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Leon Rhimes
Leon Rhimes - 09.08.2023 21:18

TWITCH - Pay us for shitting on the small streamers

KittyOzzy - 30.07.2022 00:41

In this country its all about the money if you want to make more money you have to spend more money its just business

Lit757 - 06.06.2022 19:22

The only people upset are the bigger steamers who have strong followings , because they don’t want a smaller more entertaining streamer to get noticed and take from their following . However as a smaller streamer it’s almost impossible to build a following in a timely manner without some type help. My advices just keep doing what you’re doing it’s working been working ! It’s not like you can’t use the boost too ,

Satisfaction - 22.11.2021 03:38

Thank god cause years of hard work ain’t paying off when these mofos post a lucky clip lol. And then the big guys complain cause their greedy smh

yuno - 24.10.2021 01:58

I thinks it’s a good idea for people who don’t have affiliate yet

YOgorockBowlerffxi11-Yo Bunston
YOgorockBowlerffxi11-Yo Bunston - 12.10.2021 06:21

I know that djWheat said he thought 💭 it be a great Idea that he had twitch created for it to which he did stream over it after the blow up of coming After that idea in what he wasn't expecting from it as well, anyways...

Capt Crabs
Capt Crabs - 06.10.2021 20:51

the slack sounds were really messing me up while at work.

Dads1stTime - 04.10.2021 23:49

The real issue with this is that there is no profit made for the streamer. You pay to boost, but the streamer sees no residual from it minus the potential to have more viewers.

Maybe remove the carousel of popular channels on the main page, and reserve it for streamers with under 100 viewers. Offer it at random to 15 streamers in 15 min blocks and it's a lottery shot. If it pops up on your stream, your chat is more likely to boost you to the carousel if it means you could gain 1,000 eyes and hone in on 5-10% of the audience to potentially gain lifers.

I think that is only way the value proposition of a boost makes sense. Boosting to recommended for you is not worth the money

Kingz & Queenz Entertainment
Kingz & Queenz Entertainment - 04.10.2021 19:58

Always Appreciate your Shows ❤🙏🏿

Kingz & Queenz Entertainment
Kingz & Queenz Entertainment - 04.10.2021 19:57

Yup Twitch takes 100% of the profits nice help 🤣 Bye gifted subs down 20%

fluxwkeys - 04.10.2021 02:54

I feel like this is just going to be a way to get about 1%-2% of 1000 people to even drop in to your stream seem its more going to be like 5-10 new viewers that aren't confirmed to even stay in your stream but I can get this feature on my account I might test it and come back and update this comment with the result

kriddius - 04.10.2021 02:09

Devin Nash did a video on this. The boost thing will have very little actual benefit to those you're boosting, if at all. It's burning your money needlessly

Lullichiiqa - 03.10.2021 21:10

Also, I like the 3 lights in the back from Elgato, but no lights in the recording 😁🤪

Lullichiiqa - 03.10.2021 21:02

I though 'wtf' the first 30-60 secs, but after seeing how it looks like, I more see it as an paid AD - just like Facebook ads and Google ads. If thats the case I acutally think its a brillant idea, because you might have some awesome streamers stuck with less than 5 viewers because they don't get discovered and thats hard to change unless the roulette hit their number when people surf for streams.
With advertise it would make them get a chance, and that shouldnt be anything to be upset about in my opinion.
If its 1000 fake viewers I will admit i think there is some issues, to its not real - but yet again, I also could see it kinda would be needed because people might give 1-2 min more time to see what they got if they have 1005 viewers vs 5 viewers.
I dont see how it could hurting anyone atleast, but there could be some cons I dont see now I will see when its in use.

(i didnt see the whole video yet - just what came to me, at the start of it. I'll watch the rest soon)

MysticNinjaSoul - 03.10.2021 06:59

This has literally made me say to hell with Twitch, no lie.

Kyle The Communist
Kyle The Communist - 03.10.2021 06:56

Interesting that Viewerlabs went down just before this. I've honestly always thought Twitch was selling viewbots on the side as a little side hustle. It does seem fishy that Viewerlabs got taken down just as this came out 🤷🏼‍♂️

MidLifeSniper - 03.10.2021 06:39

At least there will be SOME sort of discoverability options for small streamers.

Haruhi Suzumiya
Haruhi Suzumiya - 03.10.2021 05:29

This is pure greed

TivasTheGamer - 03.10.2021 02:16

My guess is that this won't work unless it´s available only for small streamers, because larger streamers have tons of people willing to invest enough to get their favorite to the top (where the stream already is). Medium size streams have less viewers but willing to help the streamer as well (Then those will be promoted enough to stay in the same spot they already are). Small and undiscovered streamers have not enough people to compete. In the end, things would stay the same but Twitch will be getting more money... I say again, it would work if this is only for small streams.

HighStreetCred - 02.10.2021 19:49

I’m trying to understand how consumers are now paying for advertising a business. Because that’s what’s happening here…how dat make sense though?

davewtw - 02.10.2021 15:56

is there a way for me to get the stream-book because im not receiving through my email

Cosmos Cartoons
Cosmos Cartoons - 02.10.2021 00:44

Looks like Twitch becoming a pay to win...

