GPS Module Test  - Reading NMEA Data Using an Arduino Monitor

GPS Module Test - Reading NMEA Data Using an Arduino Monitor

Maker Tutor

5 лет назад

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Frutuoso Mateus
Frutuoso Mateus - 05.11.2023 20:24

This video leads people to error, in any UART communication, the TX pin of the MCU connects to the RX pin of the external device and RX pin of MCU to TX pin of external device!

Yogesh Italiya
Yogesh Italiya - 30.03.2019 18:04


ten littleindians
ten littleindians - 30.03.2019 16:51

Tx should go to Rx and vise versa. The person that designed the artwork for the board does not understand the concept of input and output!

Prashant Hirwani
Prashant Hirwani - 30.03.2019 15:45

Plz make a video on diy drone like dji with all sensors using Arduino
