I also ordered them from SwiftPOD to send to her as well and she will be my test subject I guess. The crystal seem like an interesting option.

@donnawitt3453 - 18.12.2024 22:34

Thank you for this great video! I wish I would've seen it when it came out but I was struggling to keep up with orders in my shop, which is a good problem to have! NOW...the terrible reviews and complaints are rolling in because I used the ceramic ornaments from IYP. Any advice on how to respond to the bad reviews customers are leaving? (I respond to every single review.) And any idea what to say to a customer when they reach out directly to complain about the blurriness?? I am devastated by these bad reviews and feel helpless!

@melissagrant4729 - 22.02.2025 16:28

Do you have a video on creating an ornament design and fitting it on the template?
