Is the AWP Overpowered? My Response to Does CS:GO Have an AWP Problem?

Is the AWP Overpowered? My Response to Does CS:GO Have an AWP Problem?

its voo

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@delroku - 23.05.2023 13:06

Easy there fatty, we dont want you getting into cardiac arrest.
It was clear the AWP needed a nerf but a speed penalty barely does anything since it's also a buff because you can actually zero your movement faster, fuck you might not even need to counterstrafe at all sometimes.
And reducing the magazine in half barely does anything since yiu can reload it i mean, the CZ 75 gets a nerd that turns it into a joke weapon but the AWP still mostly dominates the meta?
The problem lies in CSGO overall rebalance of guns from older CS games
Back in CS 1.6 the recoil and spread of every gun was absolutely massive, people still complained about the AWP but the way movement and spread worked made playing too aggressively with any sniper a bas idea.
Even auto snipers were less frowned upon because the spread was harder to control even while scoped.
Now is more if not actually possible to do shit like getting AWP jump shots because they made every weapon more accurate.
They actually lowered the skill ceiling and that nay not be a bad thing.
But with weapons that already had a lower skill ceiling it might actually turn them into a bit of a crutch.
Which in theory is supposed to not make a difference in higher levels.
Except it actually does because a good player will find a way to abuse it.
The way to go to balance those weapons was to nerf the accuracy so getting a lucky shot and spamming them or just trying to playing reverse whack a mole with the enemy.
Also maybe make arms and hands have a separate damage threshold.
It really is kind of silly to get shot in the hand and die because it counts as a body shot.
Nexon actually made that change because of all the broken instakill weapons they had and it kinda worked for a while.
Until they added instakill weapons that could be spammed at the speed of a smg or that made you invisible.
And that had no recoil and that blocked damage.

@Kenf333 - 18.04.2023 23:34

The problem is that the AWP in a map like Dust_2 in matchmaking /w a bunch of randoms, whole enemy team goes awps, without coordinated smokes there is very little chance for a team of randoms to deal with 5 AWPs on CT-side easily. TL;DR AWPs in matchmaking are more of a problem, not with coordinated pro teams. You can throw a smoke close and into and a little beyond the choke or doors but even that's limited after awhile.

Edit: Well, you CAN use utility to counter, and also you switch sides so you can do the same thing to them. So I guess it breaks even and equalizes. Also the AWP is distinct and iconic in that it is supposed to grant defenders an edge. You also still have to aim with it. So yeah, I'm probably wrong and everything's balanced.

@happymoon8471 - 17.09.2022 04:37

Average Terrorist Team in dust 2 rushing short diying 1 by 1 to the awp without smoke or anything for the next 10 rounds: - AWP IS OP WTF

@Freefrost - 08.05.2022 17:38

The biggest problem the awp poses is that the firerate is a bit too fast IMO. I instinctively react to awpers killing my teammates but whenever i swing, the guy is already bunnyhopping away. Or if i am just SLIGHTLY away from my teammate, i swing, miss the headshot and die.

And sometimes, its simply inhumanly possible to just be always ready to trade, sometimes you're watching a flank, worried about something else, lining up utility, hearing info, talking about the execute.
Then an awper dry peeks, kills my teammate and dips and, i don't react fast enough and peek when the guy is already ready to shoot again.

@kushaedits6676 - 25.04.2022 21:45

Not overpowered but it definitely makes lower skilled players regress in cs, most of them are ass from round 1-4 than they do good when they have it, i noticed most of them have 0 utility knowledge and can't use aks m4s smgs or pistols 😂

@L4WNY22 - 23.04.2022 01:47

awp is best shotgun

@stevemoore4286 - 10.04.2022 20:08

People in LEM think try kill awpers wtih deagles at LEM it really is a horrible rank

@GokuAgain - 06.04.2022 18:08

Just add 300ms in 2nd shot.

@GoldenDrag123 - 05.04.2022 01:35

Late reply, but honestly the utility usage point goes both ways, in higher level awpers will rotate all the time and just go to a different Angle if smoked or flashed off the angle, think u smoke off long on inferno, awper will just rotate library or moto to hold apps. Point is awpers will always Get value no matter how much util u have. When furia does triple awp setup on fucking CT inferno, yea its a bit op. And utility usage is not just bad in low levels, in EU faceit lvl 8-10 games awp really is a Pain in the ass on some maps, not easy to coordinate utility with 4 randoms not to mention russians who dont even speak english

@sirdetmist3204 - 15.03.2022 06:01

The AWP is low risk high reward and let me show you how.

To have an AWP with 4 AK's full util and full armor is only 8.2% more costly than 5 AK's with full armor and util.

Make the AWP about 5550 and then it really is high risk, also in CS1.6 the amount of AWP kill hovered around 7%, in CSGO its nearly double that.

The AWP also actually fires too fast, the fact awpers often have time to get off another shot even when peaked right after getting a kill shows the issue, the AWP a gun that you can strategic can pretty easily be used to get multi kills.

