6.58 Tier List | Power/Meta Ranking | FFXIV Endwalker

6.58 Tier List | Power/Meta Ranking | FFXIV Endwalker

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@utau2746 - 08.12.2023 21:35

I think the flexibility of red mage is more than people think. While yes we get the quickest raises in the game and dual cast in general is amazing, I’ve been able to make fantastic use of every skill the job has while my static has been getting through p10s.

(Spoiler warning if you wanna blind run p10s but, why would you want that?)
First towers is a beautiful time to use both displacement and corps-a-corps. Yes, the backflip, not engagement. I’ve saved dps teammates from the bleed during second touchdown when healers are too far away to help. Acceleration is great always but especially during high movement mechanics. We would not be getting through Harrowing Hell if not for magik barrier. The mitigation is beautiful, but the real utility is in the 5% increase to healing received, party wide. Finally, RDM is probably the best caster to fill the spot of a melee in party finder as it benefits the most from the adjustment. Hell I play RDM like it is a melee class half the time.

All this to say, RDM isn’t just versatile because of its abilities, the play style of the job and the speed at which it can give emergency support without disrupting its rotation is unmatched.

@AnteikuNation - 07.12.2023 22:47

Question how do people know how well the classes are doing as far as DPS when FF doesn’t have an addon like Details to reveal said info? Or do they and I am unaware? I’m not trying to be rude in tone of this question, but I am curious how can any class out perform the other because as you said the game works to be balanced as much as possible.

I may get crucified for this but a part of me wishes FF had something similar to mythic plus dungeons where to higher you go the more godly you actually feel. I say that bc I play both wow and ff. But I often don’t “feel” my power growing in ff bc of the balance tuning. But if anyone cares to enlighten me please drops some responses. Again not being rude or arrogant about this as I am just genuinely curious what folks think or know about power in ff.

@obamaorb7426 - 29.11.2023 01:52

Realistically the only jobs that should be toward the bottom are red mage, paladin and dark knight due to how they stack up damage-wise with their same role, where black mage, warrior and gunbreaker should be at the top, the rest of the roles are as balanced as they can be really and healers are eh

@Avoxon53 - 26.11.2023 17:12

Whats the website where u get the stats from

@valthor9381 - 20.11.2023 20:07

I have been keeping up with one job in each role in Ninja, paladin, black mage (consolidating both ranged dps roles into one) and astrologian since Heavensward and will likely continue with them as they are the ones that have just appealed to me the most. Though, there are others that have piqued my interest such as reaper, samurai, sage and gunbreaker all of which I might level at some point as well. Being the "best" class has never mattered to me, it is all about aesthetic and gameplay enjoyment baybiee

@koutaaran7969 - 18.11.2023 19:38

Does this guy even play the game we are playing? BRD ranked below MCH and DNC?! Looks more like a casual tierlist for jobdesign and less for the Meta/Power Ranking. Both MCH and DNC are falling behind a well played BRD in a decent group. Even a dancepartner on a Samurai or Ninja cant change that in (near) 100% uptime fights.

@jeanbryot6765 - 18.11.2023 19:24

for pvp paladin is a must

@lunavara5268 - 17.11.2023 02:50

This is such a 'cop-out' safe list, just throwing everything into A.

Sage and Scholar currently perform massively better than White mages, in ALL content! They should not be in the same tier, it isn't even close. Shield healers are the kings and queens right now.
Both shield healers in the right hands are A+. I think you could make the argument that a pro SCH is even S. White mage can stay in A, Astro A-.

Machinist being a physical ranged, able to always freely move, able to have 100% GCD uptime in every single fight in the game, and is up there with the melees for damage. The only point in MCH history that it has been seriously worth playing. It is still being completely slept on by the community, and definitely deserves A+ imo. If you are a good MCH player, the ONLY people rivalling your dps are top 10% samurai, blackmage, and reaper players, that know how to effectively manage uptime with a perfect rotation. MCH stomps all over anything else.

Played to the highest level, not sure how a Samurai can be anything other than S tier. Seeing really good samurai players is kinda rare, especially those that know how to AoE properly in dungeons. Also the highest AoE damage for late game dungeons. Not sure why you think it is casters, Samurai and Reaper AoE is higher than both Summoner and Red mage.

Monk does not deserve to be in the same tier as Ninja and Dragoon. It very comfortably outperforms both of them right now, in Adps, Rdps, and AoE. You put reaper in A, but monk has more dps and brotherhood, mantra, and riddle of earth are better than arcane circle and arcane crest. Not sure why the highest Rdps job in the game, with plenty of utility, is sat down there in A. Weird choice.

Lastly, just for how annoying it is to play on a daily basis. The high APM, mixed focusing on so many things at once, mixed with the absolutely terrible personal damage, add to that your songs being wasted, and needing to flex rotation in every other fight - Bard deserves to be in a tier of it's own. Make a B tier just for Bards. With how complex and annoying they are to play, bards should be the top physical ranged Rdps, and should be above a summoner for Adps. Sadly that isn't the case. It is a tiny bit better than a Dancer, yet requires you to work 50 times harder and brings more annoyance into your life.

