40K - ASTARTES HISTORY - PRIMARCH to PRIMARIS | Warhammer 40,000 Lore

40K - ASTARTES HISTORY - PRIMARCH to PRIMARIS | Warhammer 40,000 Lore


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Luetin09 - 04.04.2020 23:33

- I've added timeline timestamps -
As we are well into 2020 the Space Marines seem something I should put off no longer, despite still having some other races and factional elements I need to cover in the wider galaxy of 40K it seems the right time to begin the process of covering the Space Marine’s. While it is tempting for me to go all in on a weighty singularly comprehensive video that covers every possible detail of a legion/chapter, from experience this would become an all consuming sprawling multi-hour video that would likely take me months to create - I want these instead to be consumable and not hinder production of other material each month.
I was all ready to leap straight into the first Legion… but then I realised in order to properly begin this series, it must establish how this all began. So this is a deliberately condensed version which I think hits the key elements from the beginning to the Primaris - so that I can continue on from there.
Lastly I’ll say that as per usual anything or anyone I’ll omit related to a legion’s history or events will be by choice, to either save time, or pin til later.

Henry Bellman
Henry Bellman - 22.09.2023 14:32

I watched this 2 years ago. Rewatching this masterpiece as Im working from home.

Menace312 - 08.09.2023 21:46

The emperor was obviously created in a laboratory on Terra.

Mike Vasquez
Mike Vasquez - 03.09.2023 15:19

Angron never had a chance in or out of universe due to the Butcher's Nails and bad writing respectively.

PJOZeus - 20.08.2023 21:17

Imo the reason for singularly stranded succesor chapters of pure primaris, is their numbers would be too shallow to encompass the specific beliefs and heritage of all of the primarchs and their legions together, something which had obviously been beneficial for the legions and the loyalist imperium as a whole
They were kept pure to keep this pride in themselves alive, rather than devolving to a generic imperium mixed chapter - Many strong chapters which come together as an even stronger force complimenting each other, rather than diluted chapters with no speciality or strong point at all, coming together just to bolster numbers rather than benefit from each other

Their uniqueness was a gift, even if those gifts had to meld together better
In the legion sized units, there were so many members that it was not hard for certain sects of each gene seed to remain isolated and purist reinforcing their brothers beliefs and tactics, to calm their mind when they would question - whilst still having enough to work together well and bolster each other

The legions were the coherence, the purist chapters were their strength
Primaris in Primarch chapters still enabled that better cohesion (gently), but he couldn't overstep and remove their unique strengths either when limiting their number

PJOZeus - 20.08.2023 20:38

Erebus was corrupted long ago.
He never changed, The Emperors actions merely left the legion grasping for meaning, so those subversive elements that had always been there were allowed to dig their roots ever deeping - tainting Lorgar.
A Malicious Man, Sensing a horrendous truth, Subverting Selection for the legions - A poisoned marine further corrupting their Master, and from a single Primarch and a Man, to many Legions, Individual soldiers and Primarchs alike
A vile man who wormed his way to an angel, twisted a demigod, and sought to strike down their creator

Wade George
Wade George - 06.08.2023 03:42

The second and eleventh primarchs were girls and that's why they were struck from history

sharo - 03.08.2023 05:42

Sell bigger models.

Guster TV
Guster TV - 31.07.2023 06:58

Hey all! Complete newbie here, watched like 10-15videos of Luetin and I feel like the emperor is kind of the bad guy in the end (slaying thunder warriors, killing anyone who doesn’t agree,…) am I wrong? Am I missing something? 🤔

King Slayer420
King Slayer420 - 28.07.2023 19:10

"For two thousand years ring passed out of all knowledge" That had me rolling on floor😂

TheEmperorsChampion - 27.07.2023 08:10

Ave imperator!

