Holding On to Regret Does You Nothing

Holding On to Regret Does You Nothing

GaryVee Video Experience

4 года назад

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@jackbeaven-duggan559 - 31.12.2023 03:15

Not holding on to regret is a lot harder than it actually is.

@nitinsinha1100 - 09.12.2023 19:50

My regret was wasting my 4 years of college life by not taking any appropriate actions towards my goal. That thing bothered me a lot and was stopping me from moving forward in life and consequently ruining my futre.But am over that now!!
So dont hold on to your past otherwise u will not be able to move forward and achieve goals with your full potential. So stop regretting and move forward !!!!

@modernmasculinity6560 - 28.11.2023 16:15

It’s hard to listen to someone who grossly exaggerates everything. No doubt he worked long hours in his 20s but he didn’t work literally every minute. We’re supposed to believe he never watched a movie, never jerked off, never watched TV, never went shopping, etc.?

@bradfrazer4137 - 09.11.2023 11:12

I suffer from tinnitus from loud noise exposure.
I can’t escape the regret of the stupid things I have done to my ears 22 years ago, it just goes over and over and over again in my mind, how stupid I was.

@TopGun_- - 21.10.2023 11:05

Perhaps, if you knew then what you know now you would have done it differently. You are a different person today. Forgive yourself, & move on. You are doing great and heading in the right direction!

@ayadali9112 - 10.10.2023 12:42

I needed to hear this as someone in his 20s’.

@KB-lv3vo - 05.09.2023 11:19

Understand how to use feelings. Yes, we all have regrets in life. You can dwell on it. Fine. But you must get up n learn to use this feeling as a motivation to work on things in your life. You will realise that those who do good in life are people who have the best coping mechanisms. Learn to cope with things it ain't easy but you can do it.

@EmilyGloeggler7984 - 02.09.2023 01:45


@MichaelEarthOsada - 12.08.2023 03:11

Wow, it's got a rare unestablished audio tag for Gary's version of Sonic Branding at the beginning of the video.

@tanikanakeyalewis4202 - 24.07.2023 22:27

Regret Is Enslavement: the Opposite of Enslavement Is Opportunity. 😶.

1. "Regret is the emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past, because the consequences of the decision one did make were unfavorable. Regret is related to perceived opportunity." Wikipedia
2. Exhaustion Etymology: "early 17th century: from late Latin exhaustio(n- ), from Latin exhaurire ‘drain out’ (see exhaust): Exhaustion Definition: "a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue, the action or state of using something up or of being used up completely, [Logic] the process of establishing a conclusion by eliminating all the alternatives."


Tanika Nakeya Lewis, 6127

@RandomPerson-ys9kx - 12.07.2023 13:38

My deepest regret is not asking for help during my critical times and instead I gave up without even trying. Things would have been different if I asked my friends who were absolutely willing to help but it was my own inability that resulted to what I have now.

@noonejustadudewithagun - 14.06.2023 09:58

take ur past as an experience ❤ even if its bad it is actually preparing you for the future

@WhateverMan7890 - 15.05.2023 00:36

It’s hard though, especially when you have wasted 5 years studying a useless degree.

@peacemaker54 - 28.04.2023 18:13

Business regrets and relationships regrets hit different

@HiBye-oc5yb - 28.04.2023 13:28

There are things happen in our lives , by our own mistakes , cost us alot of mental pain and regret , especially when you think how it was easily preventable , you don't understand how everything ligned together for that mistake to happen .
F*ck this life , you can't control what happens in your life , stop beating your self over your past mistakes, these things happen , and there alot of upcoming things that will happen and you will tegret in the future this is how life works .
(Remember we can't control what happens in our lives but we can only control our reaction to them ).

@Halo-uo9qh - 18.04.2023 22:26

Some regrets you can’t forget of which the consequences you face everyday.

@KB0W11 - 23.01.2023 06:13

When your down bad Gary vee is honestly a god send! Keep it up ppl you will get to where you need to be if u pick yourself up and keep pushing threw it :)

@kotowaru1606 - 03.12.2022 08:25

I regret when i say to a class that im already in collage its feel like I'm just show off to them and just making me lose a lot of alliance

@Earthtime3978 - 22.09.2022 17:25

Some regrets are too big and too deep to ever fully move away from.

@hutao3261 - 15.09.2022 09:21

I regret something so much but it’s so stupid but I cry about it

@nikithashree4250 - 05.08.2022 17:44

holding on to regret does nothing but make u regret more in future...life is short, dont hold onto everything that weighs u down.. just focus on the positive things..things will surely change and that day is so close and u would be thinking "why did i even worry about it" life is not in our hands...shits happens and thats life...whats the worse that could happen...at these tough times being kind to yourself is very important...take care...

