3-Step Formula That Took Me From Bronze To CHALLENGER - League of Legends

3-Step Formula That Took Me From Bronze To CHALLENGER - League of Legends

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@sonan4311 - 03.02.2020 19:42


@magic4452 - 03.02.2020 19:44

QOTD: stop tilting and get the lp

@Eclectobit - 03.02.2020 20:41

The only one that shits on my climbing is my pc. I can reach diam while playin in a trash pc with 25- fps. But playing in master and higher is a big cucumber that my pc cant accept.

@donovanridley1146 - 03.02.2020 20:46

QOTD: To stop getting teams that only want to flame each other. I’ve been on a bad losing streak because people immediately start cursing each other out when something goes wrong then they all want to ff at 15

@technicalleon - 03.02.2020 22:05

I really agree with the 3rd one. I'm not very good mechanically so I tend to gravitate towards champs with simpler mechanics so I can master them quickly and allow me to focus a bit more on macro.

@AJSwaim - 03.02.2020 22:19

"in the decision moment making"

@urzy2361 - 03.02.2020 22:39

QOTD: I want to get at least plat at the end of the season
My placements were bad so I got ranked bronze but I’m climbing so hilefully it’ll go good.
I play Yasuo Lucian and sometimes Lulu when I duo

@spookyysskelly - 04.02.2020 08:18

I’d love to be able to voice a champion for league. Friend of mine says I should be some kind of voice actress. Who knows right? :) I can dream lol

@philippr.9870 - 04.02.2020 11:02

QOTD: I want to learn Kat and get out of silver.

@Danny8Ter - 04.02.2020 11:38

from bronze to challenger? you could be more realistic and say from iron to gold // or from bronze to lower plat .... dont wanna be negative but these days people are very good...competition is though... and people troll more / int more

@palinkasszilard3236 - 04.02.2020 14:22

U dont know how hard it is to be a jungler in EUNE in lower elo's. i play nearly all my matches 1v9 and botlanes are the most useles noobs under gold2

@froirissting66 - 04.02.2020 14:53

qotd: im a gold and i been demoted to bronze too much
theh my goal is to get out of hell

@joshdelarosa2218 - 04.02.2020 14:58

Who did Dan voice? :O

@kamalabdelmalek103 - 04.02.2020 16:06

I want to thank all the staff in proguides beacause it helps me a lot to be a better player/person in the game. the content is always new and give you the best tips to l2p and become a challenger ! Thank you all for the big amount of work and effort you put in proguides to help me and the other player and making league of legends better.

@daviddanielorigin6441 - 04.02.2020 16:34

Ok cool but how do I get out of Iron.

@joshuaq2850 - 04.02.2020 19:57

at this point the "are you being ganked in your own lane" is just a meme and less and less people are getting proguides for that reason

@duruldavrasl5748 - 04.02.2020 23:43

My limits doesn't matter as long as my bot lane is 0/5 and 0/5 in minute 10 and I can't do shit about it because I am a top laner and our bot lane inhibitor is gone at 13th minute

@kacperpinno7401 - 05.02.2020 00:20

How to climb?
- Watch Dopa streams

@poppyuwu4710 - 05.02.2020 14:01

One of the best tricks to get better at jungle is to play champions you aren't familiar with but have an idea how to play. I started rapidly improving when I began replicating other junglers and playstyles every few games in between practicing my mains. For example, I'm not a fan of playing Yi, but when I saw the new s10 Yi build I decided to play a game of Yi to test it out. Not only did that lead to a better understanding of Yi. I was also forced to rely on my macro knowledge of the jungle to make informed plays. In short, I highly recommend playing new champions even if you don't like them as it will better your understanding of matchups, and force you to rely on your macro play.

@NurekWasTaken - 05.02.2020 15:59

QOTD: I want to quit League, but it is proving to be harder than expected.

@rnow_ - 05.02.2020 22:01

this host made me laugh my ass off. PLEASE BRING HIM BACK MORE OFTEN

@hiromatsumoto8515 - 05.02.2020 23:38

TLDW: Git Gud

@flirtzwithgirls - 06.02.2020 01:57

n ot very helpful, i've done all these things and im still hardstuck 2000 games silver/gold

@itiddles4419 - 07.02.2020 00:40

In the decision moment making

@nsextinct3534 - 07.02.2020 15:47

Darius' stacking bleeding passive is too OP

@nimrodfilms5104 - 08.02.2020 10:46

id love to hear your voice in a league champion ;3

@nibla02gamer84 - 08.02.2020 16:15

My goal is to reach diamond minimum. The problem is... teammates and its hard to carry as sett

@carlosamorim6466 - 08.02.2020 18:31

We got a problem here , im iron

@Juanofthedead92 - 09.02.2020 04:08

Pro tipp destroy the enemy nexus before they destroy yours.
Thank me later and see you in master

@natehardiman6878 - 09.02.2020 05:21

Nathan, I love every part of this video. It was truly a great video. Learned a lot. And enjoyed the way it wa produced. Maybe you could give some tips to TFT side of things in Proguides?

