How To Beat The 50 HOUR POOL TRAP In "12 Feet Deep"

How To Beat The 50 HOUR POOL TRAP In "12 Feet Deep"

How To Beat

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FireFox5 - 27.04.2022 18:31

Have a damn good day.

Grassman666 - 30.09.2023 05:41

I don't know how you possibly did research to determine when she would need insulin without realizing that you're completely wrong about how insulin works.

Insulin decreases blood sugar. She needs food, not insulin.

Also, later on, you just started blatantly contradicting yourself. You said exercise lowers blood sugar and then said she was falling unconscious due to low blood sugar. If she started exercising she would have died faster.

This is from someone who actually has type 1 diabetes.

XArtemisStarsX - 30.09.2023 03:02

Who’s gonna tell them that it doesn’t require a passcode to call in an emergency?

Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson - 30.09.2023 00:26

just threaten the janitor to cut janitor in to there skin or on the wall so the police will see who did it

Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson - 30.09.2023 00:16

how wrinkly are there toes

Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson - 30.09.2023 00:11

what doesnt make sence is that theres a pool cover indoors, if theres no debre flying around then it will stay clean and pool covers are supooseed to be made out of sheet material

Link The Fusky
Link The Fusky - 29.09.2023 22:37

is that the gross reason my eyes go red cause some gross kid peed in the pool?
Edit: lmao the janitor only turned the monitors off

Evan Alexander
Evan Alexander - 29.09.2023 17:49

"Hey Siri, dial 911"

Александр Шумихин
Александр Шумихин - 29.09.2023 06:26

Foken fiberglass, why they don't make foken tanks out of it?

Александр Шумихин
Александр Шумихин - 29.09.2023 06:07

I don't really understand why pool covers even exists, what's their purpose?

The Radio Bastard
The Radio Bastard - 29.09.2023 05:39

My man knows how to beat every situation on the planet but doesn't know the word "glucometer" 😂

charlet trimble
charlet trimble - 29.09.2023 04:07


Mindy S
Mindy S - 29.09.2023 02:23

So really they could have escaped immediately if they had enough drive and were going 100%

WatermelonRacing - 28.09.2023 19:01

this could of been avoided if the janitor wasn't a shitbag

WatermelonRacing - 28.09.2023 18:43

this is TWICE a diabetic has been stuck in a pool

TheFishWhat - 28.09.2023 12:06

why doesnt the sister just take her sister's hair tie?

YEzzi69 - 28.09.2023 05:20

When a worker looks like jigsaw himself thats when you know you should just leave

rose ann ogalesco
rose ann ogalesco - 28.09.2023 04:06

What is the title of this movie?

Tibicen Linnei
Tibicen Linnei - 28.09.2023 00:46

You can call 911 without a phone passcode. I found a woman passed out in a car with a little baby and used her phone to call 911. Both were okay as she hadn't been out long in the shut car. So glad for that.

Graham Bloodworth
Graham Bloodworth - 27.09.2023 23:00

The janitor only turns the monitors off, not the recording system or the cameras.

bumbditch - 27.09.2023 20:08

this movie only makes sense if you haven't ever seen a lane line up close. they have latches to loosen them, easily. tightening them up is the hard part.

nasher112 - 27.09.2023 00:34

So she would rather let them die? She knows she would get done for murder!

BTKT Beatbox
BTKT Beatbox - 26.09.2023 20:37

I have never seen a Pool cover in a Building, outside makes sense because of leaves etc. but inside no way

Katizac - 26.09.2023 16:20

First off,
Low blood sugar requires GLUCOSE, not insulin. If she were to take insulin whilst hypo she'd die in that situation as it does the complete opposite. Also, being in a state of low blood sugar concentration for that long would surely mean she couldn't move, process things, speak properly or keep herself up.
As a diabetic this movie was a painful watch.

Creative Sparks
Creative Sparks - 26.09.2023 08:33

Step one: “Hey Siri call 911”

icelock - 26.09.2023 06:12

"fiberglass can be from 6x-10x stronger than steel"
"what i would do is simply hook onto it upside down and push on it, it'll damage it"
bro 🤣

icelock - 26.09.2023 05:47

pools closed due to aids

Alex Hayes
Alex Hayes - 26.09.2023 03:57

I am a type one diabetic you need insulin if your high. This is very disrespectful. To a type one. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

ChillerTheGreenWizard - 26.09.2023 03:09

Ofc its John Kramer 💀

The Random Meme Cat
The Random Meme Cat - 26.09.2023 02:54

Saw X trap lookin different

Moguman Julien
Moguman Julien - 26.09.2023 02:23

This is a Sims worst nightmare

Luna - 26.09.2023 02:11

As soon as I saw Jigsaw, I knew that this pool would be a deathtrap.

