Mapping 1280p x 640p Led Screen With 10 Ports NovaStar VX1000 Processor

Mapping 1280p x 640p Led Screen With 10 Ports NovaStar VX1000 Processor


1 год назад

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Manny H
Manny H - 14.09.2023 22:58

That is the worst locking mechanism I’ve ever seen on panels

Rajat Kumar
Rajat Kumar - 06.09.2023 09:44

I understand new income how to run p4 p6 p7 on a linsn processr Sir explain me through a video

Lavanya Thoparapu
Lavanya Thoparapu - 28.08.2023 21:24

Im like ur videos im working as av techincen i need larn nova star

Cao Phong Việt
Cao Phong Việt - 10.08.2023 12:12

Thank you very much ❤

Red Sound Audio
Red Sound Audio - 31.07.2023 17:13

Seems like too many lan cables but long as it works

Mozey Gh
Mozey Gh - 07.07.2023 13:05

I'm into event management And i like your videos.keep it up

jasim - 20.05.2023 10:50

diamensions of led wall ?

Gabriel Crsióstomo
Gabriel Crsióstomo - 12.05.2023 19:35

The best video for learn how is the basic to become work with resolume, thanks, please upload mor videos, THANKS ITS SIMPLE , ITS GREAT VIDEO!!!...

MrComicstudios - 30.04.2023 03:32

(Sorry if I make some mistakes writting this message, english isn't my first language) Hey, I'm mostly a Streaming operator here in Guatemala, but I'm starting to transition to led screen mapping as well.

I have people that will rent me the led modules and cabling but I'm planning on buying my own LED Processor, so I already decided to buy the Novastar VX600, but I have a question I couldn't find in the whole internet: I'm aware that I need to set my led's custom resolution to the processor and to the novastar software, so I can finally do the mapping on my mapping software (for example: Resolume Arena) but the question is: Will my pc will ever recognize the led's custom resolution on the windows settings? (Like when you use a custom monitor with a special resolution, like an ultra-wide monitor) So it fits the canvas perfectly, or will it always detects it as a 1920x1080p monitor?

And if so doesn't it affect the overall quality of the mapping? because what the pc is detecting is not the same resolution as the overall resolution of the led screen? or should I try to make it fit with my mapping software?

Ryan Wilcox
Ryan Wilcox - 25.04.2023 01:55

I’ve never seen tiles connect like that. Seems super time consuming

TAZDevil - 21.04.2023 04:26

Nicely done

shravan kumar
shravan kumar - 11.04.2023 11:25

How to setup vx600processer with 800sqft????

shravan kumar
shravan kumar - 11.04.2023 11:22


Rod Vincent Anadon
Rod Vincent Anadon - 24.03.2023 03:37

How many panels P3 can configure in a single lan?

Joby Kidaram
Joby Kidaram - 22.03.2023 08:29

hi where you can get those tables

Eraño Orgiba
Eraño Orgiba - 26.02.2023 08:00

What did you use for the border stuff bro?

Alan Hernandez
Alan Hernandez - 16.02.2023 20:37

Hola amigo, con tus videos e aprendido mucho, gracias x compartir tus conocimientos saludos desde Mexico
