Why You Should Rethink Posting Photos Of Your Children On Social Media | TODAY

Why You Should Rethink Posting Photos Of Your Children On Social Media | TODAY


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Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 22.11.2023 05:43

I gave my ex wife one bill to pay. She used the bill money to buy pictures of our son. I then paid the bills.

Zess OnATeaCloud
Zess OnATeaCloud - 22.09.2023 11:37

I reccommend looking up the comercial "Nachricht von Ella - Without Consent" by Deutsche Telekom. It's a great video about this.

Nadja Holanda
Nadja Holanda - 07.09.2023 15:58

Maldito seja todos os pedófilos que vão todos para o inferno esses demônios nojento

dreiineinemboot - 31.07.2023 09:18

Well, then you have family members like the proud granny, aunt, cousin etc and very fast your kids images are on their accounts - puplic. It is VERY hard to keep your kids face off of things like Facebook. You basically have to not let anybody do pics of them. Same the birthdays, or first names, since US postal wants you to put the full first name on the mail, it is so much easier to get names from people. Initial and last should do it. Plus Facebook is asking for your birthday and reminds all your friends to say Happy birthday - so it goes basically public....

Sharon Mugh
Sharon Mugh - 21.07.2023 23:56

Make it private? Why post your child on social media at all? Seriously i don’t understand the kind of parenting in this generation.

Marius Wahi
Marius Wahi - 19.04.2023 20:33


Louise Foster
Louise Foster - 14.12.2022 00:19

Even without the risk of kidnapping, paedos etc.....my main thought is, if social media was around when I was a child (I was born in the 90s so it wasn't) would I have wanted my parents to post so many pictures and videos of me, without my consent? The answer is no, so I won't be posting pictures of my kids faces or names on social media, it will be from the back or their face blurred out, and the OCCASSIONAL photo, not every several times a day

The SMS Show
The SMS Show - 06.10.2022 21:33

I seen a follower putting videos of his 10 year old daughter sleeping. Later his daughter getting out of school. Like really? Do you really need to post that?

The Pimpstrezz DNA (FaM)
The Pimpstrezz DNA (FaM) - 30.09.2022 06:08

So now if you take a picture of your kid and you posted it a pedophile could track your child... you're exploiting the shyt out of your kids and then there's another video stating that you can see how many times your photo ...your child photo whatever has been screenshotted .,.on one side there was a little girl in the midriff and about 4 years old and her photo was screenshotted 32,000 times why y'all doing this to children you're selling them to perverts or brands that's disturbing..

Lifewalexisharris - 24.09.2022 05:34

If I ever posted my child I'd block out there face no matter if it's posted to family or not my child's face will be blocked out as well as my cousin's faces etc.

FRVR fierce
FRVR fierce - 19.07.2022 05:57

This is common sense.

Shine Cousins
Shine Cousins - 25.05.2022 03:58

Eye already have my edvince of what you did to my family

Marta Sigernes
Marta Sigernes - 16.04.2022 19:55

Still unsafe to share in a private profile, and I will not do it

Monica - 26.01.2022 22:49

Just delete the whole thing

Monica - 26.01.2022 22:48

The ego hits are much stronger than logic. Facebook is designed to be addictive, all these things are. There is no privacy this day and age.

Guinea pig town
Guinea pig town - 10.01.2022 20:48

I never shared pics of my kids you never know who’s a monster out there , I don’t care how private the account settings can be I just don’t share period.

Elayla Serrano
Elayla Serrano - 28.12.2021 14:17

There is no right or wrong choice and i’m not shaming anyone who does but It takes less than a second to screenshot a photo & your babies face is forever in that persons phone , even family or close friends can still evil eye you . People nowadays could care less about you and your child they’re here for the info trust me.

chenille o'neil
chenille o'neil - 04.12.2021 16:51

If there are images of your young children on public social media - they ARE in the hands of pedophiles and sickos. It’s not a maybe - it’s a definitely. You need to ask yourself if this is ok with you. If the answer is ‘yes it is’ - You are failing at your job of being their protector.

