5 Signs You Should Quit Your Job ASAP!

5 Signs You Should Quit Your Job ASAP!

Jennifer Brick

3 года назад

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Jennifer Brick
Jennifer Brick - 11.05.2021 18:05

Have you quit a job without having another job, or had a stealth search to escape a job that made you miserable?

EllyLoves - 27.09.2023 01:28

I’m in that burnout stage but I’m more stressed about how to speak to them about my resignation! 😢

Regina Mills
Regina Mills - 25.09.2023 02:07

I loved my job. Than we got franchised by Marriott. I hate it now. 😢

rhillzbob - 23.09.2023 05:39

make them terminate you. so you can collect unemployment 😊

Ivy Cooper
Ivy Cooper - 22.09.2023 17:49

My job and personal experience has caused me to be depressed and exhausted being around negative people

webOfLies - 20.09.2023 15:31

Trying to get to the 1 year mark, 4 months away...

Linda Tallon
Linda Tallon - 14.09.2023 16:45

I refuse to tolerate disrespect from anyone......

ElOnTour - 12.09.2023 16:20

I quit my job at social security services in Austria six years ago. A job where its almost impossible to get fired. No one understood my decision and still when i look back it was the best decision ever. Since then my live got so much better and right now i work for six months and travel for six months every year. I can only advise you: be brave and move on 🎉🎉

POSITIVE_ HASSAN - 12.09.2023 00:45

I just submitted my resignation after working almost a year in a very stressful, long working hours environment, waking up at 4:00 am some days to see my schedule for the day plus long driving hours (every day a new location)…I got burned out . Thank god i feel much better and my mental health improved dramatically..Stay strong everyone and god bless you in the future 😇

JCsMan - 10.09.2023 15:03

Nowadays every workplace is a toxic work environment.

gary rose
gary rose - 10.09.2023 13:56

Your only fans has 100o subs!

Rubberside Down
Rubberside Down - 07.09.2023 08:39

Here's some advice. Keep your resume current, and if you feel like a job won't work out, start applying ASAP for other jobs and get the heck out. Bosses are very sneaky and backstabbing at times, especially if they have fragile egos. I miss having a tough boss. One more thing, listen to your gut feeling after an interview. If people seem off or the situation feels off, don't take the job!! Blessings to you All!

Vanessa Bailón
Vanessa Bailón - 06.09.2023 01:20

I don’t know if leave my job, but what makes stressful is that company count the time, record all the calls, and I feel guilty taking time to go to the restroom, become super boring. It’s my first job so I don’t know if I quit 🥲 there are worse jobs, that I don’t know if it’s good idea to quit. I feel so much robotic in my job.

BZS BZS - 05.09.2023 17:37

If you are watching this on a serious level, then please re think your life. If you need a complete stranger with no credentials to tell you what to do....then WOW.

T - 03.09.2023 03:10

Group janitorial jobs dont do it. Your stuck with people who bring contraband.

Valencia Fernandes
Valencia Fernandes - 19.08.2023 18:56

Worst toxic environment, I am facing. It's too much no one to help.

Chase Legleiter
Chase Legleiter - 05.08.2023 00:29

Working 90 hours a week is absolutely absurd

Janilee Birch
Janilee Birch - 26.07.2023 17:52

I quit without having another source of income. It was a matter of personal safety in a toxic workplace and an toxic unsupportive employer. My office adjoined a rented office that the company knew the renter creates a hostile environment. There were numerous incident reports that the company would ignore. When it turned to personal attacks and sexual harassment, they still ignored it. Their solution was to keep giving the renter chances to pay his rent, always 60 days late, and talk to him about the behavior problems which only made it worse and triggered him to personally attack me more. Management would gaslight me although this same situation occurred with several previous managers. It was scary to leave without a plan but it was scarier to stay and wait for the next attack. Within a week I found a work environment that has changed my life and is more meaningful! I sold some items to help keep my bills paid and got the peace I needed. I'm so relieved and happy to be in a place where I am respected as an individual. It's always better to have an exit plan but you have to put your safety first.

Flaming Bridges
Flaming Bridges - 24.07.2023 16:23

I got my first job when I was 19 and I'm 33 now. Decided now it's time to move on. Going for an interview this week

Marv 🌀 Vision
Marv 🌀 Vision - 05.07.2023 20:24

In my work place some of the toxic behavior you mentioned is so normalized I guess I didn’t really recognize it until… well now that im quitting. Some days just the thought of my job would make my stomach turn or I’d lose sleep thinking about meetings. Anyhow thanks for making this video certainly has helped me. Hope yall have a great day and best of luck on yalls journey!

Annemarie Coen
Annemarie Coen - 21.06.2023 02:07

Great info, but cannot stand her voice and inflection. Valley girl gives advice😊😊

April Lynn
April Lynn - 17.06.2023 05:51

I've been at my retail job for 8 years and am considering leaving. New management is taking over and I just don't feel like I sync in too well with the workplace culture. Also, they downsize left and right. Seniority means nothing.

Mimi Hoffman
Mimi Hoffman - 17.06.2023 00:33

In one right now! Never have I ever faced such ridiculousness!

Purple_cancerian M
Purple_cancerian M - 09.06.2023 16:04

What if I’m barely in my current toxic job for less than 1 year?

Marco Boesso
Marco Boesso - 26.05.2023 00:45

I have quit last week, I will talk with my manager to fix my last day of work. Hopefully I will end by the beginning of June

Steve Mean
Steve Mean - 22.05.2023 04:34

Watching this video means. You need to quit ASAP.😀

NBETHELC ELLIOT - 17.05.2023 16:41

Talked too much before getting into the points.

