Baldur's Gate 3 - 16 Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - GAME CHANGING Tips & Tricks!

Baldur's Gate 3 - 16 Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - GAME CHANGING Tips & Tricks!


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Snafu237 - 18.09.2023 17:02

If you put a lit torch in your bomb backpack it will explode on impact

Lucien Schlut
Lucien Schlut - 12.09.2023 06:55

about NLA: Beware, they don't work with spells and auras or conditions. tryed to keep the victims of ethel alive, used bleed on an enemy, they bled out while unconscious. same if they are burning, or in auras like the shield of BZZZZZZZT (Don't care his real name, the shield that tase everything around you using electric charges) or spirit guardian.

Magnus Godrik
Magnus Godrik - 07.09.2023 18:32

This whole time I thought some vendors were racists charging me more. Noone like tieflings

Reid Cacaro
Reid Cacaro - 04.09.2023 21:20

The chest is more hassle than it’s worth. Especially when you can just send things to camp. Only thing I could maybe see is using it to carry water and oil barrel

Shiki - 04.09.2023 19:19

Is the chest thing still working ive heard there was a patch for it

Jarno - 04.09.2023 13:02


noctoi - 04.09.2023 07:23

OMG that chest!! I didn't even think it's glamoured!! I left the items there! Damn, next playthrough I"ll have to grab the whole chest!
That weapon illumination dimming option is freaking game changing!! Thank you! And wait, THATS what the intertwined character portraits means in combat?!?! 😱 Mind blown. Awesome set of tips 💜

The_Brother's_Cringe - 04.09.2023 00:42

The mundane chest is obtainable in act 1 and bugs out on leaving camp and entering rivington in act3. Remove all items before then.

Cannibal Holiday
Cannibal Holiday - 02.09.2023 20:23

I had tested making sussur petal grenades to use in battle but, while it worked when I threw them at my party in camp, when I threw them at enemies they were still able to use spells.
That might have been a bug though. So people should try it out if they have petals on them.

GreyFox23 - 02.09.2023 19:53

Turn on non-lethal damage when fighting merchants. In situations when you turn a former camp against you the merchants will fight you too. If you kill them they only drop designated drops. But if you knock them unconscious you can loot their ENTIRE store inventory including their current amount of gold and all the old items you may have sold them. Similar as if you were pickpocketing.

Denis Kossovski
Denis Kossovski - 01.09.2023 17:10

Another tip I haven't seen anywhere else: using a Withers hireling respecced into a druid (at least that's who I have) with the spell Goodberry, you can have virtually unlimited food for camping, especially as they get up in level and can cast it more times - cast it 10 times and you have 40 food supplies, resetting at long rest.

Atom Portillo
Atom Portillo - 01.09.2023 14:25

Started a new game about 3 days ago; the Chest of the Mundane doesn't seem to be able to be placed in the inventory anymore. It also now weighs a whole 100 units of weight when empty, so even if I lugged it around with my 18str Karlach, it wouldn't be saving me much weight at all.

Dunno if it's a bug, but there it is.

David Crawford
David Crawford - 30.08.2023 09:46

OMG thanks for the shout out!!! You really made my day! BTW that bag of holding feature on the Mundane chest has been patched out now so it's not worth using anymore

Asuno Sion
Asuno Sion - 29.08.2023 12:06

lol sra joey lol senior airman Joey is what I would have said lol

Cooller - 29.08.2023 01:09

good tips, except I think storing potions in bag is useless... I mean, I just didn't find use for this :D you can sort up your inventory by type and all potions will be next to each other, also when you put potions to the bag, you have to keep putting them there manually.... would be a lot better if they allowed players to mark the bag as potion bag and store potions there automatically, just like the camp food or keys and these 2 sadly doesn't even need a special bag because food can be send to camp, immediately and stored there which is definitely kinda breaking the immersion a way more than just auto store potions or scrolls somewhere else but here we are :D There is a lot more they could do to UI to make it better, but there is still time

zero11010 - 28.08.2023 11:30

I heard this elsewhere. But ... use a hireling to build an alchemist! It's HUGE! It basically doubles all of the potions you can make.

