so relevant ... wonderful!
ОтветитьDoes it bother anyone else that he was lighting the candles wrong? You're supposed to tilt the unlit one towards the lit one to avoid dripping wax.
ОтветитьThis is the time of year I bring out this concert. My late wife’s favorite music for the Holidays. Always brings on the waterworks
ОтветитьAlways brings tears this time of year
ОтветитьEven then. After so many years. Look at Mary's left hand. Still clenched to overcome her stage fright. RIP to the most beautiful voice of the 60s.
ОтветитьThought that was a screaming i hilarious concert
Could been better
I love this video
ОтветитьMerry Christmas Everyone !
ОтветитьNobody does this better or with more conviction
ОтветитьOne of my all-time favorite Hanukkah songs!!
ОтветитьIt takes two "peacemakers" to make peace. One side has always been ready, but its overtures, no matter how generous, have always been met with hatred and murder.
So the vision of this song isn't very realistic, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful and moving. Here's the meaning I'll take from it: let's work to make sure, to paraphrase Alan Paton, that when they have turned to loving we will not have turned to hating.
God, Peter Paul and Mary were great. Hearing them moves me as if I were still 15 years old. And lefties that they were, the power and beauty of their music reminds me of Andrew Fletcher's wisdom: "Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." (We right wingers have to watch out for that!)
What a wonderful song of hope and inspiration ! Two guitars and 3 magical voices ! I guessing this aired between 1965-1975. The 8 children in the front were probably 4th-6th graders ( ages 9-11). Those kids are now about 60-70 years old. I wonder what impact being in this show had on their lives ? Peace and Happy Hanukkah !
ОтветитьTheir children’s’ concerts, as well as John Denver’s in the early 90s, as an extremely introverted person, was what opened my world to music and therefore communication. I am forever grateful for them sharing their gift. I have always been enthralled by them and yes, for many years played music as well. Now I teach kids how to read, but could not do it without having had the confidence and dedication to practice music first.
ОтветитьThanks, Dan. Merry Christmas!
ОтветитьSuch a GREAT song. I searched for other recordings by other artitsts of this song.....none of them could hold a candle (pun intended) to this version.
ОтветитьMy childhood was amazing thanks to Peter, Paul, and Mary
ОтветитьThanks for sharing
ОтветитьI find it wonderful that all three of them rallied behind this song, though only one of the three was born Jewish... to come together around a tradition that only one of the three were born into, and all three share it and believe in it... this is what life is about! This is the real thing! Let's all come together!
And to all those who are having a hard time in America, who have suffered the last 7 years, remember that in the first Hanukkuh after the crisis had passed the light came back stronger than ever and still shines to this day!
God bless you from a Christian and religious universalist who knows well the historical context of the first Hahukkah and wishes love to all!
Beautiful, but for reasons of safety, the lighted candle should always remain upright while the unlighted candle is tipped toward the flame. That's what we do in our Christmas Eve worship services using smaller candles with cuffs to catch dripping wax. Wonderful song.
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful song!
ОтветитьOctober 8, 2023 - With all out war raging horribly in the Middle East I pray people find there way to this song. it says what I can't say very well. Let all of us light one candle and raise our collective voices for universal human rights, justice and peace in Palestine, Israel and love beyond borders. Shalom
ОтветитьI needed this song tonight. Thank you Peter Yarrow
ОтветитьThey were so good, I miss the trio. RIP Mary Travers.
ОтветитьHappy Chanukkah!✡️🕎
ОтветитьOld School still relevant today.
ОтветитьI just came across this song. I'm not Jewish, but what an awesome song for all people of the world. And for the youngsters, Peter Paul and Mary were awesome
ОтветитьThis song is so fuckin beautiful. I'd never even heard it until this morning.
ОтветитьVery moving!
ОтветитьAwesomeness ❤
ОтветитьTreasured memories of this February 1988 concert at Lehman College in the Bronx. Attended both the afternoon and evening performances. Later on, I bought the companion Gold Castle record when PP&M promoted it on the Regis and Kathy Lee program.
Thanks Rudi for this outstanding, top shelf production.
They sang this at a concert for the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation in 1988. An amazing evening and performance.
ОтветитьI was at that concert in 1988. it was magical!
ОтветитьThis song always makes me cry and gives me chills. Sending this out to all of the Jewish people- I support you. Am Yisrael Chai!
Ответить12/24 Time to continue singing for the entire world as the time has come for “our LOVE & TEARS” to accompany a wave of LOVE IN ACTION! Namaste 🌟🌏
ОтветитьI AM Jewish and here it is - five days to Chanukah when WE light the candles to remember the miracle of the VICTORY of the Macabees over the enemy, when we rededicated the holy temple, with one day's quantity of pure olive oil in a lamp that lasted for EIGHT days = until enough fresh oil could be made.. so that light .. did NOT go out.. They fought for our freedom to be Jews, to live in the land of Israel and for us to be able to Pray to our G-d.. We have Macabees today - they are called the IDF, May G-d bless every one of them as they are also conquering OUR ENEMIES so that the Miracle of Chanukah can continue to shine the world round for our Freedom, in peace and security and soon in the next holy temple in Jerusalem, speedily and in our days..
ОтветитьI saw the Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof last year, thinking it was just a timeless classic. At the end, after the curtain call, the Fiddler started the opening tune again, and Tevye came forward and said, "Fiddler on the Roof- is highly relevant in 2023, because of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the recent rise in anti-Semitism, ( and now the Hamas fighting)..."
ОтветитьBack when music 🎶 said something meaningful and needed to be sung !Pete Seager, Arlo Guthrie 😎 & P.P.M!!!!!
ОтветитьIt was stunning for me to google this classic, and be reminded that this was *1988*. If ever there was a song for this world on New Years Eve 2024, it would be this one.
ОтветитьBeautiful performance!
ОтветитьRest in peace and rise in glory, Peter Yarrow.
ОтветитьPeter Yarrow, member of the internationally famous trio Peter, Paul and Mary died today, 1/7/2025. Besides being a singer, Peter also was a songwriter. Peter, Paul and Mary stirred the hearts of many from the 1960s through today with their folk and socially conscious songs.
The Sounds Good Choir that I am a part of sang Peter's 'Light One Candle' as part of our 2023 Holiday Concert. It took all the strength I could muster to not cry while singing this song.
Thanks Peter for sharing your beautiful voice and musical genius with the world. Say hello to lovely Mary.
Sing with the angels Dear Friend.
They were so highly inspired that it inspires us listeners, in turn, because it is something so energetically "catchy," transmissible & motivating that it ends up "lighting the candle within us!" That is one thing that is so sorely missing from so much music these days - and it makes all the difference in the world! And I say that as a musician'
Their music is a blissful reminder that, on the level where it "really counts," we're already "all One!" And music such as theirs makes it so much easier to "remember" that by re-entering that state of grace and "feeling it" — even if only temporarily — and thereby getting a taste of that divinely blissful future that is our inheritance as "spiritual beings having a human, Earthly experience." That ultimate destination of ours once we finally get through this temporary state of static, divisiveness, disconnection and pain which has us distracted from our true and ultimate nature.
I remember listening to this song as a kid during a Christmas special I was transfixed by it. It's message of peace, it's depth. <3 rip Peter Yarrow. Your music brought much into this world, and is a great reminder that no matter what the world is, we can hold out strength and hope for a better world.