@ReiHardRei - 09.02.2020 09:44

Legit question. Can I get tyler1 to coach me on ProGuides?

@aziktor2561 - 09.02.2020 12:55

QOTD: so to be honest many times befote I've played league but I always ended up having a sort of technical difficulty and had to leave it for like half a year (this happened around three times). To be honest I have been reaching gold flawlessly since my second year playing, but i couldnt reach plat ever. This year my goal was to reach plat... But since in only one night I went from silver 1 (placements) to gold 2, I'm gonna try and shoot for the stars: I want to be diamond!!!

@escocyan - 10.02.2020 17:05

I'm from LAS and this is how I do it:

1.start a game
2. Your team start flaming
3. Win because the other team also flamed


@sayedgamal775 - 10.02.2020 22:55

I'd be grateful if someone told me how to start from scratch

@Super-Sheepy - 12.02.2020 04:18

I get I should focus on my own situational position but what can you do with afks or if someone is grifting or is there a way to counter that issue? as i have just about got through tows issues once or twice but cant every time

@nerdprjncessshortsandstrea7843 - 13.02.2020 01:09

Good video, but one thing I think you guys missed is the importance of noticing and rewarding yourself when you successfully improve on something you were working on.

@BDenjoyer - 13.02.2020 14:53

i enjoy this kind of content. too bad i personally think that most of this is a sham. i've been playing this game for 10 years now on an almost daily basis. i've noticed many things the are wrong with me; inability to carry, very questionable decisions, poor warding. even passive toxicity. after an amazing start to this season with +60%wr i have now fallen all the way down to sub 50%, went from gold1 to gold 4 0 lp really quick. my mechanics have to shit, i have no champions to onetrick that fit my playstyle. i have no main role either because all the things i knew how to play seems like garbage/troll picks in the current meta. so at this point everytime i queue up for solo queue, i simply expect a defeat, because i know matchmaking wont be on my side because of trash wr

@kittrialeviana3574 - 15.02.2020 05:55

In the decision moment making

@sylverdobbigaming8942 - 16.02.2020 15:20

First step to getting better at league of legends according to you is to watch the pros and learn the pros and do this like the pros. The pros can give you some tips and tricks, but, it won't help everyone. Play your game. Do you like to be the late game hyper scaling top lane carry? Fiora, morde and Jax are for you. Like playing the disengage support? Janna, braum and alistar are for you. The point is just cause faker is playing it and winning all the time doesn't mean you will. Could faker carry a bot lane that is 0/23/0 by 10 mins? Doubt it. Not to say you can't learn anything from watching. Certain mechs or macros can be learned. But it's up to the player to master how to use them. Mindset is a big factor. You are correct. You are mid in a game and you just solo killed your lane opponent for the 3rd time. Now you hit tab to bring up the scoreboard. Your top is 0/5/1, jung is 1/4/0 and bot and support combined are 0/7. Unless the enemy team majorly throws over and over again, you aren't winning that game. You ultimately can't win a team game without some decent teammates. Being realistic, watch some of the pros and learn basic and some advanced mechs for the current Meta champs. Then practice those mechs until you feel comfortable with them. And please for the love of God, don't be a one trick. One tricks disgrace our na lcs with there presence. Being good at just one lane or champ does not a professional player make. It's na and their warped philosophy on money that is why our pros don't do squat on the international stage. Most pros in na are imports, one tricks or famous streamers. Some people do not do well in a chaotic environment like solo queue, but, Accel in a "ranked 5's" setting.

@raphaelmerino100 - 25.02.2020 14:52

Step 0: Don't climb solo with support. Do yourself a favor.

@SericoCH - 17.03.2020 11:04

i definitly wanna hit diamond this season

@demopancze - 16.04.2020 09:16

I love the intro clip shitposting

@BlueShrek15 - 18.04.2020 11:03

My botlane just qent 0/18 and for some reason they blame my top

@nicolasmonteverdehorlent7712 - 19.04.2020 02:47

Botlane is the most frustating lane

@Imyourmoose - 05.05.2020 12:04

What really helps, BUY OUR PRODUCT...

@jakobfriedl8469 - 14.08.2020 18:59

My goals for LoL: Improve. Just. Improve.

@hercules2524 - 27.08.2020 17:09

Proguides advertise: Just go to proguides and no one will gank you.

Good video btw

@TheBenniBalle - 09.04.2022 04:28

Step 1 stop watching this. Step 2 Start the grind Step 3 Dont Rage over not Climbing get gud
