Megan Fox EXPOSED MGK for CHEATING... (and more?)

Megan Fox EXPOSED MGK for CHEATING... (and more?)

Angelika Oles

1 год назад

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Rhianna never got cheated on by Asap

Sylvanian Adventures
Sylvanian Adventures - 23.02.2023 09:59

The whole relationship is just a mashup of toxic traits. Like two rebellious tweens who constantly need attention and validation even if it means doing weird twisted shit or claiming they do for wow factor quirkiness. When she used to make posts about their relationship on her insta it was so cringe. These are two grown ass people who have kids. There was a time I kind of had some respect for Megan because she came off as a girl who fell into the hollyweird trap but wanted to rebel and fight against it and was tired of being sexualized. She had kids and kind of stepped away from all the media drama and started sounded intelligent whenever she was interviewed. Then she got involved with this dude and I just stopped taking her seriously… all he’s done is dumbed her down. No self respecting woman would even find interest in him. This is the same guy that sexualized a 16 year old girl. Meanwhile he has a young daughter of his own. Not to mention he has obvious mental issues. Not sure what she expected but a lot of their relationship has been a publicity stunt and an attempt for Megan to get into the spotlight again because she doesn’t have any talent in acting. She should have just stayed smart and started her own brand in something, done some modeling, met a stable guy with a good rep. focused on her kids etc. The lives these celebrities live is so off the wall. She is my age… and she has the mental capacity of a 16 year old who wants to defy her parents and date a bad boy 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s like she wasn’t satisfied as a married woman with kids and wanted to relive her teen years. Now she is a victim to his toxic man child behavior. But why is it surprising

wednesday adams
wednesday adams - 23.02.2023 05:23

If your partner threatens to kill themselves to make you stay is a sign you’re in an abusive relationship.

Yuiopajei Potatoes
Yuiopajei Potatoes - 20.02.2023 22:20

I'm just speculating, but don't forget he casted her in his shit movie and made her a lesbian just so she wouldn't associate with other men.

RJ - 19.02.2023 03:26

He’s gonna kill her and then himself.

Lesly Gómez
Lesly Gómez - 18.02.2023 21:09

if someone gets cheated on, ultimately the fault is ON THE CHEATER, NOT THE PERSON WHO GOT CHEATED. There could be problems in the relationship or there could be not, and the cheater still decides to cheat because they cannot commit to their relation enough !! Please think more critically, it makes me sick to see comments like "ooo if someone really hot got cheated on then what's left for me" !!!! Please be smarter than that lmao.

Alexandra & Nur
Alexandra & Nur - 18.02.2023 19:01

Not all rappers, athletes & rock stars are cheaters. A cheater will cheat, regardless of his or her job & regardless of how their partner looks like.

Lambroast Kenny-Smith
Lambroast Kenny-Smith - 17.02.2023 05:48

Every suicdal person needs compassion and care, but our needs DO NOT excuse the psychological abuse of others. Our partners are not emergency services. They're not therapists. And it isn't fair to use our wellbeing to manipulate them into doing more for us.

Daes Gatling
Daes Gatling - 17.02.2023 04:44

Neither one seem that stable and it's just a shame that kids are involved in these two

Salty Pretzel
Salty Pretzel - 17.02.2023 01:01

The gun thing is concerning and also just...the biggest red flag to get the hell out of there, if at all possible O.o'

Bitch Maffia
Bitch Maffia - 16.02.2023 23:57

Thing is these are HIGH profile celebrities (or at least Meghan fox is lol), everything that she puts out is meticulously curated , i wouldnt be surprised if this whole thing is done to boost one or both of their careers

Isamar Castro
Isamar Castro - 16.02.2023 19:50

This is why you don't go against God's in their own right... You end up like MGK 🤦🏽‍♀️. But seriously it sounds like Megan is tired of being this spoiled child's mother. 😒

Kira Kuroe
Kira Kuroe - 16.02.2023 19:48

The ring thing was debunked ages ago. A goldsmith went through the design and explained why that wasn’t possible 😅

Jackie LaBasaur
Jackie LaBasaur - 16.02.2023 17:03

100% MF is talking about huge red flags 🚩 1) A piece of jewelry you don’t generally take off, but is DESIGNED to hurt if you do- extremely possessive 2) Drinking each other’s blood is not typical in adult relationships. This isn’t about judging MF. It just isn’t a typical occurrence but MF felt compelled to talk about it like it is. 3) Even if MGK had been pretending and making up the whole thing with MF on the phone, to try and convince your chosen person that you’re ending your life? No. That’s abusive. 4) Even if MF took that photo unintentionally and it just so happens to have that poster in it and she posted it before realizing, there were 1,000 other photos she could post. She chose that one. That says something to me. 5) Today, not having social media or forcing a person not to have social media is a form of isolating them from their supportive people. I’m extremely concerned for MF and, if she wants to leave and chooses to do so, I hope she is able to have professional support of people who work in these situations and is able to hear their advice.

Basava l raj
Basava l raj - 16.02.2023 05:31

Emenim Still winning 🤣

Pandabearbutts - 15.02.2023 17:34

I feel like he designed the ring to hurt her so she'd be less likely to leave him. I don't think he treats her well 😕

Cassi O
Cassi O - 15.02.2023 17:33

Sad they would mom shame her … mgk has a child of his own as well (from a previous relationship) so why would they shame her for being a mom and dating him but not call him out for doing dangerous shit even tho he has a full ass daughter himself lol the double standards are insane

glossappire :0
glossappire :0 - 15.02.2023 15:56

i knew what i was expecting when i heard about the thorn bands of the ring. all her 12 year old fans were like 'no it's her life!! she's happy!!' girl she willingly drinks his BLOOD and lets him drink his. she accepts THAT ring. she lets him drink her blood as well. they both agree on THAT controversial halloween costume theme. she was not really realistic about her expectations for men, i feel. a man with tattoos and problematic behaviour is not your dream, believe me.

Kelsie Auger
Kelsie Auger - 15.02.2023 13:52

When you fear abuse you need to leave ive been here before more then once .

Morgana - 15.02.2023 12:49

She deleted her Instagram 👀