If you're anything like me, you're terrified of using consumables ... because what if you need it later? Which leaves you not using any of them ... ever.

You can make a hireling so that they create double potions when they craft. This gives you more potions and then you won't feel as guilty about using your ingredients!

Hire the halfling. She starts as a bard.
* Respec her as a wizard
* Respec her to be all wisdom ... yes, wisdom as wizard
* Make sure she's proficient in medicine
* Take the transmutation subclass. at level 6 this gets Experimental Alchemy which gives you a DC 15 medicine check to craft two potions instead of one
* take a single level of rogue and get expertise in medicine
* increase your wisdom to 20 with your feats.

Why halfling? Because when you do skill checks they reroll 1s. You'll have 8 proficiency (proficiency, plus expertise), and you'll have 5 wisdom from your attribute. That's 13 without the die roll. If you roll a 2 on the D20 roll you pass the DC. Halfling means you only fail 1 in 400 attempts. Any other race fails 1 in 20 attempts.

The halfling never needs to leave your camp and never needs to go anywhere.

So, now when you try to craft an elixir of universal resistance or whatever ... you're basically always going to get two of them.

If you want you can also use this halfling to do things like cast remove curse, or longstrider or whatever else. There's also a transmuter's stone you can craft and hand over to another party member (more movement, or darkvision, or resistance to an element).

FlashesSoccer011 - 28.08.2023 10:11

The Mundane Chest doesnt seem to actually work. Its bugged and its not redu inf the weight of the items you put inside of it.

random commentor
random commentor - 28.08.2023 04:41

Sadly the chest trick got patched. It east dumped to be a BoH to begin with I guess. Also it weighs 40lbs now not 20.

egysrac17 - 27.08.2023 16:22

The chest of the mundane has been patched not to work in patch 1 :'(

Dergoth - 27.08.2023 13:14

did thay fix the chest of the mundane it seas its to heavy to pick up ????

rinalin - 27.08.2023 06:56

tip: cant turn the wheel to get the gondola to the creche to move CAST GREASE ON IT cant turn the statue to get blood of lathander CAST GREASE ON IT any thing that is stated to be stuck or rusted USE GREASE BOTTLE OR THE SPELL

Aazam - 27.08.2023 03:40

As of patch #1 the chest of the mundane no longer reduces the weight of stored items it simply temporarily transmogrifies them. You can no longer use the chest as a way to reduce your carry load making it rather…. mundane

SteamyEngine - 27.08.2023 00:49

The chest exploit has been patched by the way

JimmyBreezee - 26.08.2023 21:05

if you got caught in stealing by a guard,stay in conversation pick your other character and put a dark arrow or spell near the guard that caught you,then conversation will break and you are good to get away

Fluffyplaydohcat - 26.08.2023 19:58

for me the chest of the mundane was bugged for me and when I put items in it started to multiply the weight so it weighed hundreds of what ever weight the game uses

Daniel Grisham
Daniel Grisham - 26.08.2023 19:55

If you put a lit candle or torch in the backpack bomb, it'll explode on impact.

radiojughead - 26.08.2023 19:16

If your just out of reach for mele. Jump to the precipice of your jump reach. For some reason it gives you a bit more walking distance to reach your foe. Had since beginning of the beta. Has given me more kills than anything.

Josh Meyer
Josh Meyer - 26.08.2023 18:22

Lol first tip of the video was removed in patch 1

Lucas V. S. S.
Lucas V. S. S. - 26.08.2023 16:26

The chest tip was patched, in the major update it was a bug

NightWeredragon - 26.08.2023 15:42

Chest of the mundane was nerfed in the patch to not reduce weight anymore.
Making it slightly pointless. Too bad as it was basically a bag of holding. Which is absent from the game.

MajorlyCaffeinated - 26.08.2023 14:16

Something I only just figured out because I was in a dire situation during a boss battle: You can heal your character with a potion twice!

