Frostpunk Utopia - Extreme Endless With Workers' Rights! Schooling! Full Meals! Spacious Hospitals!

Frostpunk Utopia - Extreme Endless With Workers' Rights! Schooling! Full Meals! Spacious Hospitals!


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@Brandon34098 - 21.07.2021 11:17

the cold makes people age slower in this game so the children will be able to live lives much longer than reasonably possible assuming they dont die

@bleh-v8q - 09.08.2021 03:52

Looks like this game need a prioritize task function, like Oxygen Not Included.

@tjingle29 - 12.08.2021 12:42

no moonshine…only connemara.

@MrReaperChaz - 15.08.2021 01:20

A way to save travel time with the automatons, is build steam hubs around their work areas and they don't need to be on for them to recharge! Just a thought?

Also a way to create heat efficient zones without steam hubs is field kitchens, also they help medigate time consumed traveling during work hours to the cookhouse. Pravus used the field kitchen meda to save on resources on his hardcore survival runs.

@changningxu3458 - 24.08.2021 19:05

I was wondering why didn't jake put people on 24hr shift until he explained the Utopia concept. That's so sick tbh

@greywolf9783 - 29.08.2021 01:22

Can I have some tips and tricks for endless endurance?

@bodja25 - 19.09.2021 19:42

Frostpunk Trailer 2021

@SkeIIum - 22.09.2021 17:51

I do love that after screwing up the name Jake continued with "Gamp Granada" through the entire thing.

@noahboucher125 - 26.09.2021 08:54

My man hits a water break 6 hours in, back to it none the wiser. Jake has dedication to his craft

@roarkjellstrm540 - 20.10.2021 16:42

It takes a looong road to kill all children. Build road to far away from healthcare, build ure shelter and a steamhub in that place, make sure the shelter is operational with the heater and hub on when temp is around -80, then turn both heather and hub off, the walk back will kill most of them, as long as you do it before they leave the shelter to "help" with workshop.

@-JA- - 08.01.2022 00:44


@kestrel3288 - 05.02.2022 15:21

Back for this beauty. Thank you in advance Captain for the next 9hrs. 👍🏼

@Stovetopcookie - 10.02.2022 07:20

Does the temperature ever get back to -20 again?

@Beuwen_The_Dragon - 04.03.2022 08:42

'We are hungry! Feed us or die!"
~the whinging peasants who refuse to hunt or cook food because of a mild chill..

Every time I play this sodding game.

@f15H8ul8 - 01.04.2022 08:59

wow, fantastic micro management.

@LuximosTG - 31.05.2022 19:59

Always what you want to hear from the leader of your utopia: “I’ve not yet found a way to force children to die.”

@munsterd5779 - 13.06.2022 20:47

your town needed the New Manchester Manwhore to boost happiness lmfao

@mairuzo - 23.06.2022 23:29

"Utopia" in this game means providing basic human privileges that we take for granted.

@TheYutubesteve - 18.10.2022 11:26

how did u even manage to name it Gamp Granada? edit: oh i see thinking too far ahead. yeah now that I think about it I also sometimes write the first letter of the next word.. -__-

@Jackie89000 - 20.10.2022 10:01

"20 people are still homeless. Well, 19, the child died."
Imagine how awkward that conversation must be for whoever took the child's room.
"Hey, I'm so sorry Timmy passed away, he was such a great kid, anyway, mind if I crash on his bed? Thaaaaanks!"

@Jackie89000 - 20.10.2022 10:19

I don't know how y'all play this game so well. I still haven't gotten past the part where you find out Winterhome is all dead. My hope just drops so far and I lose them.

@andrew3543 - 17.03.2023 11:09

Gimp Granada

@cloudy7937 - 06.05.2023 10:42

Finally the "End of shift" bell means something

@nekotrashwillnyanforcash - 22.05.2023 09:45

The children are our future, who else has hands small and fast enough to clean the generator gears without shutting it down?

@Borrelaas - 31.05.2023 06:48

Seeing you struggle with the wood economy early on makes me wish you were more open to sawmills. They arent all bad

@Imberize - 26.07.2023 21:47

Well someone didn't knew survivors come very hungry in very hard mode. I felt the pain.

@setsuka7444 - 31.07.2023 06:56

I maybe 3 years late for this video but gotta say utopia in frostpunk disgusting concept GET BACK TO COAL MİNE CHİLDREN

@drgeorgej5562 - 12.08.2023 05:58

if you cut your videos in 30 min episodes (which would require time I understand) I think you would be one of the most successful youtubres who played frostpunk. I know its and "old" game now, but second one will be coming in 2024

@Alexl23l273 - 27.08.2023 16:50

"Amputated children are good to have" – DDRJake, 2019 year AD.

@irhinohammer - 10.10.2023 17:39

Watching this while waiting for FP 2. Am excited for those streams.

@AiluridaeAureus - 13.10.2023 11:18

"Frostpunk except I'm not allowed to use any of the actually useful laws", or as 11bit studios would call it, the only way you can play the game without being "FASCIST!!!"
Fucking hell the developers have all the moral subtlety of a Westboro Baptist screaming into a microphone about the gays, or an Antifa goon busting your skull in with a bike lock, to cover my bases.

How the fuck are these the same people who developed This War of Mine?

@michaeldautry - 14.11.2023 22:37

Big fan of your frost punk videos, really looking forward to Frost Punk 2

@1cyy365 - 23.11.2023 07:05

I dont know if that name reference is on porpoise or not but I love it

@Hordakkk - 30.11.2023 18:38

This video made me buy the game. I only have a playstation 5, but reviews for console were great. This game looks AMAZING, but i have zero experience with citybuilders. Game was $5 tho

@StianHanger - 21.12.2023 17:03

"Some of them claim they need to eat. I disagree. Get to work" had me laughing my ass of. Very entertaining and humorous playthrough.

@bombenbenno5883 - 21.12.2023 23:49

one very small note, i love that i can hear your klick sounds from the mouse.

@vaertai4237 - 06.02.2024 23:16

coming back years later in hopes we get Jake on Frostpunk 2!

@vassalofthenight9945 - 07.02.2024 23:43

"Is chucking children into a generator something that a utopian society would do?"
"No no, - disabled children"

@PackaGame - 25.03.2024 22:03

Coal thumpers suck 😤
I always go coal mines.

Less people, higher heat, more efficient, run 24/7 with just 1 automaton. Fully upgraded they provide so much coal you’ll never ever run out.

I’ve built aesthetic cities, with 3 fully upgraded mines running with automatons it’s enough coal for max heat level, max gen range and like 5-6 steam hubs plus a bunch of heaters at all times, forever.

I’ve run 65 workers to full end game with coal mines and automatons. You want a real utopia, no one works, automatons do everything, only 65 ppl so no overcrowding. Pure elite bliss.

@John315 - 28.09.2024 09:16

I can never survive the first storm in endless. It comes too early, i'm totally unprepared, everyone gets sick, they start dying, discontent reaches max, hope drops to zero, game ends. Every single time. I tried to love this game, because it's really good, but ended up hating it.

@ioanvladescu5987 - 08.12.2024 00:29

Honestly feel like you delayed getting more workshops too much. Would have made it even easier to get through with slightly better tech.

@SenorBear - 21.12.2024 15:18

"We will have a pub however. A pub is vital to any utopia. That's not a gameplay thing, that's a purely lore thing." I don't know if that's true, but it's hilarious 🤣
