Convert Kivy App to Windows .Exe | #Kivy Tutorial

Convert Kivy App to Windows .Exe | #Kivy Tutorial

Machine Learning Hub

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@ajain5150 - 28.12.2020 10:36

Please update macos convertion

@umeshchandra7441 - 28.12.2020 14:50

Thanks sir again with my another I'd ;)

@umeshchandra7441 - 28.12.2020 14:52

U can also write auto-py-to-exe in command prompt to open it

@priyamtiwari4805 - 28.12.2020 19:22

Sir I am getting
Failed to execute script error
Can you make exe using colab?

@karansinghvlog669 - 05.01.2021 09:24

Make daily video I support you

@rajdeepchahal1691 - 28.02.2021 16:33

bro thank u so much . it's really very helpful

@taherlogbi6285 - 17.04.2021 04:31

Thank you so much sir, but is there a way to convert all of these files into a single exe file , and install it like other exe programs

@jyothiprakashmuddana7219 - 29.04.2021 08:16

Total package size is very high (200MB)
how to reduce the package size !!!!

@BatMan-mk8tf - 03.05.2021 11:19

Not working man😔😔😔😔😔

@nalin3678 - 09.06.2021 07:36

sir i got a error when i open the exe file the error is "Failed to execute script main" can you help me sir

@samyogbhattarai6361 - 22.07.2021 09:29

failed to execute scipt main due to unhandled exceptions: startswith first arg must be str or a tuple of str, not PureWinodwsPath Error plz help me....

@samyogbhattarai6361 - 05.08.2021 15:29

problem solved failed to excute is because latest version pyinstaller don't support so install type:
pip install pyinstaller==4.3

@TheRadiant78 - 23.08.2021 23:25

Hello! I have problem with convert my app - Error not found modul win32api

@ameykulkarni2277 - 28.01.2022 18:03

Amazing 🔥🔥..Thanks for it👍

@kemar3789 - 22.03.2022 18:48

I'm getting an error saying module not found no module named kivymd

@shashankhgedda - 03.05.2022 08:22

what to do if you have a separate kv file? and not kv string? pls help sir

@vladcit492 - 29.06.2023 11:49

i convert my exe more than 1 hour, i dont know, why so annoing

@bigbadcatbigbcy2933 - 24.08.2023 01:08

Should we put our kv file to additional files?

@Sampath_Kumar_09 - 29.08.2023 19:31

Does it take very much time ? Because its half an hr and its still running

@erandiromesha2365 - 25.02.2024 16:52

If the path can't find the file do this:

Add Python Scripts Directory to PATH: Sometimes, the scripts directory of Python is not added to the PATH environment variable during installation. You can manually add it by following these steps:

Find the path to the "Scripts" directory within your Python installation directory. It is typically located at C:\Path\to\Python\Scripts.
Once you have the path to the "Scripts" directory, add it to your system's PATH environment variable. You can do this by:
Right-clicking on "This PC" or "My Computer" and selecting "Properties".
Clicking on "Advanced system settings".
Clicking on "Environment Variables".
Selecting the "Path" variable in the "System variables" section and clicking "Edit".
Adding the path to the Python Scripts directory (e.g., C:\Path\to\Python\Scripts).
Clicking "OK" to save the changes.


@tahmidmahmud5013 - 28.12.2020 11:46

Thank you so much for your tutorial.
I was looking for this type of tutorial for a long time.
