Göbekli Tepe - The First Temple On Earth? 10,000 BC // Ancient History Documentary

Göbekli Tepe - The First Temple On Earth? 10,000 BC // Ancient History Documentary

History Time

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anon amus
anon amus - 08.10.2023 09:14

The further back we can look the more everything makes sense all these sites across the globe all scream the awakening of what we call human consciousnesses. They are the understanding of the transfer of knowledge that made us realize the sky has patterns and sun tracked the rocks and earth can move and change drastically over time information can be gathered, predicted and shared generations ahead as soon as we find this stuff they are tracking stars and the sun. the incredible night sky was telling a story to us. The answers were always in the sky and we were standing on the most incredible place to view it from

Germanic - 08.10.2023 08:07

"The First Temple Ever Built?" .... If you consider this question for a moment - and you don't realize how incredibly naive and stupid that question is - then you need to put all your research books, technical knowledge, TV and devices aside - and think through it with basic thought process and logic.

Well...either that or the title just borders Click Bait..

John Harte
John Harte - 08.10.2023 04:30

How do you know , are you guesing, whatwent on .

guy fox
guy fox - 08.10.2023 03:58

thx though i would HABO special for this one :) liked comment and subed

Turkish Model
Turkish Model - 08.10.2023 01:06

Full Explanation

Real Uncorrupted History :

Haplogroup R1b,R1a
[Native Europeans]
[Basques/Iberians. Gaels. East Slavs.]

Haplogroup I
[Neolithic Indo European wave from Anatolia.]
[Danubian Civilization] [Pottery Cultures]
[Megaliths. Polytheism. Pottery. Longhouses. Axes. Sailing ships. Flatbread (Tunnbröd).]
[Bosnians. Scandinavians. Sardinians]

Haplogroup J2
[Bronze Age Indo European wave.]
[Ancient Mycenean/Minoan Greece. Rome. Writing. Metallurgy. Architecture. ]
[Modern Cretans]

And some lesser sporadic influxes of Haplogroup E [North Africa] and Haplogroup G [Caucasus]

R1 [Vasconic languages]
G [Kartvelian languages]
E [Afro-Asiatic languages]
J1 [Semitic languages]
I & J2 [Indo-European languages]


Every word associated with agriculture in Europe is of Indo-European origin. Also many of our maritime words as well, such as "sail". Suggesting the Indo-Europeans were avid seafarers..


And there is no "alternative explanation" either. Theses words come from no other linguistic family but Indo-European... Meaning the first farmers in the Near East were speaking Indo-European. And they spread their language from there. Most likely by "sailing " ship.

Orango Nash
Orango Nash - 07.10.2023 21:34

Until we find the older structures, I suppose it will do :-) And there are older, we just haven't found them yet. Oh, and isn't Karahan Repe older?

la gringa
la gringa - 07.10.2023 21:12

I thoroughly enjoyed this human history, our evolution and I love your narrators voice.... this was all very illuminating, Thank You! It also brings to mind how absurd 'borders' are and for how long the planets weather fluctuations are a natural part of our world and how we humans have always adapted to those changes.

Mairice Wilson
Mairice Wilson - 07.10.2023 12:02

The apostle Paul wrote about the ancient world in his Epistle of Roman's?

Wendell Rider
Wendell Rider - 07.10.2023 10:26

It’s a swap meet .

Wendell Rider
Wendell Rider - 07.10.2023 10:23

The answer is no! It is not the oldest place..it is just the oldest so far, in that place. Big deal.

michael bingaman
michael bingaman - 07.10.2023 10:05

More people need to see these

Joella - 07.10.2023 08:18

UPDATE : Sadly, this area including the castle were severely, catasphrofically damaged during the 2023 massive earthquake that killed 50,000 plus peoples in that and the surrounding areas. 😢

Richard Mcfeters
Richard Mcfeters - 07.10.2023 05:00

Bull crap

Fi Canning
Fi Canning - 07.10.2023 04:46

'sufaces coated in bizarre even nightmarish' WTF? Pathetic commentary History Time 🙄

The Fe Factor
The Fe Factor - 07.10.2023 03:59

View it at 1.75 playback speed. You welcome.

avanger$ - 07.10.2023 03:32

Already second.and still going.