@ahuman4386 - 10.11.2023 07:53

The roles are like you said, really hard to put into Tiers as a terrible WAR would be sorely outclassed by a master DRK or PLD. Really does go with the skill of the player.
My fav roles are GNB/WAR for tanking, SGE for healing and RDM/DNC for DPS. IF I feel like melee DPS then RPR but I mostly heal and Red Mage because I still like helping and if needed, a spot heal or fast rez to help the Sprouts is nice in a pinch. (Plus that RDM level 3 LB is freaking sweet!) Ran a MSQ with 2 DPS and I as a Sage and the tank was offline. We decided to give it a go and completed the whole run easy without the tank. LOL I LOVE SGE VERY MUCH!

@MaulScarreign - 03.11.2023 23:00

they ruined monk and ninja is too much like playing piano now. i can't deal with it. ppl don't like mch because you have to stare at your hotbar

@ThottyBiscotti - 03.11.2023 10:50

I play DRK bc i like big sword and Berserk 😊
I do hope it gets some more love next expansion though...

@lucasavila4988 - 03.11.2023 04:12

What is this DPS metric plugin?

@jewii3824 - 03.11.2023 02:29

It's been a while since I last watched your job tier list since I haven't played the game in a while.

I just find it kinda funny that A- is the lowest tier. What's even the point of a tier list then.

@lushen952 - 31.10.2023 22:19

This makes zero sense.

You can't actually make a tier list without any context. Like I know all tier lists are silly and people can do them just for fun...but you need SOME sort of context...is this savage or casual? Is it based on ease of use or power output (and on that topic, are we assuming the player is average or a pro at that class)? Does the list account for meta compositions?

AST and BLM for instance are the hardest two classes in the game. But they parse the highest at savage content. Your tier list w/o any context doesn't capture any of this. But regardless...having AST and RDM in the same tier makes zero sense regardless of context. One is the easiest class in the game w/ the lowest parses and the other is one of the hardest class in the game with the best parses. How are they close in any situation ever?

If you're going to make a tier list, it should be for a specific deep dungeon. That is the only time this makes any sense whatsoever. Like I can't even begin to understand what this tier list is even trying to be about???

@ce-xiv1334 - 30.10.2023 23:36

PLD is the best Tank period!
How can you say PLD and WAR and on the same level?!

@moreauclement9702 - 30.10.2023 21:15

I didn't raid the last tier because I was bored out of the game and my tank role. IWar was fun, for a while but as powerful as he is, the war is far too dumb to play to be enjoyable (for me at least) and I hope it will be modified a bit for the next expansion

@ludnqka - 30.10.2023 17:05

i am playing warr, dragoon , gnb and sage and i agree with the list lol

@coochiman3026 - 28.10.2023 23:10

As a ninja user I think every class is about the same and I think it's heavily dependant on skill and I think that ninja is the best class because it requires the most skill and I think dragoon needs a rework

@almostanonymous8768 - 27.10.2023 21:28

Lmao always fun to see if you don't praise FF14 and dare to say anything that's not 100% positive, it will rain dislikes.

@never5930 - 23.10.2023 02:40

Honestly, you make quality videos but personally i think you should leave tier lists alone. Atleast when it comes to tanks

@never5930 - 23.10.2023 02:36

Idk how you can even say DRK and PLD are on the same level. What does drk offer at this point that pld cant?

@akshawrhans9277 - 21.10.2023 16:44

Very fun how none of the buffs Astro provides is mentioned lol. Just expedient and scholar , and what utility does sage provide to the team ?

@iventu411 - 21.10.2023 14:13

Dont think ive ever seen worse reasoning for tier placement. Look at logs once and you know this is wrong or you just dont undertand what meta means.

@iaxacs3801 - 20.10.2023 06:59

MCH main here, if Flamethrower got turned into a flame turret that uses battery it would be so much more fun in dungeon pulls cause give Chainsaw a visual upgrade along the lines of Drill and a noise for every subsequent hit and people will min max the amount of mobs chainsaw goes through just to hear a bunch of TF2 crit sounds rapid fire. It would be genuinely give enough dopamine to cure someone's depression for the night.

Oh and for level 100 give us the G-warrior please SE we'd be willing to to be bottom of the rung on damage again just for the dopamine spikes

@KokoKrunchs - 20.10.2023 03:21

I main WHM AST and RDM, now trying to level BLM. That makes me a psycho 🎉

@johnnydrama3829 - 19.10.2023 20:33

it's a bit disingenuous to say it doesn't matter, but then this video exists

@Lunar_Yojimbo - 19.10.2023 18:25

Coming my dragoon 😅 I kinda like dragoon a lot nvm tho 😜
Thank you for information and have good days 👍🍻

@grimblegrumble1337 - 19.10.2023 01:10

i play rdm because i dont want to fall asleep at my keyboard playing smn

@ChrisJames-qi8oe - 18.10.2023 20:02

fun tier list?

