Buyer's Guide: The 2020 Pro Line-up (THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, NOW THERE ARE 4 OF THEM!!!)

Buyer's Guide: The 2020 Pro Line-up (THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, NOW THERE ARE 4 OF THEM!!!)


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@thedukeofkybertron7737 - 03.05.2021 23:07

you live in FL correct?

@Ovarian_invasion - 20.05.2021 19:34

Wait.....weighted METAL side grips???? Just got my DZP Mk2 from Amazon and it's ALL this normal?

@the.alexkim - 24.05.2021 16:50

After I found out about the pro line after I got all metal internals for my retaliator...

@ultimatearmouries8936 - 30.05.2021 21:11

one of my neighbors does a charity garage sale where she goes and gets new in box stuff from stores and sells them at a discounted price and i found a nexus pro for $20. legit my favorite blaster ever. vertical mag well like the alpha trooper and foregrip like the rampage (my 2 favorite nerf brand blasters), just makes the nexus pro my favorite blaster. I thought my modded rampage shooting up to 105 fps shot hard. 150 fps nexus pro, just amazing. in love with this blaster

@travissmith9934 - 08.06.2021 11:43

My MK 1.1 just came in today from target and I bought a red dot reflex sight for it and this thing is a absolute monster man

@porpoiseproductions1422 - 13.06.2021 01:18

is the buffer tube like compatable with airsoft stocks or somthing

@99chuck99 - 14.06.2021 06:25

i joined when the hobby was expensive smh, i used to use my Caliburn but now i just use $50 orange walmart boi

@matthewheffner3024 - 15.06.2021 22:17

Are the rival red dot sights compatible with the Mk 1.1?

@parkertown2229 - 22.06.2021 21:20

I’m getting a nexus pro because I prefer the pump grip

@loose-hotline5026 - 26.06.2021 03:36

I ever went none of you guys do airsoft or paintball

@evanluk9540 - 08.08.2021 06:10

while nerf tanked in 2020 dart zone thrived

@aslamc9288 - 10.08.2021 19:30

Crossing fingers for a reasonably sized DZP mag-fed pistol that takes short darts only and has the magazine in the grip. Please, make it happen!

@PrivariteAnimations - 30.08.2021 05:36

When you live in the UK cries in nerf and X shot

@sk8able3 - 31.08.2021 19:34

You do really great reviews, I've actually bought a few of the blasters that you've reviewed.

@Tywild327 - 02.09.2021 06:25

Damn adventure force really be beating nerf

@djinndevyl7077 - 05.09.2021 23:43

THIS channel made me a dart zone guy. I'll take all the fun for the lesser price point straight outta the package

@poop4608 - 06.09.2021 15:54

"This is getting out of hand now there are four of them"-Star Wars

@dancox7329 - 16.09.2021 05:23

150 fps is cool, but Rival is more fun imho. Sniping isn't as much fun as assaulting with rapid fire and 160+ rounds already loaded.

Your primary should be a Proton Pack 😆

@awfulknight3344 - 16.09.2021 21:55

so basically, the best kit would be nexus pro primary aeon pro secondary and the mk2 handgun

@Jake-iv8mr - 17.09.2021 07:00

Just picked up the nexus and I’m going tomorrow to get another adventure pro. Cannot recommend it enough. Even beats some of my nerf mods

@V3ktor_92 - 05.10.2021 02:21

"I have faith that everybody's gonna do the right thing"
Damn, I choked on my breakfast just laughing. That is a zinger right there.

@AmishBlackMan - 30.10.2021 19:23

Bro coming here from the airport community when he said the “airsoft m16” just ahhhh m16s are a rare gun to see on the field lol maybe if he said m4 he coulda put that together but still just 😵

@Wulfgeir - 06.11.2021 23:17

New Aeon Flux live show comin at ya face

@Smitteys86 - 12.11.2021 14:15

So entertaining to listen to even as somebody who has no experience in the hobby.

@NapoleonBonaparte3 - 17.11.2021 03:16

I've had this for a while the aeon and I cannot cook its very easily and it hurts lol

@purpledragon26 - 17.11.2021 09:15

I heard it's like hasbro quality as if that were a good thing

@chriswilson7211 - 22.11.2021 10:20

I discovered the Stryker at a local Dirt Cheap. Was an experimental buy that turned out amazing. Figured anything that is willing to acknowledge the community's half-length dart standard is a good get. I was right.

@vegynnnyk - 29.11.2021 11:17

Now just gotta wait fot the pistol to go from 80 dollars to 20

@arches_aviation8584 - 05.12.2021 03:06

Or you can be a man and stop being afraid of a piece of plastic hitting you

@zeablade9072 - 05.12.2021 11:38

Best one in my opinion is that Mk2. It is so revolutionary. Tiny as hell, 6 shots, shoots like twice faster, gives free holster and 2 speed loaders, gives 18 darts to nerf who just gives minimum.

@danielblackwell5577 - 17.12.2021 19:27

loving the Firefly patches

@RedMageGaming - 11.01.2022 09:18

Managed a Nexus pro for 15 bucks from walmart because they had the whole stock of them in the wrong price point. But the Mk.2 is looking like something I might have to order if their still available lol.

@turnersawman - 13.02.2022 15:21

Those pins are stupid it's the only reason I will never buy a 1,1

@offlinemedia1784 - 20.02.2022 20:43

I have the Nexus Pro. Was just able to pick one up. I'm hoping to get out and find a war or a HvZ or something to field-test some of the stuff I've bought.

@dariusgordon2266 - 26.03.2022 15:40

I’m just getting back into nerf since n-strike. I got a Nexus that I didn’t realize was golden until I got home

@CaptainLegionary - 29.03.2022 18:42

i nE3d fIvE Of ThEM!!!!!!!

@JxckLantern - 02.05.2022 06:47

My lodeout is the aeon pro for my primary and my modified disruptor for my secondary

@spikesfamily - 16.05.2022 05:42

is there like organized nerf games or something? I keep hearing you talk about competing but can't really see how with the low range of nerf guns

@JosephGranier - 10.06.2022 08:09

The right thing? The right thing would have been to ignore the propaganda and do what you wanted to.

@akosburian4422 - 26.06.2022 09:30

I live in europe. I just only can get aeon pro and that was 80 eur. If I want nexus pro I need to spam 110 eur.

@ethanrbutler - 16.07.2022 02:24

What's up, first time viewer. You're cool man, great speaking voice 👍

@goose93000 - 16.07.2022 06:55

I want the mk2 after I get the aeon pro but I can’t bc in Australia every dart zone blaster is expensive AF so I can get an aeon pro for $88 but an mk2 is nearly $200

@glockfanboy4927 - 25.07.2022 23:52

All four n Nerf war at Christmas time!! Let the games begin!!!

@Aidnidmsosj - 17.09.2022 20:53

Where I live the nexus pro is in CLEARANCE and are being sold for 39 buckaroonies

@eemosolo9692 - 08.12.2022 08:34

I want someone to make a lipo ready stryfe like pro blaster so bad

@jeremypeoples468 - 03.02.2023 07:15

I didn't know the orange mk1 was hard to get I have two of them and the orange mk2

@SolartheSwed - 08.02.2023 16:11

What about the dart zone max Stryker is that good enough

@maxs-lz4pn - 11.03.2023 13:19

I really wish the target exclusives came in orange. It just feels safer for outdoor use. I understand why it's red and it does look good but it messes with my peace of mind especially with the pistol's silhouette

@Unmexicanomas_7 - 16.05.2024 00:27

My loadout: nexus pro dual mag and mk2