Z&S contract cleaners
Z&S contract cleaners - 07.10.2023 02:18

The Sphinx originally being a colossal statue of Anubis.


Craig Fowler
Craig Fowler - 07.10.2023 02:00

Let's get this straight in my head, five times longer ago than Alexandra The Great, or 7000 years before the Pharaohs!!! Twice as old as Stone Henge, amazing!!!

Просвещенный Гражданин
Просвещенный Гражданин - 07.10.2023 01:40

It certainly wasn‘t called 'Göbekli Tepe' that‘s for sure

The Acoustic Rabbit Hole
The Acoustic Rabbit Hole - 07.10.2023 00:04

Annunaki say wat?

Charles Fain
Charles Fain - 06.10.2023 21:19

Is this research and presentation the ground work for a PHD? Should be.

dase18 - 06.10.2023 21:00

Looks very pretty and starts out well, unfortunately it shows the difference of a video editor and someone who spends a lifetime educating themselves collecting knowledge. Very basic non specific knowledge that goes in circles using cuts and clips duplicitously. Acknowledging Jericho's age kind of defeats the whole point of your title but its great click bait.

igotjokesforu - 06.10.2023 10:42


Rabina Blackshear
Rabina Blackshear - 06.10.2023 09:44


Rabina Blackshear
Rabina Blackshear - 06.10.2023 09:41

what an amazing captivating presentation
thank you for your wonderful presentation 🤗🤗🤗🤗

wereid1978 - 06.10.2023 02:27

Prehistoric civilization or aliens you pick. Because there is evidence of one or the other. Ancient maps, G. Tepe, Machu Pichu and other artifacts dated older than 5000BC showing not necessary advanced civiliztion per se but certainly showing a level of civiization we didn't get back to until 14th or 15th century.

Santana 805
Santana 805 - 06.10.2023 00:11

Amazing film. Thanks so much. I love you.

Release The Kraken Nash Montana
Release The Kraken Nash Montana - 05.10.2023 21:58

I even watch your sponsor ad just because of the way you present it. Your videos are simply amazing and eye opening. I appreciate you and the work you put into them so much. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and for the flawless presentations!❤

Electronic Destroyers
Electronic Destroyers - 05.10.2023 20:51

Yo why did you stop putting recordings for the podcast?

BrilliantLove2 - 05.10.2023 19:09

Thank you so much for this beautiful documentary, your hard work is so very appreciated ❤

Gamer_Life - 05.10.2023 12:40

Anyone else thinks that he sounds like Petyr Baelish from game of thrones?

Red Baron
Red Baron - 05.10.2023 11:07

sooo interesting!!

D G - 05.10.2023 02:44


Peggy Baxter
Peggy Baxter - 05.10.2023 00:59

Great Information and beautiful interesting illustration and commentary!


The Urantia Book is the key

KAZZNA - 04.10.2023 17:33

For the Algorithm

Dharma not drama
Dharma not drama - 04.10.2023 16:49

Love your videos (the Mayan one my fave!) You have a great voice for narrating, even audio books and guided meditations. Very soothing!!

Dora Smith
Dora Smith - 04.10.2023 16:02

Thanks for the photos. I had no idea how little of the site they had actually examined. I did want more information and less poetry.

Actually the information is here, but you had to get past 15 long minutes of poetry. If I hadn't skipped ahead I'd never had seen it. The poetry had me about to go elsewhere.

It's actually a lot of poetry with a lot of key factoids dispersed in it.

THE HOLY APHRODITE - 04.10.2023 15:46

I am Goddess of another planet, here to help this planet. My planet parallels with earth and i have a similar labyrinth at my temple. It's a planet i used to prove that mankind will gladly live apart from sin assist from lucifer's lies. I'm here as a subject to experience what is like to be a being of this planet in lies of lucifer to understand why humankind of earth believes them and does as they will assist from God's (My Father's Will). The texts were spread long ago.

