From Fame To Shame - Shane Dawson's Story (Shane Yaw)

From Fame To Shame - Shane Dawson's Story (Shane Yaw)

Joon The King

3 года назад

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mozers05 - 26.10.2023 10:20

Still watched his vids, I love conspiracy theory vids and Shane does a beautiful job presenting it :D

Michaela Wheeland
Michaela Wheeland - 25.10.2023 18:38

"Shane Yaw is the person RESPONSIBLE for the channel Shane Dawson" took me out 😂

Null Bubble
Null Bubble - 22.10.2023 21:15

Fame and Shame ryhmes with Shane. He was doomed from the start.

OBG - 22.10.2023 18:34

He DOES care and support cutting tho!
He got all that extra man girdle skin cut off...

Trixie Lulamoon
Trixie Lulamoon - 22.10.2023 09:12

It still sickens me dude returned like nothing happened and gets millions of views. Nobody is ever truly cancelled..

I don't think Shane was ever completely joking and I'd never leave him alone with children.

Vleetz - 20.10.2023 09:56

Bro did blackface and Brownface and is still walking?
Wow 😂

OneBadBadger - 20.10.2023 00:03

Jesus dude, and I thought Onision was bad, this guy is a fucking menace.

S O Я Я U S - 19.10.2023 12:28

When it comes to comedy, He's just an idiot like the rest of us. Comedy can be insensitive and a lot o time come rom a place of ignorance. Which is forgivable.

Overall, I just think he's someone whos messed who just happens to be famous. If he wasn't famous he just be another crazy guy on the street.

scarvestar - 18.10.2023 12:26

this one is a bit more tricky to me but despite what he's done, if he comes back he will do more. more what? more something.
do you hate what he's done, what he stands for or who he is?
Everyone will decide even if they don't want to. its inevitable. Emotions are bias and most of the time misleading. Something for him to think about with us.

Gafweebo - 17.10.2023 23:25

bru used osrs cheese and monkey nuts graphics xD

Diftq - 15.10.2023 07:03

That's how comedy was back then no need to apologize for it now

Phoenix - 15.10.2023 06:02

i can't believe Francesca has been whining on the internet for this long, i thought she popped up during the gamergate stuff. also shane is awful person but not for what she was whimpering about. his "blackface" was as tame as robert downey jr in tropic thunder.

justnTime077 - 14.10.2023 16:11

Why are we looking for direction and morales from the Smiths? Some of the most vapid and morally bankrupt people on the face of the earth 😂🤡

justnTime077 - 14.10.2023 10:18

That “blackface” character stuff looks like some hilarious innocent fun, funny shit. Wish I could have seen it.

justnTime077 - 14.10.2023 09:40

Wait, people dog Shane for the blackface and woman parody? Seriously? Here I thought he did something serious and heinous.. 😂🤡

Bound4Earth - 13.10.2023 18:29

Shane Dawson one of the first it's not my fault, I am depressed guys. So you can't blame me.

The Mad Murf
The Mad Murf - 13.10.2023 16:44

It blows my mind that people will record themselves (or blog/tweet/whatever) while they're at work, actively complaining about their jobs or even insulting clients . Regardless of how large that platform is or how unlikely you think it is to ever be noticed, that is just astoundingly stupid.

TotallyNotTheBio-Lizard - 11.10.2023 16:37

I’d say his career was over just after coming out as bi. And buried when the fans accepted Shanaynay was never coming back.

Dude - 11.10.2023 16:15

Shane Dawson is just diet Drake Bell

Person - 10.10.2023 22:24

Oh my lord that video took a turn really fast holy shit

Koyuki Kazehana
Koyuki Kazehana - 09.10.2023 09:48

ever feel like u dodged a bullet? thats me with shane dawson.
never watched his content so i just shrug and move on, the " i hate shane dawson'' bandwaggon is full already

Jason Case
Jason Case - 09.10.2023 08:18

The Act Man sent me ;)

MaknCheese - 09.10.2023 07:49

I like how his excuse for making a joke about self harm is to say that hes coping. Ya i make dark jokes but as someone who used to deal with self harm and who still has issues with it i dont make jokes like that. I dont activly depict self harm like he did. Idk maybe thats just me but the fact that hes using mental illness as an excuse just rubs me the wrong way.

Lewd TV
Lewd TV - 08.10.2023 07:00

White people did not invent Black Face The Jews did.

MaoMaoMi543 - 06.10.2023 21:25

I got a Genshin Impact ad right in the middle of the part where Shane talks about that 6-y-o cheerleader....


Al C
Al C - 05.10.2023 21:36

idc what potential Shane has now, just go away man. Pack it up and move on. Sure he could cure cancer one day, but we're not living in a what if fantasy. So idc about his development or progress. Just get that dude off the internet.

