Simon Sinek on Goals vs Vision

Simon Sinek on Goals vs Vision

Sabine Armbruster

6 лет назад

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@gajananshreepad7889 - 13.11.2020 17:40

Thanks for short video

@akinoreh - 12.03.2021 20:29

In other words, goals are the steps that you take to achieve the vision.

@springwinds7208 - 02.06.2021 08:27


@koshizmusic - 20.08.2021 19:47

Gosh it's so inspiring and defeating to know you'll reach an ideal that you'll never put your hands on.

@imsandeepsinha - 14.09.2021 14:37

Simply Awesome 👌

@claudiamanta1943 - 15.06.2024 10:55

Simon, does it hurt when you say stupid things? Unfortunately not, by the looks of it.

If you don’t believe that the vision can be achieved, what’s the fucking point? 😄 Dangling the forever remote carrot is anything but leadership, sweetheart.

Leadership sounds something like this. ‘This is what we will achieve. With sweat, tears, and blood. We will do this and this and that. Do we have a plan? Yes. Does everyone know what and how to do? Yes. Let’s fucking do this ‘cause I want us to celebrate’.