The Zero Line
The Zero Line - 13.07.2023 10:41

Primarchs? More like pri-marks.

jeffhreid - 11.07.2023 05:37

Imagine how much corruption is possible in an empire where Caul can hide the largest military project in history for 10k years

Muttman12 - 30.06.2023 08:53

I came for 40k and stayed for the random Star Wars references

Steven Crouch
Steven Crouch - 21.06.2023 20:56

Is it possible that the last old ones location is found through the portal on moloch and the emperor need to talk to the last old one to gain knowledge on how to make the primarchs?

Werewolf with a Stogie
Werewolf with a Stogie - 20.06.2023 12:59

I think it's kinda funny how in the Imperium's attempts to keep the Emporer alive they're only preventing him from properly regenerating since he's a perpetual. Of course they would have no way of knowing that unless they learned more about perpetuals and how they worked

Elmeric - 10.06.2023 06:37

Awesome, as always.

Elmeric - 29.05.2023 03:17


Gino Delgobbo
Gino Delgobbo - 10.05.2023 21:50

Man, how cool is Warhammer?
You can really get lost in it. What an intresting Universe!

Elmeric - 08.05.2023 05:36


ODNxRogue - 27.04.2023 16:36

Came to watch this just because I heard my boy Grimaldis is a freaking primaris now, the reclusiarc of the black templars and a primaris dudes an absolute legend recluse

Nicholas Nugen
Nicholas Nugen - 26.04.2023 07:48

If our emperor is so knowledgeable I'm kind of wondering what he was doing for all those thousands of years during the golden age of man.... dude could sneak away an STC? Or even perhaps learn enough about it to recreate it. Either way Mr Hersey took that choice away from our emporer

Ian K
Ian K - 24.04.2023 15:37

Come on now Luetin you can't mention the greatest Genewrights in Imperial history and not mention Fabius Bile! He still perfecting the Great Work to this day.

BudaKhan - 23.04.2023 15:25

Am I the only one who thinks that Games Workshop jumped the shark with Vulkan? I can overlook the Emperor and his super abilities, but being able to regenerate your head after being decapitated, or coming back from being vaporized. C’mon man! I would ask are they trying to beat Disney for ridiculous storylines and blowing your IP but this came before Star Wars and Disney!

Sentient Mop
Sentient Mop - 12.04.2023 00:24

I would like to point out that at the moment 40,001 totals likes and dislikes, just saying

Xion Toshiro
Xion Toshiro - 02.04.2023 01:59

The Un-Numbered Sons numbers were beginning to dwindle

So, there's a number?

Josh Sickels
Josh Sickels - 02.04.2023 01:51

no way she was involved and be clueless to the goal. Only to be surprised and even have the ability to have baby diaposal service making house calls. The big E stole somerhing from chaos allowing them to play a hand of Tzeenchian baby corruption revenge. He yeeted those babies while hidding a corruptible back door in each. As each primarch emulated a version of the Emperor's individual traits. Primarchs emulating weaker dominant traits were the most corrupted. The yeeting of the primarchs is exactly how Tzeench would handle the situation. Ensuring the widest range of possible changes and outcomes. The imperium's records are falsified to prevent the people from knowing the Emperor was unable to foresee this or stop it and that fact would hurt the view of him as an all powerful master of mankind. Evey human alive can accept a "BITCHES B CRAZY" narrative and accept that even the big E can't fight that. After all, he is a man... just a man.

Xion Toshiro
Xion Toshiro - 30.03.2023 04:36

Well, ya gotta admit; wall building is pretty handy

Christopher Aaron
Christopher Aaron - 28.03.2023 09:07

I always thought the Emperor either used biomancy to change himself or genetic messing with himself. He could just be a core that projects an image.

Caddy666 - 27.03.2023 06:54

should've sent the lemon after erebus, instead of giving him a slap on the wrist.

CplEthane - 27.03.2023 06:32

"Space Marines are nothing if not traditionalists... they do not like change, they worship their history and their origins..."

