The Best Albums of 2023!

The Best Albums of 2023!

The Omaha Introvert

1 год назад

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@davidburrows5788 - 09.01.2024 19:01

I’ve made a playlist based on a lot of your recs in this video. It’s on constant rotation at my house - thank you! I’d no idea shoegaze was in such a healthy state in 2023. The spirit of MBV is very much alive and well :)
Love the channel Hannah - props to you!

@blaize1310 - 10.01.2024 09:57

Great video of Hanna worth the wait ❤❤

@stuartfishman1044 - 10.01.2024 20:31

Hi Hanna,

Appreciate hearing from you again. Always a pleasure to check out your videos and see if there's something I might want to check out that I hadn't considered before. I might as well share my list of albums that hooked me in 2023:

1) Xiu Xiu: Ignore Grief
2) Mandy, Indiana: I've Seen A Way
3) PJ Harvey: I Inside The Old Year Dying
4) Jaimie Branch: Fly Or Die Fly Or Die Fly Or Die ((World War))
5) ANOHNI: My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross
6) Armand Hammer: We Buy Diabetic Test Strips
7) Sprain: The Lamb As Effigy
8) Snooper: Super Snooper
9)Matana Roberts: Coin Coin Chapter Five - In The Garden
10) Feeble Little Horse: Girl With Fish

All these albums moved or challenged me in some way last year. Xiu Xiu's album dealt with trauma, both real and fictional. Mandy, Indiana is a new band from Manchester (yeah, that place again) and is one to watch because of how they revitalize the Post-Punk legacy on their own terms. And PJ Harvey's latest is her best work since Let England Shake, based on an epic poem she published in the Dorset dialect about a girl's coming of age. The rest of the albums on the list are every bit as compelling.

Hope to see more videos from you soon. I always enjoy your channel.

@Russman1966 - 10.01.2024 21:52

Got all the Nation of Language albums. Really good band 👍 Been a huge Depeche fan since 81. You have good taste. Have you heard BC Camplight's The Last Rotation Of Earth. Brilliant album 👍✌️

@deancronin6934 - 11.01.2024 02:03

Not that they dropped an album this year, but are you into the Cranes?

@kennylogue7947 - 11.01.2024 16:14

Happy New Year. Keep up the good work. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@davidbenasulin - 11.01.2024 20:45

Happy New Year!! Nice picks. Didn't know most of them but already discovered some nice bands / releases. Good luck on your new job!

@achillespaparsenos5649 - 12.01.2024 00:00

Great list! I've been a big shoegaze fan since 1990 (my license plate is "SHUGAZE). Gosh there's really no new music since then. I'll totally try all the albums on your list that I haven't heard yet. Nation of Language is such an amazing live band, totally different experience. You talked about checking out earlier Beach Fossils stuff; please listen to "What a Pleasure". And you must check out the band Tallies (if you haven't already).

@whiskeybottle7753 - 12.01.2024 21:40

Some great recommendations- checking out Draag now and I saw they are touring with Wednesday. Rat Saw God was my favorite album next to Bully this year- you should definitely check it out.

@unitedkingdomoffiveeyes9765 - 12.01.2024 23:51

Just watched you post punk video...

Can i add the "swell maps" to try, very good.... and there is an American band called "for against" they sound very british i thought that they a chameleons sound.

@thevinylvagabond - 13.01.2024 01:07

I'm finally watching this and yah...just wonderful! A great mix of stuff I know, and stuff I'm eager to check out. I had the privilege of seeing Eyelids, Depeche Mode, Slowdive and Nation of Language this year and they were all awesome! Eyelids was the biggest surprise in the sense that I wasn't expecting them to be so much fun! It was more of an intimate gig and I had such a great time. Thanks as always for sharing these Hanna! ~ Bobby B

@garygillam8226 - 13.01.2024 04:22

Loved your selections. I appreciated it that you also took the time to highlight your favourite tracks on each album instead of just naming an album. It makes it easier to check out the artists as we can’t listen to every album

@rckhnt - 14.01.2024 05:42

You had me at Love and Rockets, Earth Sun and Moon album.. you have credibility..

@mikeables - 14.01.2024 05:45

Hi Hanna I love watching your videos. Most of the time I sample all your records and think, wow her taste is so different, why tf do I like her vids so much? lol But every once in a while I hit the jackpot with your music taste. Like Robyn Hitchcock. I got some of his records and still listen to them ands love the artworks. Recently I listened to Kasabian self titled. I thought it sounded pretty good and wondered if you liked that record? It's from 2004, but it has mid 90s vibes.. check it.

@ivangnedov9945 - 14.01.2024 07:30

Besides the fresh music findings this channel brings warmness and kindness into our world....

@retromusings - 14.01.2024 23:27

Wonderful list and will certainly check them all out. Many thanks for the links. Very helpful. Happy 2024.

@johnnada. - 15.01.2024 21:00

you might be into Julianna Barwick if you like the Slow Salvation vocal style - maybe -?

