How to Grind Generals Plus Some Other Important General Information - Hoi4 NSB

How to Grind Generals Plus Some Other Important General Information - Hoi4 NSB


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@gothia1715 - 30.11.2023 05:46

One thing thats quite annoying when grinding in Spain is that the AI always jumps in on my attacks and blocks the combat width for my units if i would cancel and restart the attack. They also push the enemie from good tiles to grind on like the few forests in Spain after my attacks weakened them.

@majin1395 - 04.11.2023 15:41

still relevant?

@jarvee9407 - 03.10.2023 00:08

What if I get leader with briliant and inflexible strategist? Is he worth grinding for divisional tank general or field marshal for tanks?

@GoRideLP - 04.08.2023 06:34

thousandth like

@MrFarover - 13.03.2023 20:56

This doesn't work anymore with so few divisions fighting. For me to get xp this fast, I need to fight with at least twice as many. Also, stopping and re-engaging now makes it much slower. I tested and fighting no-stop gives much more xp. Maybe you're using mods?

@AGWittmann - 09.02.2023 23:58

Cant reproduce your success with this video with the Game Version 1.12.8 (January 2023) or im too stupid and old. Cant even reproduce your stopping and repeating attacks at the same province.

@yato329 - 22.12.2022 09:13

I must be stupid because this isn't working at all

@elemental3756 - 07.12.2022 11:01

Is it slower to grind multiple generals at once?

@MichaelGBracken - 16.11.2022 16:16

Hey great work sir, just a few questions I am sure many have.

How did you balance the xp gain against hills and trickster?

How do you overcome the non-experience gain when switching generals?

In my example, I have all volunteer divisions as cavalry, with Max as the new general, defensive order under field marshal with frontline and attack orders and I follow your instructions but get 0 Cavalry/Infantry/Organizer Experience. I have even tried clearing orders, making Max a general of all but one divisions outside the army first, giving him his defensive order, THEN assigning him to the army taking in the remaining division, then re-assigning the frontline and attack orders. 0 xp.

@CommanderTavos99 - 03.11.2022 17:36

How do u know that u get less xp when they have traits? Experiment, or is it written anywhere?

@colin5197 - 30.10.2022 04:55

How do you fight for a month straight against 1 division and not take the province? Every time i send volunteers to spain they win the battles in just a couple days most of the time.

@Zdeno8525 - 07.10.2022 21:43

i have a question, if your field marshall gets infantry leader and you give him inf expert does this 'general' traits work when he is assigned as field marschall or no ?

@harveymarvey3348 - 22.09.2022 03:35

It's sad how the only viable way to earn most traits it to do gamey shit like this.

@janhendrikspam154 - 06.09.2022 13:42

too bad u can't use tanks as volunteers in most mp games...

@jacobhammock3355 - 05.09.2022 18:11

Do your troops have to actually be in the combat for this to work? Because I'm trying it and the whole spanish line is already fighting and my xp gain isn't nearly as fast as yours, because my guys are stuck reinforcing i think.

@eli8922 - 19.08.2022 13:25

Grinding in China is op with this method you can get like 14 divisions in there so if you put like 4 or 3 generals and 1 field Marshall you can grind a bunch of terrian traits

@DARKREAPER8117 - 26.05.2022 09:47

Why do terrain traits not matter would they not matter wouldn't they make assaulting easier?

@GenGariczek - 10.05.2022 13:59

I don't know man, the names show correctly for me. There is no way they don't have a QA department, the game would be unplayable.

@timhand3380 - 07.05.2022 14:34

I like picking supply& logistics+50% chance of upgrade spirit. By barb, the 15-20% less supply used is pretty useful and then against china/Japan.

@Nikarus2370 - 07.05.2022 03:14

Any advice for gaining XP on admirals?

@sarahd4784 - 03.05.2022 11:44

Did an update change something? The gemerals are leveling extremely slow. I got 10 xp in a month.

@dizitpix6268 - 03.05.2022 00:57

has this been changed at all since the video made?
ive been grinding for nearl 6 months n havent even got 1% on cavalry leader (got about 16% armour) on the first general you grinded!
using the default templates, 3 armour, 3 cav, 1 mot
great vid btw! just wondering where i went wrong-

@Bhoenix - 24.04.2022 12:58

What buttons do you use to stop and start the attack? H+Right Click?

@navy3745 - 18.04.2022 11:32

everyone is a cheeser these days. creating this unnatural "meta" and then complaining the ai is bad.

@shortrandommemes7295 - 14.04.2022 12:29

Hey, i have a question. I did the same thing you did, 2 light tank divisions and 2 motorized divisions and i stopped every few days but after 2 months i only gained around 30 xp for panzer leader
edit: i just tried it out on another tile and it worked

@gaberobison680 - 05.04.2022 20:47

Wonderful guide! Still makes me sad seeing how shoddy the implementation was. Of course a general adept at combat in x terrain should defend better than a generic commander! Yet Paradox doesn’t represent this. Honestly PDX needs to stop being so conservative, they are afraid of things being “too broken” so instead they just do nothing and your WW2 game has a definitive meta that doesn’t at all reflect the nuances of actual combat. Rant over!

