The Evil Within 2 Ending - Secret Scene Analysed - Evil Within 3? DLC? Analysis/Theories.

The Evil Within 2 Ending - Secret Scene Analysed - Evil Within 3? DLC? Analysis/Theories.


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@AvidExpert - 28.12.2017 19:46

Oh boy, 50k views, Da hell. :D I can't reply to all these damn comments like I usually do.

@stanleywong439 - 19.01.2024 14:33

6 years later there's still no evil within 3 ;c

@christianburnett236 - 13.12.2023 09:40

I thought it could be Ruvik or Sykes I always wondered if Sykes made it and more on Joseph fate. I also thought the administrator was the leader but the way he talks to Ruvik made me think otherwise. But now I think about it, the room reminds me of the Stem machine room in The evil within 2

@avenueoutofthezone - 12.12.2023 10:51

it wont happen it got 200k sales

so its a failed series

@rodrigoosorio4552 - 16.06.2023 22:04

I think it is the stem from beacon because it has rust, cobwebs, and the room looks smaller as well

@rainsnowflake4664 - 06.03.2023 04:09

I hope its Myra coming back

@mishkaw9983 - 23.01.2023 23:47

Maybe Sykes got lost in stem sand was hacking his way out

@Verystoic - 24.12.2022 13:30

I'm years late to this vid, but I feel like the answer could be rather simple. Ruvik is still out there, he could just be booting it back up.

But here's another idea no1's thought of potentially.
Stem is a machine, what if a new antagonist isn't a human mind at all, but something like stem itself becoming a living breathing "mind" of its own, or in someway there is a sort of actual hive mind within the system that has assumed control, they did say everyone's individual minds make up portions of stem in some capacity after all, and I'm just bending the logic of that concept here but what if stem itself has evolved to no longer require a "host" in charge but instead just becomes a power struggle between what's still in there, and it ends up being what initiates the machine to boot up again and enact the original plan Mobius had, a worldwide wireless connection, maybe with a whole new cast and cameos from the one we already have.

@kamranguitarist3101 - 01.10.2022 10:42

I think Myra is alive and we meet in the next part 🤩

@jiririnagl302 - 26.09.2022 01:08

Imagine being hyped for EW 3 and get Tokyo Ghostwire instead :D

@frankofredrick8312 - 09.09.2022 06:59

No doubt the last very last scene is nothing much a depiction that Part of ruvik is still present in the old stem. 3 reasons to prove

1. The theme song played in the last scene where the old stem gets activated is the exact same theme played in the menu song of The Evil within 1

2. Ruvik warns us in the first game itself before destroying his brain, saying, "I created this world. No one can stop (or replace) me".

3. If you look closely, in the ending, even the setting is very much similar to the one saw in evil within 1. The stem room and etc, where you can see spiderwebs which indicate that Ruviks consciousness, which was inside the game must have survived despite sebastian breaking the brain in TEW1. Because physically there must by a guy to activate the system like Kidman did for sebastian. But here the computer itself was on implicating Ruvik is still in For another Manhunt Plot.

@GOODMAN_127 - 05.08.2022 22:20

When will evil within 3 come out?

@darkshadows6328 - 06.05.2022 05:15

I just want to know if Sykes really did find a way out of stem

@Zeldaworld - 29.03.2022 10:25

Subhascin can be more badass like leon

@thegardenofsinners6322 - 21.02.2022 01:59

Evil Within 3? When The Evil Within 2 is not even out?

@MarvoldX - 01.02.2022 02:45

still waiting ;-;;;;

@mcmxxlv4534 - 08.01.2022 08:20

My theories:

1) Kidman saying "Joseph is not dead", that doesn't mean he's alive, so what you can be right, but I don't think Joseph is evil. Sebastian are with his daughter, he can't risk leaving her alone, the fault of Joseph's dead is Kidman, so Kidman is who will go to rescue Joseph.

Tatiana says after the last combat Sebastian didn't need her anymore, so or Sebastian won't back to stem, or he won't need Tatiana because he didn't have any traumas now, that will means the The Evil Within 2 Tatiana is a recombination of the mind of the agent Mobius Tatiana and the mind of Sebastian, creating a new entity.

2) Julian Sykes unsuccefully escape from union, 25% chance of back to the reality, the others goes to an inexplorated level of stem, so maybe in that sublevel there's some secrets, and maybe can survive even without nucleous.

