The Shady Story Behind The Militech Corporation | Cyberpunk 2077 Lore

The Shady Story Behind The Militech Corporation | Cyberpunk 2077 Lore


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Technical - 01.11.2023 09:22

Militech is essentially the Tesla/Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman/Raytheon/Google/Amazon/Blackwater PMC rolled into one singular entity that basically has influence over NUSA behind the scenes.

Garland - 30.10.2023 16:15

I swear Hansen is like Yorinobu all over again, portrayed as the big villain for the entire game but turns out Myers was the evil one after all

Gold Gamer667
Gold Gamer667 - 29.10.2023 22:03

So Militech is the Lockheed Martin of Cyberpunk on steroids

Eldar Shamukhamedov
Eldar Shamukhamedov - 28.10.2023 02:25

Did NUSA nationalize Militech, or did Militech take over NUSA?

John Smith
John Smith - 26.10.2023 10:46

"ethically shady corporation"
Extremely redundant.

Perpetually tired millennial
Perpetually tired millennial - 25.10.2023 17:37

At this point, we're one buyout of Blackwater by Google away from this shit. Governments are already in corporations' pockets

Craeshendo - 19.10.2023 03:26

Love these videos. Did my second playthrough and a second run on phantom liberty and gave been soaking in all your cyberpunk Lore videos while I'm working. Finally subscribed because I thought I already did lol. Great work

IllemDaFunk - 18.10.2023 18:07

I'll take Cyberpunk's dystopia over our boring dystopia any day of the week.

Alex Hulea
Alex Hulea - 17.10.2023 11:21

i like all these parallels and paradoxes: Arasaka WAS going to detonate the nuke in their NC HQ, but Millitech beat them to it. They were going to unleash Soulkiller to go wild, while Millitech had Cynosure (nuff said). Millitech blamed Arasaka for the Holocaust, when they themselves caused it.

Chris Ahearn
Chris Ahearn - 16.10.2023 04:25

Considering that Most of the endings of 2077 involve Yorinobu dismantling arasaka internally and regrouping to asia, i wouldn't be surprised if Militech are the primary antagonists of future games.

They'd fill the vaccume left by arasaka commiting corporate seppuku and solidify their place as the global corporate hegemon, kinda like america in the 90s when the soviets collapsed.

Side effects would likely include the western US states, now lacking an outside benefactor to keep them more autonomous, being completely incorporated into the NUSA proper, with NC probably following suit while Militech appropriates Arasakas american holdings. You kinda get a taste of this in the tower ending, with Militech practically plastering every surface with ads.

This could also be the way Cyberpunk reintroduces Morgan Blackhand, who could play a role like adam smasher did (i.e. borged up enforcer)

Kamil F
Kamil F - 16.10.2023 02:21

War crimes 2077

Pinupopinion - 14.10.2023 19:03

So, its just all the 3 letter agencies as a company?

BaronHelmut - 12.10.2023 20:19

Militech in Cyberpunk: 💪
Real life Militech: 🤡

Sunset Red Snow Leopard
Sunset Red Snow Leopard - 11.10.2023 06:34

Nahhh, US would have spent millions on the development of those rifles, then realize they can just upgrade their current rifles with better attachments and small changes again

DazUnn - 11.10.2023 05:49

Hiya! Just caught this on Spotify on my way home from work. I really enjoyed it! Thanks for your hard work in putting these together. It makes my hour commute enjoyable and less as tedious.

Riccardo Mallardo
Riccardo Mallardo - 10.10.2023 10:56

Wait, militech is italian? I thought only biotechnica was

Research Stalkin
Research Stalkin - 05.10.2023 15:34

Militech is a fascinating company in 2077, hell even in cyberpunk red (table top rpg). Their essentially a non company company, state owned yet also trying to do their own thing to advance their own income. Yet this would also mean that the NUSA is extremely dependant on Militech, if their stock's crash then NUSA is going with it.

Their gear is awesome though! Always loved their more simplicity first gun designs. And their troops in 2077 look cool as heck xD

86 - 03.10.2023 10:12

Im convinced, buying the game

The Humble Magi Dragon
The Humble Magi Dragon - 01.10.2023 22:43

Love listening to the videos. Even despite the fact that most of the 'lore info dumps' were ad libbed.