Jacoby F
Jacoby F - 16.05.2023 15:33

I don't know why it's so hard for employers to get. If you stop being a horrible boss then turnover rate will be better. I don't need a karen AND my boss berating me.

XH39Z9 - 14.05.2023 06:43

My workplace right now. I miss my job at the cinema, it was stressfull but i just worked for 6 or less hhours a day and I was extremely happy.

Kazzerp McD
Kazzerp McD - 13.05.2023 14:38

Don’t quit until you have another job lined up.

Hematophria - 11.05.2023 20:23

What if you quit and it was something that was helping pay bills.

snip - 06.05.2023 01:16

Our manager was away for 2 weeks and the work environment was honestly amazing. Too bad she's gonna be back. Already made up my mind to quit my job however.

Sonia IS
Sonia IS - 05.05.2023 20:41

You know you are in a toxic job when your boss is a psychopath and your coworkers are against you for no reason, I quit my job yesterday, I 've been harassed. In Barcelona, Spain, horrible country to work

Red Neck
Red Neck - 05.05.2023 02:09

most idiotic video Ive never seen : no research / very basic. No need for video , 0/5

Shantell - 04.05.2023 22:34

I literally quit my job last week. It was a big corporation and great work culture but the clientele we dealt with were angry all of the time and the attendance policy for this company was insane. It got to the point I was having panic attacks and intense anxiety daily and I worked from home which is supposed to be great right? Nah. Lol. I'm so glad I left when I did.

dino monica
dino monica - 02.05.2023 05:14

90h a week people work?! I don't think so.. that's 18 h a day with only 6 h to sleep.. something doesn't seem right..

Azfar Syed
Azfar Syed - 29.04.2023 04:16

Jobs any kind need to see if hurt badly then Health is number 1

Cary - 27.04.2023 22:48

In my situation it’s a toxic company in a difficult/stressful speciality (psychiatry)
This MH job is affecting my MH
I came in so happy and a positive person and it has destroyed my soul

Beaulieu C
Beaulieu C - 20.04.2023 19:12

Not everyone has a paid job to quit. I am a co-ordinator for a volunteering scheme and I felt I was being undermined by one volunteer, and then supported by the others. I think once you start having one of those in the group it is a red flag. He started to make the rules and do his own thing and he is not supposed to. I had my own good reasons for doing what was right for the whole group. But I thought the atmosphere would get worse and it was making me less motivated and low on energy that I decided to quit it. There were 2 co ordinators and because of one volunteer undermining me he is also leaving. Now with me leaving and the other one, there are only a few volunteers left and they may not take over the group and it will fold. Sometimes you have to do the right for yourself, even if the team folds.

Beaulieu C
Beaulieu C - 20.04.2023 19:11

Not everyone has a paid job to quit. I am a co-ordinator for a volunteering scheme and I felt I was being undermined by one volunteer, and then supported by the others. I think once you start having one of those in the group it is a red flag. He started to make the rules and do his own thing and he is not supposed to. I had my own good reasons for doing what was right for the whole group. But I thought the atmosphere would get worse and it was making me less motivated and low on energy that I decided to quit it. There were 2 co ordinators and because of one volunteer undermining me he is also leaving. Now with me leaving and the other one, there are only a few volunteers left and they may not take over the group and it will fold. Sometimes you have to do the right for yourself, even if the team folds.

Lauren Wilkins
Lauren Wilkins - 17.04.2023 06:03

I think the only way my boss will be okay with me leaving is if I moved out of state.

Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson - 14.04.2023 06:00

I work in mental healthcare and though I love the patients I work with my coworkers are toxic, gossipy, and micromanage everything I do. My contributions and hard work are never acknowledged only my mistakes are called out and often in front of my supervisor. I've only been there 3 months but I'm already looking for another job. I have no loyalty to any company especially if they allow workplace bullying. I refuse to let my own mental health to go down the tubes even if the pay is great. My health and peace of mind are more important.

They Call Me MR. G
They Call Me MR. G - 28.03.2023 07:01

I just put my two weeks notice in last Friday and I don’t have anything lined up. I’m scared, but I’ve never felt more free.

ASAP fortune
ASAP fortune - 27.03.2023 16:09

I worked at a job so toxic one time that even the line leads was walking off the job early 😂

Baba-G - 19.03.2023 02:42

Its not alwyas how long you work ist how hard you work!

Baba-G - 19.03.2023 02:40

Bad jobs make you Sick and Poor ! I had never a Company with good people i has Cult Companys Free church maipulators

Javier Ruiz
Javier Ruiz - 18.03.2023 18:45

Working in a toxic environment was the reason I quit and opened my own business.

J.C M - 13.03.2023 17:23

I resigned with no notice March 13, 2023 from a very toxic environment within the federal government! I’ve been a government contractor for over 25 years. Started new position with a new GPOC. Literally within the first week I knew it was toxic. So after only one month… 4 weeks!… My anxiety went sky high. Because of the lies, incompetence and toxicity I went from being a stellar employee two having my own manager send condescending emails to me! I knew It was time to retire! I’m much older than most of you I’m sure, but I’m here to tell you take back your life! It’s too short to be miserable and there’s always another open door! Tomorrow is never guaranteed! Anytime you think that you can’t get another job call upon your own talents. When I was in between jobs I literally hung wallpaper for a living and became the only one around that did wallpaper repair so I created my own niche! That was 35 years ago! If I could do it… You can do it!

Let's Talk Careers with Sara Yusupov
Let's Talk Careers with Sara Yusupov - 12.03.2023 21:37

Great video. Thanks for sharing. I just recently added a video about this and would love your feedback.