3) After Sebastian going to both stems, with his mind maybe he was able to connect both stems, as we see he bring Tatiana and she still was in the asylum, and the other bosses of the evil within 1 because Sebastian's trauma.

With that connection maybe all these abandoned characters can be connected, Joseph, Myra, Sublevels of stem... It's obvius someone is in the first stem, trying to comunicate something...

4) Leslie-Ruvik: As we see in the final of the stem 1, Leslie escaped but meanwhile Sebastian had the same headhache as we see during the first game. That means Leslie is Ruvik and he have some influence even in the reality or/and he put something in Sebastian's head, and when he went to the second stem he activate some code of the first stem.

@histoire.9850 - 03.01.2022 22:03

The administrator survived from his death and fake his death returns to the evil within 3 as protagonist and go save juli Kidman and at the end his couple and they have 4 children 3 son and 1 girl and there hus 1 son who Comes from half-life it's the g-man

@chocolatecake7037 - 01.01.2022 22:03

Evil Within 2 sucked so much that I lost my hopes for the future of this series.

@windtacht1480 - 02.12.2021 07:31

If they make the third one they should bring back the original Sebastian with Joseph.

@mike19832301 - 30.10.2021 12:29

ngl i would want stefano to come back as he was really a wasted villain. he had so much potential and they made him some easy kill. so id want him to come back

@xxunoriginalgamingxx9046 - 07.09.2021 03:45

what about Joseph? because he is still alive

@jasonmunoz334 - 16.07.2021 07:35

Who killed the guys sawing the door? Had i miss something? I wish it was rubick and somehow eh saved this guys just to use them for bigger plans and force sebastian to go someones memory again and rubick will be a good anti hero . I think.

I wish joseph ,sykes, myra, rubick will appear to the sequel with a bigger enemy.

Ps, i think rubick is a relatable character , so isnt he a good anti hero?

@MrSomaArikado - 21.06.2021 10:03

Dark theaters are best for dark work. Ruvik is back....

@redhood9747 - 10.03.2021 09:50

I say it’s Sykes if you complete his story arc you will know that it’s possible he could still be in the Stem and maybe dug his way back enough that he is now in control of a different Stem as it’s new core. Even the log said where he could be is like a dream inside a dream

@justinfayette8728 - 06.03.2021 22:43

It's possible ruvik which is now lesly might be back to finish what he had started maybe he's here to finish his research and cause more mayhem ruvik hates humanity that was the hole reason why he made stem to begin with maybe he is activating phase 2 of his plans

@pascalb.7228 - 16.01.2021 14:16

I think myra had survive

@silencedradio1883 - 03.01.2021 07:25

I theorize that It was Joseph who actually reacteved stem. he would have stayed inside stem for years trying to find a way out, The way out would be The mobius stem (that would be linked or have Access to The beacon stem) Joseph from inside would reactivate The Program. But for Spending too long in stem, Joseph would lose himself and become the main villain

I Hope that makes sence

@thesorrow7499 - 24.12.2020 17:44

Man this game is such a step down compared to the 1st game. Or maybe i f. cked up by playing this game on Regular difficulty

@sirpigeon5659 - 24.12.2020 09:59

Considering the executioner DLC first the first Evil Within confirmed Ruvik successfully escaped STEM inside of Leslie's body I don't think this new core host is him. From what I remember Ruvik's whole goal in the game was to escape STEM, and was successful, I'm kinda hoping it may be Joseph, or someone new. Perhaps the main antagonist for a third Evil Within game could be someone we've known throughout the series, but not Sebastian, he's got his focus on his daughter for now and I feel like he needs a long nap 😂

@lalas.9769 - 15.12.2020 01:42

I think it’s the guy who wanted to leave. The tech guy. He had 1/4 chance to make it back and I think he went somewhere else or could be Myra.

@ZFG__Gaming - 06.12.2020 14:59

A little late to the party - just completed the game and am now on the second playthrough, awesome game, absolutely loved it!

Is the story not flawed, in the sense that Lily would have been implanted, or was it only mobius operatives that were implanted and therefore fried like eggs?

Sooo hope for a number 3

@Kat_Katto - 29.11.2020 18:32

I can’t wait for evil with in 3 :)

@jojo-b55 - 05.10.2020 09:44

What if Joseph is the Core?
If you find all the slides, you have a convo with Kidman where she reveals Jo is still alive, but doesn't provide any details as to his whereabouts. What if he was used as a new core for a sub-experiment by Mobius?

