To Interact with mysql database we can use MySQLi or PDO libraries available in php. In a previous video we learned about the PHP MySQLi in Object Oriented Way. In this tutorial we are going to explore php MySQLi library functions using Procedural Way.
In this video you will learn:
1. How to connect to MySQL using PHP using MySQLi in procedural way?
2. How to insert record to MySQL using query method in procedural way?
3. How to use PHP MySQLi prepared statements in procedural way?
4. How to insert records using prepared statements in procedural way?
5. How to update records using php MySQLi in procedural way?
6. How to delete records using php MySQLi in procedural way?
7. How to select records using PHP MySQLi in procedural way?
8. php mysqli connect
9. php mysqli example
10. php mysqli insert
11. php mysqli tutorial
12. php new mysqli
13. php mysqli query
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