@mariashumyatsky264 - 17.07.2022 14:58

so he is telling people not to work but to buy something at tj max and re sell it? gross.

@bollagurl - 15.07.2022 05:43

33 with the same regrets worked all of my 20s on the family business. No friends no going out. I regret it.

@robertloera3599 - 19.06.2022 20:33

Oh but what he doesn’t know is that it really would have killed him

@anonanon8974 - 01.06.2022 20:45

I really really needed that. Thank you.

@easygamingwwiigamingchanne729 - 04.05.2022 09:59

TJ maxx is not the same anymore. Cannot compete with amazon crp.

@richardsoto4914 - 27.04.2022 01:37

Always coming through

@Prodigious1One - 11.04.2022 05:24

Good advice.

@alexnicanor8098 - 01.04.2022 13:36

it think regrets will be forgotten when new mistakes and regrets was born

@redsavaxge4710 - 03.03.2022 14:49

Something that happened very recently::

I life with my parents. I have huge depression and fysical health problems.
They were thinking of a holiday place to go and asked me to go.. I diden't know.
I diden't know.
The day came that they were about to go next morning. I sed yes. I went to Shower packed some stuff to luggage.

Morning came. Had migraine and depression.
I diden't go. They left.
I slept.
Once I woke up I broke to tears for not going. Being alone.

@theorysmasher7022 - 21.02.2022 05:46

Regret is so debilitating but it's also kinda true, if you've made a huge mistake and lost a lot of money, it can really affect the rest of your life and as humans we always tend to think back on the past. But this is a great video, I hope my regret can go away.

@igger562 - 02.02.2022 15:50

I regret being jealous and possessive to my ex gf. I regret drinking one time and pushing her with my hand, even if it wasn't punching or something worst I feel like crap for what I did. I can't pardon myself acting that way because of anger. Im in therapy and learning, even if its a small gesture its better to be able to control yourself and not be so jealous. Ive been ruining all my relationships.

@Jane1983S - 27.01.2022 17:22

Anybody knows what panel was this? I'd like to watch the whole thing.

@everydayinterviews615 - 09.01.2022 17:33

Yeah I got drunk last night and text my gf some dumb stuff feeling a little regretful but at the same time I’m thinking like it was apart of me or else I wouldn’t have said anything but I’m pretty sure she’s still mad. I’m trying to forgive myself and have a good day but I just feel like a pos

@fulgore1 - 30.10.2021 01:54

His biggest regret was working to hard to become rich. yeh give me a break.

@cloak_steam2108 - 17.10.2021 12:01

I regret choosing to stop playing Fortnite
It is painful

@SjorsHoukes - 13.10.2021 12:56

People wouldn’t “rather” complain - people are scared. And confused. And insecure. They just don’t know how to cope with the challenges they’re facing. That’s why they sit in a bar and dwell.

@charleshurstreinvention3959 - 29.09.2021 06:26

Regret can be minimalized. This is what I tell my subscribers. Fact is that most will die with regret of things they didn't do versus the things they did that were failures. Failure is far less painful than than the pain of never trying at all. Trust me on this as a former skilled nursing home provider. Everyone in their last days said the same thing--how all they did was pay bills, how they never wrote that book or saw Nepal. I can tell you that I have had massive failures of things attempted that just weren't meant to be. But I have minimal regret because I DID attempt them. And that is the key to having minimal regret in life. Everyone has regrets but they should be small. If you pursue everything you dream about--failure or not you will have a sense of at least giving it a best shot. That's the secret. Hope this helps---Charles

@lightning3605 - 18.08.2021 00:07

I was bombing a hill and of course there was a peb at the bottom and I slammed and SOOO many people were watching

@parraporro3416 - 12.08.2021 15:09

Such annoying and negative style of aproaching the whole subject.. like he's so annoyed by people that i get annoyed just listening him. He's tone is so negative! Even the point is actually try to teach more positive way of thinking. Dude, you're annoying, arrogant and too annoyed yourself too.

@lofistudy3294 - 30.07.2021 01:23

this guy is full of hot air

@adamhilmiofficial - 28.07.2021 15:14

gary talking about regret over working in his 20s is very comforting for me, thought this man was a machine with no regrets of over working when he was younger

@vibewithdipen8473 - 26.04.2021 12:45

normal people: my biggest regret is not taking my 20s seriously and working every minute.
gary: my biggest regret is taking my 20s way too seriously and working every minute.

@senamdzodzomenyo8790 - 21.04.2021 04:25

dang that Uber investment tho............

@montesa9136 - 11.04.2021 10:52

Easy advice to give if your not in debt!
That's not how human behaviour works!

@montesa9136 - 11.04.2021 10:49

The only regret I have is being born!