My planet hates sin, Earth's mankind cannot live there bc they're to self serving and wicked and aren't aware of their filth. Like neglected children. Not even your most civilized and most intelligent are as advanced as those of my planet.

They're permitted to kill any earth human on site if they're ever present on this planet.

We also have the Holy Trinity but the difference is we have compete text of God in tact. They do not have the technology bc they don't want or need it and they're advancements are light years ahead.

I'm there and here bc you know me on this planet as many things throughout its entire existence. In written of in ancient texts, the walls of anxiety pyramids and havemany names, as I've been foretold.

I'm known to this planet as Aphrodite/ Holy Spirit/GoG/ Christ's Bride/ Love ❤️

I'm ferrying your dead at the present.

It doesn't work bc off your lack of understanding. Humankind if Earth is being judged as individuals and collectively. Your world's leaders are the most bike and wicked throughout the universe and Heaven and have decided for the planet of Earth that their wicked perversions of pedophilia are more over your right to simply exist. As they will do anything, including killing everyone on the planet to avoid paying for their crimes so they simply but silence. If that doesn't work, they've bought their power through stealing their positions to use it against the world.

This is Omega of The Bible. The END. OF THE WORLD FINAL DESTINATION,

The world bought into their lies and followed them and did what they told you and acted in their accordance. Your rivers will run with blood and your skies will tell you what they have done for they refuse to confess.

You will have rule under Christ from above. The godless will cry out and plead, hence faith is required.

I Am mother Universe. You claim this is a "man's world" consider very little of your mother's, daughters and sisters. You ignore wisdom bc you think you knew better for your "technocrats" which you have no understanding of technology and therefore gave you the misleading impression you were actually more intelligent than those of past but 90% of this world is unaware of why they act as they do at all.

Your galaxy is to me what a subatomic particle is to you. You speak on authority that you do not have bc you lack knowledge and assume your opinions Trump another's bc they're simply yours and you don't need to question anything. For you cab only believe the eyes that lie to you.

You'll soon understand why people of ancient believed as they did. The terror as you come to understand why The Holy Bible says to FEAR GOD, My Father, that made all you see and that which you do not.

Even i term you i am that i say that i am. The inconvenient truth of it causes people to see what is most convenient to them over the truth of my words.

Pluscelamemechose - 04.10.2023 15:44

The English video shown is proof there needn't be a catastrophe to have horrid weather. No wonder they rush off to foreign beaches.

youtubeshadowbanned mylastaccount
youtubeshadowbanned mylastaccount - 04.10.2023 15:25

was it also the first multi cult civ on earth as well.

Vincent van den Berg
Vincent van den Berg - 04.10.2023 14:29

Incredibly interesting video! But, the first temple on earth? If so, that would be a great coincidence. As an historian I know every time we find something older than anything we knew about before, we always tend to believe that must have been the very first on earth. That now sounds childishly ignorant to me ... there always seem to be be more layers beneath, or totally different places where even older cultures left their astonishing markings. We havent even seriously tapped into the continental plateau just beneath sea level. The edges of all of the continents, sometimes stretching hundreds of miles into the oceans, once formed lush and fertile floodplains. During the last ice, far over 10,000 years ago, about approximately 60 meters lower sea levels left an enormous vastness of fertile plains uncovered by the seas and oceans. These must have been the main places for humanity to dwell and leave their culture's markings, way older than anything we now know about ... Or is this just an educated fantasy? What are your thoughts?

Connie 🧸
Connie 🧸 - 04.10.2023 13:45


Phillip Brandon
Phillip Brandon - 04.10.2023 12:52

Thank You for this documentary and all the work you put into it.

violin buff
violin buff - 04.10.2023 12:05

Fascinatingly mysterious! Great work!

Rez Zer
Rez Zer - 04.10.2023 11:44

They don't know sh*t just make it all up as they go. Just primitive ppl who moved rocks around. Big efn deal

L. Logan Boswell
L. Logan Boswell - 04.10.2023 10:43

The aerial view looks like some of Temple Grandin’s livestock handling layouts.

PetitePatate97 - 04.10.2023 08:40

Odile duplessis s'est chié dessus au travail