@kellymcbright5456 - 05.04.2022 01:02

An addition: for panzer leaders it useful to be panzer leader + cavalry leader + infantry leader, since they usually command divisions of mixed tanks and mobile infantry. cavalry and infantry both apply to the mobile inf.
But you usually do not reach the necessary inf + cav quota once you mix the divisions.
Just it is useful to have them command a cavalry army in the beginning. They will collect both traits then, since cav counts as cav and as infantry, too, and it is 100 percent of the two of them, then.
I use to send my tank army general to Spain and/or China before the WW. And try to have them collect cav+ inf + hill fighter + forest ranger + trickster.
They can get the "combined arms" trait, the "infantry leader", "provisional bridges" + "adaptable" trait.
They will later earn the panzer leader as soon as they start their tank divisions later.
And then have the most powerful traits.
Defensive Infantry generals - 90 percent - should collect "infantry leader" and "trickster" since that boosts their defensive and fortification skills.

@FLUX.2226 - 16.03.2022 18:00

Really wish they'd remove the "more traits = slower grind" mechanic. It screws over people who don't know about it without them even noticing it, and it gets exploited into irrelevancy by people who do know about it.

@augustduplessis5862 - 11.03.2022 19:15

I would rather get combined arms expert bc motorised have more def than tanks in general
Ps you don't necessarily want need cavalry leader for combined arms

@mohammadrezadaneshvaramoli9310 - 10.03.2022 13:56

keep going you rock!

@TheyCalledMeT - 02.03.2022 14:30

i just did a ironman game with rommel .. after the entire civil war .. he wasn't even done with panzer leader ... is the deactivated AI such a major difference? (i know rommel has a stat already but that should just divide the exp gain by 2 not by 10)

@3chmidt - 28.02.2022 03:41

do terrain traits and winter expert apply to field marshal?

@marcel4941 - 27.02.2022 22:13

Ive tried this strategy with attacking and stop every day, my generals seem to gain less xp than continuesly attacking, what am i doing wrong? :D

@FreeMan4096 - 24.02.2022 03:55

thanks for spreading education

@ratchet2700000 - 21.02.2022 02:24

Panzer expert applies 10% defence to the whole division whereas comb. arms applies 15% to the mot/mech battalions. Because of how low the defence of a tank battalion is relative to a mech/mot, it's always better to take the 15% on the mot/mech compared to the 10% on the whole division. Although I only checked that with starting stats maybe full MW changes that.

@MrErdem95 - 15.02.2022 18:25

You actually need trickster for some combat tactics.

@arthur2014 - 13.02.2022 21:53

Wait a minute. Do bonuses from Panzer Leader/Cav Leader apply to the division stats in proportion to the number of tanks or cav Or do stats provided by either battalion get increased by the bonus while other stats remain untouched? As in will support companies be affected by the bonuses? Are divisions with absolute units of tanks (with more stats/battalion) combined with cheap motorised affected (proportionally) more by Panzer Leader than cheap tank designs + firepower motorised? (This is a very odd scenario but it’s the extreme of a reasonable question)

@alexapostol3441 - 11.02.2022 21:00

Can you help me a little? When i try to do the same thing as you, my general doesnt grind at all.Any tips?

@omen0915 - 08.02.2022 12:48

So, let's say you have 50/50 mech tanks, and you have the 15% bonus for mech
does it mean you get 7,5% on the whole army or 15% for mech stats?
That's how i thought it was from dev diary's, but i haven't actually tested it.
But if it's applied in combat, and not in division stats then i believe the first option is actually correct, like you said.

@28lobster28 - 08.02.2022 05:36

Albert >>> Sepp. Not only for cautious (lower sick/wounded chance) and to avoid politically connected (-10% XP) but also because Sepp was kind of a thug irl, definitely not a brilliant strategist. Feels weird for the game to give him credit for it.

On the sick chance, it's heavily boosted if >75% of troops under the officer's command are in marsh or desert (maybe mtns as well). But you can easily keep a few troops on a fallback line somewhere across the globe and it negates the increased chance to get sick. So if you're Germany sending 4 tanks to Africa, add 2 extra cheap divs and keep them somewhere in good terrain (i.e. just sitting on Berlin is fine).

@c-risp8387 - 06.02.2022 15:44

Good video.
Wondering when it says cavalry leader > 40%, is that of the attacking for or the defending force?

@MixedMediaEnterprise - 06.02.2022 01:37

I still don't understand why you don't grind all the way?

@alfalfabillenjoyer4878 - 04.02.2022 03:14

71Cloak teaches us how to grind men

@Aiphiae - 03.02.2022 04:57

Thanks so much for making this. Sincerely appreciated!

@emrecanarduc4378 - 02.02.2022 14:38

You just know a tutorial is really serious if he uses excel spreadsheet

@uniedits5459 - 02.02.2022 13:33

Your channel is the best, you bring a lot of new stuff. I’m always learning this game, props dude

@murcusblue4212 - 02.02.2022 07:11

Nice work, thank you.
Waiting for the navy guide.

@colonelreb2688 - 02.02.2022 07:00

Could you do a video on naval combat? What I mean specifically is let’s say you have a surface fleet of the meta cruisers and destroyers, or a small but quality fleet with battleships cruisers a carrier or whatever. And you want to convoy raid and not encounter 200 ships in a sea zone? How do you avoid that? How do you set that competent fleet of say 50 ships to only engage battles they can win? What I notice when I play Germany and go for a navy I usually end up with around 60 very well built ships in one fleet I put them on low risk but they still battle the royal navy

@Treklosopher - 02.02.2022 06:04

Good stuff. Thanks!
