I could not believe what I was seeing on this thread you people are just plain evil just evil
ОтветитьI think the Church worldwide needs to have a healthier fear of God and be careful.
Before they end up standing before God in trouble.
Sadly enough the church is the only one that kills its wounded . Let God be God he will decide and expose.
Why say that ?
U need proof,
What a nasty thing to say,
I don’t think so,until it’s proven
This is getting out of hand,we all have an opinion,but not all is true until proven true,
I don’t see her killing her husband,
Yes she moved on fast ,but killing 😢😱
Joni and Doug Weiss has a date with GOD .For the truth is screaming to be exposed. GOD will punish the mockers of his.
ОтветитьDoug is a pure man,right. He is living in sin.His divorce is unjust,therefore his new marriage is null and void according to the word of GOD
ОтветитьBe done with fakestar and evone who profits from the evil platform!
ОтветитьWould you all stop it ! Making up stories.
Ответитьbe careful what you post. God is the only judge.
ОтветитьShe was not to sad got married very very fast to a guy who left his wife for no reason except his greed for money and power and joni was very happy to marry him and sack her son . This is a jezebel spirit
ОтветитьI don't believe anything Joni says.
ОтветитьJoni & Doug not marrying for 1 year is awesome❣️. I was widowed at 44 yrs old…….for 13 years…..then I met a wonderful man in my church…..we dated & were married in 6 months so we wouldn’t live in sin……he’d been widowed for 27 months…..our pastor had originally wanted us to date a whole year until a young friend of my husband to be told our pastor to let us get married & not make us wait……I was 58 & my fiancé was 61…….we’ve been married for 15 yrs & 7 months now & are very happy.
ОтветитьNo one has ever heard anything from Lisa
ОтветитьSomeone probably did. No one healthy died from covid.
ОтветитьHer arrogance should tell any born again christain she is back sliden.
ОтветитьNO! NO! Why do I say that? Because God keeps telling me to pray for Marcus Lamb!!! If God has been asking me to pray for him, he probably isn't even dead!!!
ОтветитьChrist community?? This is not Christ anything! People don’t believe this trash!
ОтветитьIf Lisa is having issues with intimacy anorexia, how can she be running this counseling office? We just realized that Doug doesn’t even have a real
Daystar is headed for a big fall and the Joni "marriage" could fall apart ....... it will be ugly
ОтветитьI pray that,may peace of the Lord,be upon this family..Families have issues,but ,the only thing is to put focus in God.may Joni lamb have abundant peace and the children too in Jesus name.I love you Joni,be strong.
ОтветитьJoni removed her marriage ring for Marcus so fast and I was shocked when it happened 😢
ОтветитьI don’t believe JONI! She is NOW A LIAR in my eyes
You want Jonathan to give him a chance but yet you forced him away. And don’t forget the SA JONI??
Doug Wise was the first person to show up at Marcus’s memorial service, according to his statement! He talked about how much he loved Marcus and that he was family!
ОтветитьThey need to do autopsy on Marcus Lamb body to see what drugs are in his system when he died. She said, that night how he enjoyed eating dinner with her? And then he mysteriously dies early that morning and only Joni and Joshua Brown are in the room this is outstandingly suspicious WOW. I don't believe Joni Lamb for a second! Little girl Lamb we pray and want justice for you! The sexual abuse was not your fault Joshua Brown needs to be brought in for questioning by the police!
ОтветитьMarcus death need full investigation bcz doug is after day star😊
ОтветитьDid you say Dog ?
ОтветитьYour allegations are truly Satanic. Where is your proof? You aim to deceive and to destroy. Just like Satan.
ОтветитьDaystar is God’s vehicle to spread the gospel. And the Devil hates it and uses his agents to fight God. But truly God will destroy Julie Roy & Laura- Lynn BEFORE they can destroy Daystar!
ОтветитьAnn kindle red wig tells secrets. Tells Joni all about employee so sad
ОтветитьPray for Daystar
ОтветитьMmm!! Very strange,nay God help
ОтветитьThere’s a million dollar question there I had seen that.. her eyes talking with the Evan’s guy etc and it seems she was just needy really needy. That need was on of the bedroom needs. 😅
ОтветитьIt’s unbelievable how large Doug is now! Like he looks like he has doubled in size! May he ran out of the cocaine in Colorado and he needed more and more money too! Joni was a special dressing on the salad
ОтветитьThat’s what he’s told joni😢! Though remember he’s been a molested little boy!
ОтветитьIs that Ronnie the short old man?
ОтветитьIs that Ronnie the short old man? Joni put the home off limits to her daughter and that’s a first beginning of mistrust.
ОтветитьI do believe that Joni was having a phone relationship with Doug before Marcus died. When Doug came on the show you could see that look in her eye. I’ve got tons recorded that I didn’t have time to watch atm so in watching I saw this one. I really doubt I’m the only one that has seen it.
ОтветитьJoni, you are excusing Doug's actions in his previous marriage as Lisa's fault. A loveless marriage? Really?
Your being deceived.
My question would be, were you just jealous of Doug's public expressions of how much he loves his wife, then Lisa, which simply
appealed to your lack of personal love from Marcus. You knew Marcus did not love you nor respected you for over 7 years. You chose
to remain silent because you were protecting him or Day Star. Regardless, Doug is not innocent for his betrayal of his wife Lisa.
Regarding your comment that Lisa did not know how to love her husband, Doug completely fabricated that to excuse his actions. If you want to believe that
then that is on you. There is more to Doug then what Doug is saying.
The reason why information from Lisa and others are silent is because there were probably NDA's read, agreed and signed in order to
control the narrative for Joni and Day Stars future.
However, as the old prophets have said, "Be sure your sins will find you out!"
A " pure" man wouldn't divorce his wife.
ОтветитьShe definitely did it. She will one day be in a crime show
ОтветитьIt started before Marcus passed. I don’t believe God lead joni to doug God is totally against devorse. Doug made up his excuse. A lie. Excuse. It’s evil what he did. So ashamed of joni. Even touching doug
ОтветитьThe bible is clear the only the ground a man to divorce his wife if she commit adultery. Was this the case for Lisa? The wages for sin is death. What a man sow will also reap.
ОтветитьCovid killed that dummy who was a grifter. His healing gift he got from his buddy didnt work.
ОтветитьLisa Weiss is not dating anyone.
ОтветитьJoni is dislike even hearing your voice because you are a dirty liar. A pathologic liar. You don't even know what is flowing out of your mouth. JUST SHUT THE DOORS OF DAY STAR OR ELSE THERE WILL BE CLASS ACTION LAW SUITES FROM ALL AROUND. STOP YOUR CHILDISH TALK. ACT MATURED
ОтветитьI think this video was put out by Joni herself