Once by drinking it and once by *throwing it onto yourself*.

So if you've got a character who's VERY low and the next few turns are all enemies, you can fully use that character's turn to throw a healing potion onto themselves, then drink a healing potion and they're good to go!

Great for keeping your Barbarian who's at the front line alive if your healer can't get to them in time and the Barbarian is about to eat a LOT of damage the next few turns.

EMPAYDEE - 26.08.2023 12:16

What armour is your monk wearing?

KJ Burnham
KJ Burnham - 26.08.2023 09:25


Number_055 - 26.08.2023 09:05

Alas, weight reduction in the Chest of the Mundane was a bug and was fixed in today's patch.

Tian Dippenaar
Tian Dippenaar - 26.08.2023 06:18

Don't know if it was fixed. But the Mundane Chest can bug your items. Be careful.

Gokuss9999 - 26.08.2023 03:13

Some things from the Patch Notes:

Fixed a bug where adding items to the Chest of the Mundane changed the weight of an item.
Fixed an issue where the Chest of the Mundane stopped functioning as intended once you arrived in Wyrm's Crossing.

Do with that what you will

KazeGax Liron
KazeGax Liron - 26.08.2023 03:02

I think the new patch notes say that they fixed the chest of mundane thing in regard to the weight of items so picking up the chest might not be viable anymore.

I have not tested this though.

gdeamonlord - 26.08.2023 00:34


J.R. Brewer
J.R. Brewer - 25.08.2023 23:47

About the chest bug item limit, would that include items in another bag thats in the chest? Say my food bag that weighs a shit ton and has 100+ items being in the chest?

J Tirri
J Tirri - 25.08.2023 23:24

To clarify: Merchant discount/markup is affected by the dialogue character's Persuasion skill, which is modified by Charisma, not the flat Charisma modifier itself. So, you may have a very skilled character (like a Rogue or Bard) who will get better prices than another party member with a higher CHA score but no proficiency in Persuasion.

In my current playthrough, I don't usually bring out Wyll, and I don't have anyone with a very high persuade skill. So, I respecced Wyll to give him Expertise in Persuade, and gave him the Ring of Geniality (+1, sold at Last Light Inn) and made him the Party's Minister of Commerce.

STARxLORD - 25.08.2023 22:12

This game is so freaking detailed where you find fun cool stuff like all of this by trial and error! I love this and will be playing this game for a long time!

Xaos Bob
Xaos Bob - 25.08.2023 21:08

The bug with the Chest of Mundane Items has seemingly been addressed by today's patch, but I can say before today, my Chest definitely bugged going from Act 2 to Act 3, leaving me with a bunch of smokepowder barrels, illithid canisters, and regular (empty) crates that were permanently tableware--and I only had about 15 items in it, total. Here's hoping the patch fixed this!

Darin Singleton
Darin Singleton - 25.08.2023 20:51

I recently saw a video which suggested that finding buried treasure chests was based on a SURVIVAL check, not a PERCEPTION check. Is that true?

Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 25.08.2023 20:47

You can also use Enlarge/Reduce on companions, and summons. I used reduce on a raven to get through a pipe to have a flyer on the other side.

Devin Jacob
Devin Jacob - 25.08.2023 20:11

Something I learned from a friend that is game breaking imo. The illithid power that makes you vulnerable to all damage but you heal on hitting can be put on an enemy. This trivialized every major boss. I took out a certain villain with infernal hp in a single turn with hasted karlack.

Kibeth - 25.08.2023 19:26

Warning on the Mundane Chest. When you go to Act 3, it breaks so new items added to it no longer modify.
Additionally, anything that was in it, will no longer change back to normal.
Take equipment out before moving to Act 3.
Camp supplies are still seen as camp supplies (even if they're stuck as cups and forks in act 3) though, so go nuts adding those to it regardless of act.

Emptying the chest in Act 3, saving, then reloading can usually fix this. (don't exceed 100 items in it to keep it consistent)