@marekweshinskey4368 - 04.08.2020 07:39

Ruvik and Lesley switched bodies

@MegaSantaclaude - 28.07.2020 10:21

Joseph is alive yes, but it might be in the real world. As far as Evil Within 2s ending theres only one person who could still be trapped in Stem, which is Sykes. When you help him escape Union, a recording is played after he disappears stating that there is only a 25% chance that the subject will escape, thus leaving 75% chance that the subject will either and I quote "Cease to exist or be sent to a deeper part of Stem from which there are no known ways to escape".

@Speed4Runs - 11.07.2020 11:11

Even if Ruvik escaped and is now within Leslie's body, why would he want to go back into STEM, considering he was looking for Leslie in order to escape from it? Lust for A̶r̶t̶ Blood for the Castellanos surpassing his "fear" of possibly staying within STEM forever?
If that's the case, then we might have 2 STEMs, possibly reciprocal enemies, one from Ruvik and one from MOБ˥US, since The Administrator was just working for "Superiors" (edit: sounds Half-Life-ish, doesn't it? Not to mention The Administrator's resemblance to GMan), and maybe those Superiors actually liked Kidman's ability to betray and kill The Administrator; they wouldn't waste such a resource and, knowing Ruvik is still around, they may want to implement another STEM.
Who knows, maybe we'll get 2 STEM factions, playing as Kidman (kidnaped by MOБ˥US) inside one and as Sebastian (Lily kidnaped by Ruvik) inside the other?
Kidman remarks plenty of times how she would do anything not to get inside STEM ever again, so this sounds a lot like a traumatic event MOБ˥US could exploit, other than being a giveaway that she will be forced to enter it once again. I mean, fears are the core of The Evil Within.

@thoughtstorn854 - 16.06.2020 07:33

Hopefully Evil Within 3 for PS5

@biomegamechdude - 23.05.2020 11:37

Sky net but ruvik in this case Joseph or someone else?

@szubareg7485 - 20.04.2020 12:49

Personally, i want ruvik getting assbeat by the main characters of the next game.

@rainfur5892 - 28.03.2020 07:55

Joseph Joestar's Bizarre Adventure

@NeverTooManyGames - 17.03.2020 20:43

Joseph has to be in the next game. They dropped the bombshell on us late in the game and never cleared that up.

@Hikarushinyi - 01.03.2020 18:43

i think this ending scene must the older STEM machine before the event of EVIL WITHIN 1 & 2 and whoever became the Core are dying, if this true the sequel hopefully is that Ruvik/Ruben return and his target is Sebastian since he's the one who manage survive the horror of Beacon or Lily as she was the new Core for Union or both of them become Ruvik's target. I also hope in sequel Leslie will be there too cause i don't think he really gone for good though and the Mobius as well. the sequal EVIL WITHIN 3 will be a long long gameplay full of horror, creatures, ghost of the past and lots of lunatic peoples that got thrown in there by Ruvik's new and improve STEM machine/enviroment ... he he he :) oh almost forgot about Julian Sykes I hope we'll get to see this dude again in sequal TEW 3

@johnhaury7283 - 16.01.2020 05:25

Imagine stem, comes to the real world... think about it.

@jamessauer805 - 14.01.2020 08:27

I always thought leslie was gonna have something to do with a sequel but the way the lst and 2nd tew went its unpredictable like how u play as lily in the 3rd didnt see that shit

@andrewsanchez4988 - 10.01.2020 12:58

Totally thought this was new....

@bryanmoyna9715 - 10.01.2020 08:01

I say Myra used the backdoor and saved sykes, shes the core now. Anyhow in this game you cant say someones dead even when you see him being shot.

@olandmicke - 25.12.2019 13:15

Playing video at 1.5x speed is to be preferred.

@jiminystevens1036 - 21.12.2019 07:59

Maybe some how stem became self-aware. Maybe what we're looking at here is an early prototype of stem that was abandoned due to one reason or another.

@LunchBXcrue - 15.11.2019 13:47

I would be willing to bet that for the 3rd game in the series it would be ruvik as the main antagonist being that he is in leslies body, and he will create a version of the STEM machine that you don't need to jack into via those bath tub things, it will probably be a signal that can be generated from a tower and accomplishes the same thing except on a MUCH larger scale.

I can see that being where the 3rd game would go, if there is a third game in the making.
