Scheduled Triggered Flow to Count Tasks (Roll Up Summary Example)

Scheduled Triggered Flow to Count Tasks (Roll Up Summary Example)

Salesforce Made Simple

11 месяцев назад

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@catrionacassidy7102 - 23.10.2023 18:01

Hi Nick, the video is great. I want to stop an opportunity moving a stage up until all tasks associated with the Opportunity are completed. Can i use this technique? do I put a rule when getting the records that all tasks status must be completed?

@krisszielinski2811 - 14.09.2023 22:05

Thanks Nick! Great, easy to follow video. Any thoughts on how to count TASKS on a Lead or Contact when the individual is listed in the NAME field, but is not the primary WhoId on the record?

@khasimshaik1885 - 04.08.2023 17:04

Hi Nick, Can you please help me on the overlapping tasks need to calculate actual days spend on the Tasks. I have a custom object and having the status field which is a picklist for each picklist values we are creating tasks, for example status in new I have 3 tasks created whose start date is 4th and completed date is 8th, second task 5-7 and third task is 6- 9. Here I want to calculate the days spent tasks in that inquiry step I don't want to calculate from completed date - Strat date on each task and add the total , I want task created first and task completed last that difference I want.
here The least created date is 3 and last completed date is 9 so the difference 9-3 = 6 days and this needs to update on related object field which holds the actual days spent

@GiaTedeman - 30.06.2023 15:32

Nick, I was trying to make this flow when task is created to update the task count field on the lead record using record triggered flow. It really bugs me that my flow runs and counts the tasks successfully in debug mode but doesn't update the lead field. I tried both with trigger when updated, fast field update and related records. Both ran successfully which is the confusing part.