GeNXT - 05.10.2023 12:15

I still like Shane Dawson. I don't give a fuck

Sloan H
Sloan H - 04.10.2023 18:23

no matter how long it's been, hearing the shit shane has said always feels like i'm hearing it again for the first time. its so fucking disgusting

well ouchy ouch
well ouchy ouch - 02.10.2023 23:53

from shane to shame or from fame to shane ong

Julia Young
Julia Young - 29.09.2023 23:39

I really believe the authorities should be looking into Shane Dawson. Some of these things don’t hit right. The child stuff and the animal stuff

Luneytunes - 28.09.2023 12:14

Im sorry, did you say he made his account in 2018???

MrTenti - 26.09.2023 21:41

I love the use of Runescape cheese and monkey nuts

Kaitlyn Morgan
Kaitlyn Morgan - 24.09.2023 21:42

man i felt and feel so bad for bobby burns. he was really interesting to watch and then his channel changed so drastically that i was put off. i kept watching because i wanted to support him, but at a certain point i wasnt interested. i hope hes doing okay

Ro Boat
Ro Boat - 23.09.2023 22:25

Ngl his little self handshake he did in the vlog made me giggle

Skele- Kitty
Skele- Kitty - 20.09.2023 02:03

Watching a lot of these documentaries and reading a bunch of comments, has really given me an interesting though. And this felt the most apt video to put it on, with the ending message and all.

It's very fascinating to me to think on the idea of past actions holding present day people accountable. It's been an ongoing trend as the Internet moves on and the climate changes, but I think that's a very interesting point to linger on. Changing climates. It's easy, just for people in general, to find it 'okay' to do this or that, even if morally they shouldn't, because it was normalized, or because of ignorance. That just happens, humans being the social creatures they are. They adapt to their surroundings and adopt what those around them are doing. Rewinding time by a decade or more, the culture of the Internet was vastly different and was normalized to be okay or acceptable was very different.

Where it becomes very intriguing, is when you have it applied to content creators, such as Shane, or really anyone else. Someone who uploads a whole chunk of their life on the Internet, makes it part of their daily routine and all. They do this thing because it's normalized where they come from, people react in a positive manner (many commenters admit finding the edgier humor funny back in their middle/high school days), and so they keep doing it.

Maybe I'm weird for finding this fascinating, I just like to nitpick psychology and dig into the "whys" and such. Don't take this as condoning any of the hideous behavior in the video, that shit is DEPLORABLE. There are some things, though, to take away and think about.

Will Hale
Will Hale - 19.09.2023 15:41


Will B.
Will B. - 19.09.2023 01:16

i think cancel culture was right on this one. theres a huge difference between accidentally wrong things someone did in their past and literal crimes. the others on those shows with him constantly saying like "is this gonna get you arrested?" means that its very likely a lot of these 'jokes' were not jokes and he was just trying to save face. honestly i think the fbi should look investigate him, because i promise you, even if its produced in joke format, making multiple repeated references to those specific taboos demonstrates an obsession. predators like him eventually act on their obsessions. i would not be surprised for more terrible things to come out. this is beyond cancelling him, he should face legal consequences because somehow he keeps avoiding them.

Fluepy - 18.09.2023 14:29

this is the first time actually hearing the clip of him talking about cheeto. god. that is so, so fucked up

Sophie Taylor
Sophie Taylor - 17.09.2023 12:49

what i find interesting is everyone has a memory of the thing that made them go "I'm done" but mine never gets in the video. Before learning about ANYTHING else I saw his treatment of Garrett Watts and the 'prank' he did to Graveyard girl using Garrett, it left a bad taste in my mouth and i was done from there. His treatment of his friends in the recent content was talked about and was criticized by people just not on the same scale. There were MANY compilations of "Shane treating Garrett Watts terribly" or "Shane being gross for x minutes" and a lot of these compilations were recent content highlighting that he continued said nasty behavior in the at the time recent content it just wasn't inherently problematic or racist like his previous content

TronMan 32
TronMan 32 - 16.09.2023 13:05

These are the people who used to use the n word in cod4mw (Xbox 360 day)

H0neyB3e - 16.09.2023 07:45

the way my jaw dropped after hearing what he said about the cheerleader girl and his “justification”

DatGuy - 15.09.2023 07:09

I believe in second chances and rehabilitation. But in order for that to happen, the person involved needs to prove that they actually feel remorse and won't repeat their actions. And unfortunately there isn't a good way to prove it. So considering how dangerous some of Shane's actions have been, it's safer that he just goes away.

Nope - 15.09.2023 03:53

Skipping the furry shit? Why?

Frankie Cavanagh
Frankie Cavanagh - 14.09.2023 21:07

I’m pretty sure he picked the name Dawson because he said in a video his favourite film was Titanic so he named himself after the character ‘Jack Dawson’, not Dawson’s Creek

Desiree Collom
Desiree Collom - 13.09.2023 16:36

“I’m too busy to fking google naked babies”- says a pedophile….