You show a scream clip where he is getting headshot, the most skill intensive thing in CS, the AWP kills from s1mple are all low skill shots in reality, close flick and all body shots, large targets and up close, scream on the other hand was hitting one taps and bursts, far more skill required.

Also lets look at the economy, it harms your bank to buy it sure but all you have to do is kill one fully bought player and not die and technically you have cost the other team more and it only cost you an extra 2050 to buy it as a team and remember the economy is the teams money not just yours.

Also lets relate to the rifles, I with an AK can strafe out on an awper, aim perfectly at his head, click and then thanks to first shot inaccuracy miss, he can then hit me in the hand and get a kill, that shouldnt happen in a skill based game.

There is also this issue some maps have so many angles and corner and angles within angles to clear that an awper can sit in that you actually cant clear it all with a practical amount of util.

The best way to nerf the AWP is to make it cost more, reduce its movement speed a little more and lower its fire rate, this means when riflers get close they can trade the awper quicker but at range and on long angles its just as effective, reducing the mag size to 5 would do nothing at all, that is enough for an ace in a mag it doesnt matter at that point, lower the fire rate.

@amp1436 - 04.03.2022 02:56

Awps aren’t op because most people that buy them can’t fucking aim anyway

@simonhrabec9973 - 02.02.2022 16:37

Yeah lets talk about how something is OP by showing clutch clips and no whifs.

@raivisjanusevskis2590 - 31.01.2022 01:04

short answer: awp isn't broken you silver, just use basic utility and it makes the awper's job more difficult, there are not a lot of clips that show the awp is broken, it was just simply good aiming from those players and bad decisions from the enemy team

@jii-ro7083 - 30.01.2022 23:31

CSGO doesnt have an awp problem. It has braindead people problem

@parthbansal2775 - 30.01.2022 16:44

what GTR said was the definition of "High Risk High Reward". It was stupid of theScore to use it to support their argument.

@parthbansal2775 - 30.01.2022 16:31

theScore's AWP problem video is perfect. I mean it has no dislikes

@smuwug - 30.01.2022 12:52

I would deglove myself if the awp only had 5 bullets

@clumsypanda1039 - 26.01.2022 13:14

and there is a random mm guy, force buy awp without armor and go to a long dust2, flashed by enemy, fall back to car, miss 3 shots and dies by 2 stack nade.
i figure out the csgo matchmaking system is broken.

@SonnyAFK - 24.01.2022 21:48

I wish the scoreEsports just stopped making CS content and died, they are literally rehashing community content and providing GNM level takes on balance :/

@dannynip - 24.01.2022 07:17

I like Valorant's economy of only getting $1000 if you survive a round you lost. Getting $1000 means it is only enough to replenish your util and not enough to build up bank. This would reduce the desire to survive with 3-4. Another idea is to give the T's even more money if they win with bomb explosion (and I guess even more money for defusing), this would force CT's to act or else risk giving the T's an even bigger economic advantage.

@trollface9903 - 24.01.2022 05:47

Tbh my issue with the awp is not really anything specific but something general. AWPers at the tier 1 level are so insanely dominant that it's basically impossible nowadays to become the number 1 player if you're not an awper. When awpers represent such a minority of the playerbase, that doesn't feel right somehow. Additionally, you can't run 5 rifles in the same way you used to. Look at Liquid 2019. 5 of the best riflers of tier 1 but they weren't able to overcome their lack of an awper when the dominant awp meta began.

@jcsc2001 - 24.01.2022 04:43

"Cadian clutch overrated" 🤡

@karlohlen9320 - 23.01.2022 23:11

I actually think the awp might be overpowerd. But i have been thinking on how to nerf the awp and i don't know how. Maybe lower the firerate a bit to make each shot count more? the 5 bullets is also a good option. Is it better than leaving the awp alone? I don't know xD. Do you want to talk about overpowerd guns? THE DEAGLE! PLEASE! 700$ are you joking?

@wizconsin6104 - 23.01.2022 20:36

The funniest thing about this is that they keep showing clips of players hitting shots with the awp as a way to try and say it’s op. “Look guys! This incredibly skilled player just aced with the awp! This must mean it’s overpowered!”

@Kartopjegsh - 23.01.2022 13:28

I thought about it. For me as gold nova player AWP is easy rounds, if only i don't start miss and ego pick again, or other side pick their AWP too, especially CT side. My nerf thoughts for gun is 5 bullet mag. 10 additional. Decrease leg shot dmg to 10/20. But increase bit of move speed with gun, not scoped.