Glad to see nothing has changed 40,000 years from now

anomonyous - 26.03.2023 08:32

Primaris are heretical lorebreaking bullshit.

ruaine83 - 25.03.2023 22:16

History became legend, legend became myth.... and everyone leaves out the last part (although in fairness the myth hasn't been forgotten by the time the Age that gave it birthed it came again)...

MforMovesets - 23.03.2023 07:11

When I saw red helmed Ultramarines at Games Workshop I thought they were literally too dumb to paint them and it drove me nuts.

Uruk - 16.03.2023 14:15

Hey !
I don't know if you sometimes take suggestions and I'm sure a lot of people always comment "I want to see this and that.."
But here I go xD
I'd love to see a series about Space Marines Legions and Chapters and their primarchs :)
I know, very original... :)

Great work, thanks !

David Dines
David Dines - 16.03.2023 02:07

Its pretty stock reasoning that breaking the legions would prevent an opportunity like Horus had. Also, when guilleman is the last remaining primarch, when cadia goes boom. Hmm I need legion. Cant do that. Probably better to watch he universe burn.

Also the titan were separated from their transports. Same reason. Whos gonna call G man a hypocrite. Also I dislike the notion of hypocrisy. Who knows better than G man in M41.999 ? Perhaps one guy, perhaps none.

Ilia Gofman
Ilia Gofman - 14.03.2023 23:28

The timeline of the eventuality leading to Astartes legacy suffering, existing for real has now been mostly erased and re-written to not require it, for real and not much cheating to be honest. We have a different, better timeline now. A bit like the good Startrek and co-existing multidimensional multiverse.
Rest in peace Astartes timeline. You will still be remembered as at least a hypothetical possibility to be weary of the events that could lead to your and others as a result of your mistakes, existence and your own suffering being required, for whatever reasons in the timeline

Kimberly 🏳️‍🌈
Kimberly 🏳️‍🌈 - 10.03.2023 06:06

I'm not a gamer but a sucker for lore 😩

thenson1halo - 10.03.2023 00:43

The Adeptus Custodes were used to wipe out the Thunder Warriors. I forget the book, but there is even a conversation between the leaders of the Custodes and Thunder Warriors.

Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D
Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D - 28.02.2023 01:22

While I love Vulkan for various reasons, I believe Rogul Dorn of the Imperial Fistswas a gifted architect and his true power was tactical defense. He could probably build a snow fort which might end up causing enemies to tire themselves out and their resources before striking them down almost effortlessly. And he wasn't lacking courage or fury in warfare, considering what his Chapter sons - the Black Templars, had become. I also think that the emperor was able to essentially psychically shape shift his form in the viewpoint of others, especially considering what happened when he first met Mortarion and Leman Russ, all hidden from common view. Having said that I do believe he was probably tall for a human, like very tall. Probably somewhere between 8ft to 10 ft, but then in comparison to the Space Marines and the primark's themselves he was probably almost bought 16 ft tall using or unconsciously exuding his psychic powers to project himself that big. Which also involves The Golden Throne aka the Astronomicon, likely being many feet tall and wide. And I doubt that he suddenly started growing after his comatose, practically dead, state (which is one of the reasons why people call him the “corpse emperor”, as an insult. Because it's partially true).

Point Break
Point Break - 25.02.2023 07:22

I wanna fight you.

Chodeoriki - 24.02.2023 03:26

Played warhammer once when I was younger and never touched it again. Not my thing however I really appreciated the art work, that shit was amazing. Now finding the lore and I’ve become a fan (of the lore that is, still don’t plan playing the table top game).
Edit: also even back then I thought fuck that as soon as I saw the price. That’s not changed either. Fuck paying what they’re asking. That’s probably the only reason I don’t buy them simply Cus of the art.

JarvBricks - 23.02.2023 15:21

If the chapters can’t go over 1000 marines did the codex change when roberte Gillenon have primaris marines to reinforce the chapters?

timh1319 - 16.02.2023 17:38

" it doesn't really matter" what a fantastic way to face the new and stupid lore around the emperor and the Astartes. this is why Games Workshop and 40K needs0 a reset