@jayq1904 - 18.10.2023 19:54

Summoner has the highest AOE damage out of any dps class. I cant count how many times I've legitimately ripped threat off a tanks blasting Ahk Morn, Death Flare and Astral Flare at once on a stacked trash pull.

@syenite - 17.10.2023 18:01

I main AST. I like that it is more pro-active while still being a pure healer. Macrocosmos, horoscope, and earthly star all let me dps and not have to worry about casting a gcd.

For a bit of chaos, I went into raid on whm the other day and while it got the job done, it was just bored. No strategy, just glare. Yes, ast has the least reward for the highest effort right now, but it forces me to use my singular braincell. And that poor thing isn't getting a workout anywhere else in my life.

@Ninetieschannel - 17.10.2023 04:30

This guy literaly A-d every job i love.

@anthony26812 - 16.10.2023 22:45

Don't put power ranking if you're using fun as one of the placement criteria...bc mnk and drg are definitely way better than sam. Total number of parses means nothing since popular jobs will always have a higher number regardless of how good they are. Mnk for instance will always have the lowest bc of its difficulty even though it's tied for best melee, and sam will always have a lot due to its aesthetic and low skill floor despite being tied for worst melee (definitely worst in a comp with no/ low number of raid buffs).

@freeshot16 - 16.10.2023 13:39

Kaiten was a waste of time filler key press to single buff one ability, it was boring and im glad its gone

@KayvonKazemini - 16.10.2023 10:59

I wish they'd bring BRD to where it could be. I feel like some of the changes to BRD over the years have made it much less rewarding. I'd like to play the game again, but the one class I am drawn to play is a pain to play.

@danishyland7704 - 16.10.2023 09:20

Healers: F tier (unneeded). When you can up and replace them, what's the point? xD And they are basically the same when you figure them out so you'll be stuck doing 1-1-1-1-1 and the occasional 2.

@Wicca_P - 16.10.2023 02:49

Machinist has a history of not being equal to the others and a lot of their "flavor" has been removed or over simplified. They have worked on making Machinist more balanced with the other jobs, but they still need some flavor readded. A large population of Mch mains, myself included, feel like its kinda disjointed, Mch used to feel like a machinist. Our skills really felt like a mix of gun, turrets, and gadgets, now its very much a gunner with some gadgets that randomly summons a mech that doesnt fit the rest of the ability styles. Its also has a very high ping dependency and CPM compared to other jobs, Ninja being number 1 and Machinist being number 2. Having such a high CPM and having previously been lacking is DPS made a lot of people not want to play it, that and its rotation can be pretty simple so after a while it gets monotonous. But its been my main since HW, it has its pluses and minuses just like every job and I'll probably main it through the next 10 years

@michaelc657 - 15.10.2023 21:56

AST really slept on here, particularly for the sort of content you were talking about. You give everybody else more damage. You get your 2min partywide damage buff all the way down at level 47, meaning even in Aurum Vale and Heavensward dungeons you are lighting everyone's DPS on fire. Your own DPS is a dull dot/nuke and AOE nuke, but that's true of all healers? You said you were going to consider cases outside of hard content, but FFLogs just isn't the place to go to see which jobs succeed for "levelling roulette mains" or whatever we're being called now.

@MrMintyfreshsmell - 15.10.2023 18:20

Astros dps loss is made up for its buffs it gives imo

@GoatOfWar - 15.10.2023 15:12

Dark knight is the last tank i want on my party tbh.
Class provides nothing the others don't already do better.
They really fucked up the tank balance since 6.3.

@jimswift_djm - 15.10.2023 15:06

I main Astro and Rez mage mostly out of all the other classes cuz I know them the best

@zydeox1221 - 15.10.2023 12:23

I'm of the opinion, that red mage should receive a 1 permanent buff skill, that will toggle removal of veraising and give a % of additional damage in exchange so it doesn't fall short to summoner. It is by far more difficult to play and has a lot of situations where meleeing at the right times is often a very risky gamble. It does not make sense for an objectively harder job than summoner to be doing less damage. At all.. I say this because the excuse people bring up is always "red mage is weaker due to it's support capabilities". Yeah right. When people don't fuck up any mechanics, there is no justification as to why red mage gets stripped out of damage as there is no need to even use vercure or veraise.

@Telamont - 15.10.2023 08:22

I mainly play sage, warrior, red mage, and dancer depending on what mood I'm in.

@icecreamhoeman - 15.10.2023 06:06

I'm sorry, but if we're talking power/meta, Dark Knight is a trash tier tank job. Worst cooldowns, awkward rotation, and now lowest dps. While the other tanks became crazy bonkers op, the most drk got was a change to Living Dead. Which is still way too convoluted.

Maybe it doesn't need a rework, but it definitely needs a retooling.

@setsuna5919 - 15.10.2023 01:31

Someone should really raising the question to the Dev team during fanfest
Why do they hate BRD so much, especially after they created DNC

@exodosthesoulbanish - 15.10.2023 00:57

When I've been trying to do minimal solo content I just can't enjoy playing red mage as it's just so squishy and slow compared to summoner.