@jade-wk1zt - 23.01.2022 02:12

theScore is such a trash platform, they could produce such good content considering the backing that they have yet they just produce mostly shit. And the decent stuff is just dumbed down versions of other peoples work lol

@iwnl_vale - 23.01.2022 00:34

Is thescore garbage? Yes

@jaccckky8978 - 22.01.2022 23:22

Awper is op for 80% of the player

@sword3197 - 22.01.2022 20:20

Keep in mind every score video is written by a guy whose been like gold nova max, literally none of them have played cs on a decent level

@lurk7967 - 22.01.2022 07:40

Oh god is it happening again are they gonna nerf it more

@g0ldenak - 22.01.2022 04:45

No major gun in CS needs a nerf or a buff save for a few niche ones like the m249 or whatever and that's just for variety's sake so that we don't have to see the same guns used in every gun round or anti-eco. Maybe make a few of those guns viable options and balance them well, but for "meta" guns that argument is just stupid.
As for the broken AWP argument in particular you can literally insert any clip of niko one deaging enemies from across the map and say : wElL tHiS gUn CoStS 700$ hOw Is BrOkEn LiKe ThIs LmAo.
The gun ain't broken fam, these are just superhumans you're seeing in very unique situations and demonstrating really high levels of play.

@creativeprismstudio1003 - 22.01.2022 03:56

We should be discussing whether or not they should introduce the sniper rifle from Perfect Dark.

@edit2893 - 21.01.2022 17:53

i don't know why but your type of face scares me :DDDD you remind me of my teacher,you have a smart-mean face lmao

@lolly4961 - 21.01.2022 10:45

ScoreEsport is the new Buzzfeed feminist propoganda nobody asked for

@donny2700 - 21.01.2022 06:15

Good lord. Its 2022 and people are still whining about the awp?

@parhelion3050 - 20.01.2022 19:57

The only issues I have with the AWP are moreso issues with MM.
I have 600 hours so when the enemy AWP has 3500 on Mirage.
My options are to rely on someone else, try my utility, and learn from my death

@thchiefe - 20.01.2022 09:21

man i really wish vooCSGO made content as good as its voo

@titoortiz7728 - 20.01.2022 04:26

A big part is really the false equivalency between the AWPer of the team and the 4 riflers.

Because there's 1, at most 2 AWPers to the 4 or 3 riflers, the AWPers tend to outperform. But if the AWP was objectively > the rifle, why cap the team at 1 AWP?

The reversed scenario of 4 AWPers and 1 rifle and the single rifle player would outperform the AWPers in the same vein because of how specialisation is rewarded in a team based shooter.

Furthermore AWPing is a frag heavy position whereas other rifler 'roles' have duties that lead to a lesser KDR by comparison. E.g. the entry fragger who at best hopes to get a kill or get traded out 90% of the time, or the IGL who tends to not AWP, is more valued for their calls than their fragging and tends to lag behind as a result.

@nicemelbs - 20.01.2022 00:57

Can't hear the video you're reacting to.

@kmktruthserum9328 - 19.01.2022 21:57

voo. I found you like almost 2 years ago and you've really grown on me... hilarious and logical. you e really, imo, done something to your personality and just became one of my main go to yt vids, and even twitch streamer

@sil3nT. - 19.01.2022 21:55

I'm legit starting to think Score Esports is just propaganda.. But I'm struggling to figure out their agenda. Any ideas?

@austinhicks9400 - 19.01.2022 21:53

I think the awp is fine how it is. It might be a tiiiinnyyyyy bit overpowered, but i want it nerfed just so you dont end up with 3 AWPs as soon as you stack a little cash lmao

@kmktruthserum9328 - 19.01.2022 21:44

csgo has had the awp since day 1. get used to it move over dont be bad get good

@raxOG- - 19.01.2022 19:34

I disagree with both of you.
First of all, not giving the source of the video you are talking about is scummy, especially if the other channel has way more audience.
Both of you compare the awp in different areas, its not the same in pugs, mms or in a pro match.
I see it this way, if you have equally strong opponents facing each other, what does the statistic say about the likelihood who wins the duels more often?
In matchmaking, pugs etc, a good awper can destroy a whole team in seconds, so low risk high reward applies.
In pro matches, everybody knows who they are facing, so they prepare for AWPers in particular, you should know this. High risk, high reward.
But that doesnt mean the awp isnt op, because in a certain way, it is. As you said, good utility can outplay awps. But you have to see it in a dry way, without
utility, what the majority of players PLAY. In mm I see the awp as a good 75:25 winning chance, while in pro matches its more like 60-65/40-35
The awp received a nerf, a long time ago. Which was good, which was necessary. kennyS was nerfed to the ground.
Straf shooting, like you said with screaM, was ALSO nerfed. Thats called tagging. Like, I get most of your points but you seem like you are triggered and completly miss the point.
theScore guy had some solid arguments, but bad clips sure. Overall I would nerf TAGGING, because it promotes bad awping and generally bad shooting.
This would get bad awpers more balanced in MM, while pros, who know how to strafe while moving properly, would be untouched.

@mikevismyelement - 19.01.2022 19:11

The Curb Your bit was so unexpected. That's awesome

@mikevismyelement - 19.01.2022 19:02

Gambit was the undisputed best team in the world when CadiaN made that clutch. Any misplays from the other team don't make the play less impressive considering he was playing the absolute top flight of competition during that time period
