Ohio BIGFOOT Conference 2024 - Cryptid Creatures & More - First Time Attending

Ohio BIGFOOT Conference 2024 - Cryptid Creatures & More - First Time Attending

The Nash Files

1 месяц назад

283 Просмотров

Hello and welcome! Today we are attending the Ohio Bigfoot conference 2024! I’ve never attended this event before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It ended up being a lot of fun tho! Be sure to like subscribe comment and share!

#bigfoot #cryptid #sasquatch #alien #chupacabre

Cryptids are animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science. Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience, which primarily looks at anecdotal stories, and other claims rejected by the scientific community. While biologists regularly identify new species following established scientific methodology, cryptozoologists focus on entities mentioned in the folklore record and rumor. Entities that may be considered cryptids by cryptozoologists include Bigfoot, Yeti, the chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Mokele-mbembe.
Scholars have noted that the cryptozoology subculture rejected mainstream approaches from an early date, and that adherents often express hostility to mainstream science. Scholars have studied cryptozoologists and their influence (including the pseudoscience's association with Young Earth creationism),[1][2] noted parallels in cryptozoology and other pseudosciences such as ghost hunting and ufology, and highlighted uncritical media propagation of cryptozoologist claims

Be sure to follow my Instagram @nashfiles740


#ohio_bigfoot_conference #thebigfootinfluencers #bigfoot_evidence #close_encounter #bigfoot_encounters #evidence #bigfoot_research #sasquatch_evidence #monsterquest #sasquatch_encounters #sasquatch_research #bigfoot_history #bigfootandbeyond #sasquatch_history #legend #wide_open_research #woodape #bigfoot #sightings #mythology #bigfootsightings #bigfoot_sightings #sasquatchsightings #sasquatch_sightings #stories #sasquatch_myths
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