SilentGamer - 25.09.2023 21:54

"There would be a better solution if these girls were thinking straight".

Bold of you to assume women can think straight.

SilentGamer - 25.09.2023 21:51

Stupid Dumb Bitches 2 : the Movie

Rosalie Portier
Rosalie Portier - 25.09.2023 18:00

Oh man all I could say is they’re so stupid…🤦🏻‍♀️

Zbynek - 25.09.2023 16:29

how the hell would the janitor open the cover if they holding her hair?

snake plissken
snake plissken - 25.09.2023 14:01

it is amazing how this kind of movies follow always the same plott.

Hustle Simmons
Hustle Simmons - 25.09.2023 06:32

Or..They could have told the pool manager before diving in and say "Hey my engagment ring is stuck at the bottom of the pool can you give us a moment to get it before you close the pool please?"

M8OfTheNorth - 25.09.2023 05:25

The janitor needs a hammer to the head.

T1D Warrior
T1D Warrior - 25.09.2023 02:17

This whole diabetic thing is BS. If she's low then she would want to have something to raise blood sugar, insulin is what's used to lower blood sugar. She wouldn't have been In DKA (Diabetic Keto Acidosis), she would've been feeling the symptoms of being low, which is what was shown in the movie. Also you wouldn't pass out from being high, just being low. If anyone has questions you can ask me cause I'm a diabetic who went through DKA, I know what its like and it was not that.

Rappinraptor Studios
Rappinraptor Studios - 25.09.2023 01:25

Literally the whole time I'm watching I'm just wondering why they didn't use the DIAMOND ring to cut the cover...

Mikeygamer3323 - 24.09.2023 20:17

First mistake was going swimming

Greenlikeseafoam Aaron
Greenlikeseafoam Aaron - 24.09.2023 19:47

I'm a CPO and this video and movie are poorly researched. Two people could piss and shit in a pool that size for the whole weekend if they wanted to. Your piss is a drop in the water with a pool that size and, more importantly, that depth. It's not going to be pleasant, but you won't die that way, not even close. Plus just because the pool is closed, the pool systems are still running. Them being off in the movie is poor research. It's a physical timing clock or on a programmable system. I used to be able to turn on systems from my phone if I had to. Unless the janitor messes with A) Programmed equipment B) Mechanical feeder dial controlling the outflow of sanitizer through it, they aren't going to get chemical poisoning. The "acid" that is made is literally how chlorine sanitizes a fucking pool. Pools are bio-chemical reactors, it's chemistry. Commercial pools, under regular operation, are 2-3ppm chlorine by law. You're more in danger of hypothermia than anything bacterial/chemical even if you can't shock the pool to take care of fecal matter. And they have a hole in the cover on the shallow end for fresh air. Also, by law the main drain covers have to be screwed in, those aren't coming off. It's not a "good idea". I won't knock the video for saying that, because the movie is poorly researched. If the system wasn't running, you could lift that shit easily, if it was running, fat fucking chance. There are multiple main drains to split the suction force. Not to mention the trough skimmer, typically split between four pipes, one on each corner. trough Skimmers and the main drain all drain into the surge tank. Also the CPO that closed the cover is absolutely going to get charged, 100% negligent behavior. Those controls and the room should be locked. Keys with management and CPO. Water parks are harder to secure, understandably, but a pool this size would take 5 minutes, tops. Literally walk around the pool and look down.

elizabeth_afton - 24.09.2023 19:13

me who can’t even swim: shiiiiit well I’d be dead

Stefi lorga
Stefi lorga - 24.09.2023 13:41


Pepsi Man
Pepsi Man - 24.09.2023 09:12

the fact John Kramer was the one who locked em in gives me a good giggle

NoOdL3z18 - 24.09.2023 08:45

How would I beat it? The first suggestion. I would have notified the manager that I dropped my ring into the pool and then come up with a game plan from there. Also, it's weird that the Manager didn't do a walkaround to ensure that nobody was in the pool.

Carson Dudley
Carson Dudley - 24.09.2023 05:38

Insulin lowers blood sugar, so I mean, probably giving her more insulin is a bad idea if it is getting low lol
