i am going to try this later, did a bunch of re-rolls for honkai and finally got my almost dream team with it and since i hadn't played genshin since the whole merger of email and account or whatever i lost my only 5 star.
Ответить"Fun Fact :
Aether Have The Best Advantage For Rerolling,, But I'll Still Choose His Sister... Any Day
Bro thank you this is so helpful, I knew how to reroll earlier but you helped me anyway with your tips that noone else talks about and fixing too many requests, Im currently on my 150ish roll for Keqing... im ok i swear......
Anyway Id really like to see a video of your journey with rerolling bless you dude
Anybody here got the message "This redemption code has reached its max usage limit" when trying to redeem "GENSHINGIFT"?
ОтветитьI look this vidéo like 3 time, my strat was ready, i've got my full day to do it.
3 reroll for drop Yae Miko
Well ty ahah
Looking for someone who gives away or sells an account with diluc
ОтветитьSorry late to the reroll scene but really want kazuha. Just i wanted to make sure that genshingift can’t be redeemed anymore right? And i typically get 4 wishes every run on event banner and 12 total for beginner and standard banner.
ОтветитьIt's whole lot different now, you need to reach AR 10 to get the mail rewards and doing everything to get intertwined fates either by primos or bargains you barely get 10 to 11
Ответитьbruh i just got diluc on my secon run
ОтветитьCan i do it now! Still viable!
I m starting now so rn better or fonatine!
May I ask you how can you use one email for multiple accounts? I cant understand clearly sorry
Ответить6 reroll accounts 3 5 stars none of them is the limited one. What is my luck
ОтветитьHello i have this problem its says “too many requests try again later” i flushed my dns and did what u said at the end pleaseee help me out
ОтветитьFor everyone who's still confused about how you can make hundreds of accounts with one gmail address, the guy is talking abotu dot blindness. Basically, if you were to put a dot in between some of your letters, genshin would think it's a different account. However, genshin will send the email to the account that has no dots because gmail recognizes a gmail address despite how many dots there are. So just put a single dot in between the letters when you're registering and you're good to go!
ОтветитьThis guide is insane💀💀💀
ОтветитьDoes anyone have a solution for if you get the error while trying to get the verification code on mobile. Trying to do resets for Yelan and I'm stuck after only my 3rd reroll
ОтветитьBro is a genius thanks!
ОтветитьHow did u make that spam clicker option ???pls tell nh
ОтветитьIt’s the best time to Reroll rn since free 1600 primos from mail
ОтветитьLegit most underrated guide for anyone who is rerolling. Thanks for the weeb friendly guide.
ОтветитьIt seems like flushing dns doesn't work now for fixing the "too many requests"
Ответитьhello, how do i keybind the scroll wheel to go on with the cutscenes ?
ОтветитьThanks for the tips to make the reroll route faster. Been gone for 2 years since my account got hacked and got ayaka on the first reroll. Much love ❤
ОтветитьOn my 23rd reroll; so far, no 5 star.
ОтветитьI has the error [too many requests] and I did what you said Open Command Prompt and enter ipconfig /flushdns but it didn't work :( F
Ответитьsir, I have a question u need how many time to get ayaka :D?
Ответитьafter a long time reruns and i has mona and tighnari under the same account, i just want raiden shogun but i think it's a good for me
ОтветитьCreated 2 emails for 2 account to reroll and only got noel 1st 2nd ningguang both account same such bshit
Ответитьvideo was hard to watch but thanks anyways cmd part was helpful
Ответитьwhat to do if I have "too many requests, try again later" on mobile?
ОтветитьAyaka and Saori simping. I think you speak my language. xD Got her C6 on my main because I just had to. Saw Keqing too, she was my original queen (Ayaka came out later). They're both still at the top as shared number 1 though :D
Just planning on rolling a new account now because there's no way I'm getting Clorinde and that means no longer having every waifu in the game... that can't become a thing xD
And the guide slaps.
I'm kinda new to gacha. How do you do mutiple rerolls at once?
ОтветитьA tip for those who reroll now for Navia and Nilou: do their character trials too, at least Navia's. Both give 20 primos and Navia's gives you 35 primos worth of Crit DMG achievements very easily.
Ответитьwhat is the fan-girl gif
ОтветитьSir, this is actually a proper guide. Hats off to you!
ОтветитьHey, i tried recently to reroll account but after 4 attemps i cannot create more hoyoverse account because when i try to send the verification code to create a new account i got the error message : Too many request, please try again later.
Do any people know how to resolve that ?
I’m currently on 18 rerolls for Jean. I’ll update y’all on how it goes!
Edit: I got her on my 21st reroll
This is the best tutorial I've ever seen, and it looks so not worth it lmao
ОтветитьGreat guide but the error occurred I tried the command prompt and a vpn do you know of any other solutions
Ответитьim new to genshin, glad i knew about rerolling before grinding hard
Ответить"Harder to do with teenage girls"
ОтветитьHow long on average did it take per reroll? Including watching the cutscenes
And how many wishes do you get per reroll? I think you said it near the end but I didn't quite follow
Did you end up making any new Genshin videos because I'm looking at your current uploads and it looks like they're not related to genshin anymore
Ответитьduring the wish part, things got a little confusing. how many wishes intertwined fates overall did you typically use per reroll? it looks like around 5 with an average adventure rank of 5 as well?
ОтветитьThe furina grind is gonna be crazy