Precious Payne
Precious Payne - 20.11.2021 17:48

Why would u post ur kids on Facebook

aeoli garlic
aeoli garlic - 09.11.2021 13:32

I can't believe this is need to be said..

Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 18.09.2021 06:37

I don’t post my son at all. I save our pictures and put them in a photo album. People that really know me know how much I care for my son. I think ppl that post their kids all the time are seeking some type of validation. Idk.

Shield Maiden
Shield Maiden - 26.08.2021 18:38

These precautions don't work. There's plenty of ways to bypass all those security measures... The safest thing is to not have any social media.

Slavoslav - 20.08.2021 22:30

Hmm everything bad always seems to happen to me.

Cp Ellis
Cp Ellis - 14.05.2021 22:45

Most parents do it for attention and nothing else

DJ DE4TH - 21.04.2021 23:39

she laughing it off like its a joke

QuiteDecent - 06.04.2021 21:35

I bet they didn't change their behavior in any way.

iPad Pro
iPad Pro - 26.02.2021 18:12

What about supernanny they feature kids on the show as well.

Drums4Me - 05.01.2021 21:25

I don’t have kids but I do have that little thing called common sense. I would never post anything about my kids on social media. Never! With so many disgusting, perverted and horrible people out there, It’s amazing so many parents still post about their kids

Candace Hall
Candace Hall - 11.12.2020 01:44

I've posted my daughter online but I think I'm going to stop. Just print out photos of your kids and put them in a family photo book.

withering_r0se - 03.12.2020 19:03

Thank goodness my parents don't post any thing online

Shulamite - 06.11.2020 20:54

Don’t these parents have anything better to do?

LightGranite23 - 01.11.2020 20:49

I'm not a parent, but I'm glad I know about this stuff.

K1LLJ0Y - 24.09.2020 02:57

Please stop fretting over all of this. This is ridiculous and just reaching.

TheAmazingRaptor - 11.09.2020 00:17

My entire life is documented thanks to my dad

Pixie Sanchez
Pixie Sanchez - 27.07.2020 13:46

You can make your profile secure where nobody besides people your friends with can see your pictures or info. I only have where people can see my name, profile pic and previous jobs, information that employers might want to see but they can't see any of my posts, pics or any information that I don't want people to see plus if you tell your friends and family that unless they have their profiles private not to post pics of your kid but the problem is 1. That other family members might share pics and 2. It only works if you know everyone on your profile and make sure that you trust them. I remember seeing a story of a couple that had their daughters pics stolen and they'd confronted her about it and the woman still carried on doing it I generally think it should be illegal to steal someone's photos and act as if it's your child what if that person then actually kipnapped the child nobody should have to go with their child's pics stolen oh almost forgot the woman that stole the couple's child's profile also had pictures of the kids around her house had told her friends that the twins were her daughter's but her mother was caring for them and even told work colleagues, friends and people about the twins how messed up is that that she had photos of someone else's children around her house I don't understand how it's not illegal to do this

William Folwell Shryock Cooke.
William Folwell Shryock Cooke. - 19.06.2020 22:47

Boomstick from death battle says that kids are the Embodiment Of Chaos and now I see why they are🤔.

Zig Man
Zig Man - 21.03.2020 00:27

Also nobody wants to see pictures of your kids. Just stop. I don't want to see pictures of your meals either.

Lindstheteacher - 06.11.2019 03:23

THANK YOU! Not only is it annoying but it’s dangerous.

JoeJon42 - 20.09.2019 18:43

I don't have kids, but I'm glad I have this information. I double checked my settings on my phone so that hackers can't utilize those hidden features.

MindOfaWarrior - 23.06.2019 05:59

Nope not all. I never post pics of my kids. Never!!!

Dina Moore
Dina Moore - 18.02.2019 17:37

Since there's child predators they'd track them on there because there's lotsa mafia that all they do is track follow people 24/7. So someone out there will use the internet to do that online if htey can for just to see if it's possible they will and there's some people on drugs and there's also pedophiles who are dangerous maybe out there, too. The mafia does a dossier? on people maybe, too. All they do is stalk people 24/7 and sometimes they do it for fun.