@Liam123-r8o - 16.01.2024 01:08

I see morrison hotel on the left😮

@piershollott339 - 17.01.2024 23:16

I didn't love that Slowdive album either, although, I loved Rachel Gosling showing up on the new Drab Majesty ep

@modehead101 - 19.01.2024 01:24

Depeche's Momento Mori is absolutely sublime. It's the first Mode album in quite a while where I enjoy and appreciate every track. The album is beautifully sequenced and beautifully produced. There's a rumoured Momento Mori deluxe vinyl boxset coming out very soon with four previously unreleased tracks, one of which will be released as a single in 2024. Bring it on :)

@mmmnuts5645 - 19.01.2024 21:34

5. 'Horned Lord for the Thorned Castle' by Moonlight Sorcery
4. 'Death Pill' by Death Pill
3. 'Transylvanian Glare' by Arnaut Pavle
2. 'Yallah Beibe' by MC YALLAH
1. 'Sator Arepo' by Judgitzu

@michaelzoltan7988 - 20.01.2024 00:55

You are just wonderful. I just want to appreciate your dedication towards music (especially post-punk suff). Please keep doing what you do, I discovered so much "new to me" music because of your recommendations. I don't want to miss it. Thank you Omaha Introvert... you're the best 😊

@waxreliquary - 22.01.2024 11:02

Hello there! So much music to check out. I made a list of the 17 ones you showed and the honorable mentions so I can listen to them. It's always exciting to hear new music. Thanks for the recommendations. I didn't know Drop Nineteens released a new album. Love that band, especially *Delaware*. Thumbs up on acquiring The Sundays reissue!

@FleagleSangria - 24.01.2024 22:16

Good to see you back Hanna! Things ebb and flow, Im the same way. I’ve always learned a bunch from your channel and hope to see more content from you in 2024. New jobs can be stressful and hope your settling in. Listen to some tunes nothing better to bring the calm😎👍🏻

@CC-wf2qb - 01.02.2024 18:26

Thanks for this, there's some great records here I would have missed.

@CraigLafferty - 11.03.2024 15:06

The Venn diagram of our musical taste has a larger overlap! I learn about so many new bands through you! BTW- you were mentioned in an interview by Melinda Murphy on Concert Buddie's channel.

@peterkarlsson1825 - 12.03.2024 21:41

Haven´t listen to many album from 2023. My favorites are The Church "Eros Zeta and the Perfumed Guitars" one the best Church albums ever. The second best album of 2023 Depeche Mode "Memento Mori" the best DM records since Songs of Faith and Devotion.

@ZAPPED916 - 16.03.2024 18:09

My family and I visited our nephew in Omaha last summer and we love it! We stayed in the Market District just across the street from Hollywood Candy. The vibe was cool and people were friendly. That new park with the skating rink is amazing, Omaha really surprised me, I can’t wait to go back.

@glennaustin37 - 29.03.2024 23:51

0/17 on my list, although I did see a video from Nation of Language, which I thought was okay.
My top 5 of 2023 =
1 Hinako Omori - Stillness, Softness
2 Blackcarburning - Watching Sleepers
3 Brutalist Architecture in the Sun - Loneliness Kills
4 Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - Bauhaus Staircase
5 Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan - The Nation's Most Central Location

@kennethscalir3092 - 04.04.2024 07:47

Amoeba Music in Los Angeles would love your brilliance, your passion and your energy. Plus you can check out the Lodge Room, an amazing new music venue

@aslavenas - 09.04.2024 05:30

Metallica & Rolling Stones.

@johncollier9280 - 10.04.2024 10:30 seein' you...

@SammeLagom - 13.04.2024 02:35

You have inspired me to get into more Shoegaze, listening to "The Telescopes" good stuff. Looking forward to visit record store day here in Sweden. ^_^*

@senorfunball - 22.04.2024 07:35

Where did you go ?

@MANUELMANNY509 - 29.05.2024 07:39

Where are you? Miss your videos.

@ZAPPED916 - 01.06.2024 16:39

I went to Omaha last year, I stayed in I think it’s called the Market District. I had a lot of fun. I did go to Grapefruit Records cool little store. Awesome new park too!

@vinylrichie007 - 03.06.2024 22:34

I wasn’t sure if you knew but the debut Legal Weapon EP has been reissued. It has been one of my biggest wants.

@vvmmuu - 09.06.2024 09:39

Hi, miss you. Hope all is well. See you soon I hope, if not ALL the best.

@garysvinyldungeon2764 - 12.06.2024 17:41

I miss your Video's Hanna, I hope you haven't quit your channel.

@JamesNesbit-nl7tc - 21.06.2024 23:25

I have been watching your videos for only a few months, but I marvel at your wide ranging knowledge of bands and music genres. I am sad that you have not made any videos for several months. I do hope everything is okay with you...body, soul and spirit.

@Gauntlet1985 - 19.07.2024 11:15

Hi, can you tell me what record stoarage unit you are using for your collection behind you ? I really love the look of that unit, your albums fit perfectly and it has a streamline look thats perfect. Thank you

@RussShawTV - 09.09.2024 10:14

Miss your videos! 😄 I hope you’re finding the new job fulfilling, and all is well with you. ✌️

@elkvision - 26.10.2024 11:56

I hope you're getting emotionally prepared for a best of 2024 video 🙏

@thecassetteconverter - 30.10.2024 02:54

Am slow to the party! Just found this channel.. ...!

@BrandonGates - 03.11.2024 03:36

The Ballad of Darren

@allanramos4803 - 09.11.2024 07:23

I like the sound of this album from Drop Nineteens. Thanks for the recommendation.

@musiclover01ization - 06.02.2025 06:30

Cool video. I've been watching your video for quite a while. I think you and I have different tastes in music but I really watching you show the music you like.