MTG with Shannibal
MTG with Shannibal - 01.10.2021 20:44

If the conversion rate is similar to impressions vs sales, it would be 10 viewers (or less) for 1,000 impressions, which doesn't seem bad but I think there are better ways to try to make discoverbility an actual thing

tribopower - 01.10.2021 19:59

Maybe I am looking at this wrong but this looks like gamble or gacha to me, throw money for a chance to get more viewers, sometimes you may pay 1 dollar and get 10+ new viewers... other times you may pay 100 and receive 0. Its so uncertain that it does look my a cash sink, the only way I can see this being viable is if twitch gives a safeguard "oh you paid 100 bucks in ads but got 0 new viewers, here take your money back" else its trully just cash burning

UNDERGROUND NATION - 01.10.2021 16:16

i’ve been doing this for three years faithfully no days off and giving it my all I do not want to lose something I’ve built up for three years so please help me

UNDERGROUND NATION - 01.10.2021 16:15

at all I really need help with this because twitch is the only way I make my income it is impossible for me to get a job because I am visually impaired and also albino so please if anybody can help me I will be very grateful

UNDERGROUND NATION - 01.10.2021 16:13

I really need help if anybody know how to fix my situation please get back to me my payout was suspended and I’ve been trying to get in touch with twitch to be able to fix it in they have not help me and they also took off bits from my channel for no reason

Frau Trollinger
Frau Trollinger - 01.10.2021 15:05

I was one of the streamer Who checked out this bost. It was in a time wehre we had hate from 3 other streamer because I am a Big woman and 49 Jears old and play fortnite. The boost is god you get people in your stream. And we get some of them for the community. The bost was in the category. You wehre starting on twitch on the day. Sorry for my bad english, I am from germany.

The Mother Owl
The Mother Owl - 01.10.2021 15:00

If Twitch wants to make more money, they first need to make the platform bigger. So, INVESTING in ways to make it more user friendly, campaigns, etc, or anything that brings people in should be their top priority. More people in is more content, more economy, more longevity,...
Is this monetizing feature a bad idea from a business stand point? No... but first you need to give streams some tools. The gap between big and small streamers is already significant.

Your effort and time (content) is becoming less valuable.

Ben Webb
Ben Webb - 01.10.2021 12:37

For me the weird thing isn't that it skews discoverability, or that it is or isn't effective at even doing that. It's that from what we can tell the streamer gets 0% of the money. This means if you're interested in supporting the streamer monetarily the function is useless since subbing, gift subbing, bits, or even just straight up donating is more effective at doing that. As a viewer buying this for a streamer, you're essentially gambling the money instead of directly supporting. Why would you choose to do this? The flip side of that is if the streamer spent 1 dollar from every sub to boost, they'd effectively both get monetary support and boosted BUT even that seems silly since having a lot of subs should naturally boost your visibility since that means you have a lot of people willing to pay you for your content - which circles back to the first point. If enough people are paying for this to be effective for the streamer, that means the streamer is likely already visible, and in the off chance that they're not what are the odds that a few people boosting them gives them enough visibility to get an amount of new viewers that it's more monetarily sound than just spending in a more direct fashion?

O 4C
O 4C - 01.10.2021 12:14

I'm going to use this.

Fry from Futurama: Shut up, and take my money!

KROW - 01.10.2021 11:17

So instead of doing a better job of making smaller creators get noticed they just focus on making even more money 😒

Great video!

AwkwardJess - 01.10.2021 10:07

Twitch should be ashamed of themselves. This is a disaster. And it won't help streamers like it sounds from Twitch.

MercrediBenz - 01.10.2021 09:27

If it was a way to promote clips it might work.

Sem van Blerk
Sem van Blerk - 01.10.2021 07:54

Wouldn't this feature be way more unfair with channel points instead of paying for it? Bigger and middle size communities would have way more channel point buying power than streamers with less viewers, cos with the higher viewer numbers the total amount of channel points that have been given to all the added up viewers on their channel is way higher...

Syafire - 01.10.2021 06:31

Thanks for these news videos Ashni, they have been really helpful <3

kainemaxwell - 01.10.2021 05:37

I hate all of this

KennyMaximumGaming - 01.10.2021 05:35

I feel like this feature shouldn't even be available to streamers that's over a certain follower threshold. It should ONLY be available to streamers until their channel can stand on it's own.

AwesomeAutisticGamer - 01.10.2021 04:53

interesting development

TheShinyOreo - 01.10.2021 04:20

I am confused i looked all over to read more on this but i can not find this info anywere

Jordan Press Play
Jordan Press Play - 01.10.2021 04:18

What would be a smart move would be.. while the twitch streamer they usually watches runs ads the streamers who are using this are shown during the ads

Draco894 - 01.10.2021 04:06

Is pay to win

RoninStorm - 01.10.2021 03:55

to be honest this is not going too work cause in trovo we have something like this we get too use free currency from the site . but people join the streams but they are not there for you . same with this with twitch there be people who be there for you some will not be there for you .tomrrow trovo will remove this feature from there site they listen too their streamers at least. so yea i tried this on trovo does not work it works getting views but non of those viewers return.

The Mess Express
The Mess Express - 01.10.2021 03:52

The other big thing, even though people will be paying for impressions, it’ll be interesting to see how the recommendations targeting is applied. If someone pays for 1k recommendations for a Valorant player, but all those recommendations go toward an AMSR communities, those impressions will go to waste. If we are able to spend money for essentially a recommendation ad space, hopefully we would also be able to adjust targeting options as well as see results such as CTR and CPC.

Indie Creator Hub
Indie Creator Hub - 01.10.2021 03:48

From my understanding it's built off from the channel points system only now, your viewers are able to spend irl money to boost their favorite channel. Unlike TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and others that do offer a nice, free option of discoverability. Twitch really has none of that and is coming out with a paid value-add when they haven't done the work leading up to this. I have to agree with Harris and others when they say that Twitch is being squeezed to draw out as much money as possible before the eventual decline/sale/shutdown.
