How to Install and Configure NethServer 7.8.2003 + VMware Tools + Quick Look on VMware Workstation

How to Install and Configure NethServer 7.8.2003 + VMware Tools + Quick Look on VMware Workstation

Linux Video Tutorials

3 года назад

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@glennd4808 - 03.03.2022 00:32

I followed this tutorial but can't seem to get active directory to work. Nslookup can't seem to find the server

@tn19801980 - 11.12.2020 00:23


@angelorestrepo - 12.11.2020 07:52

Is this Nethserver firewall as good as untangle in your opinion? Looking an effective but not too complicated firewall that has antivirus, ad blocker, web filtering and intrusion prevention . It would be a bonus if wireguard could be used. Almost how do you do the install when you have to set a vlan for CenturyLink along with email and password? I tried logging into the web GUI but it would not connect perhaps I need to reboot for wan to be recognized or maybe I have the cables backwards? I was able to install ipfire and untangle x without any issues any advice would be appreciated
