It's getting Even Worse... RTX 4060 Ti tested on a PCIe 3.0 System

It's getting Even Worse... RTX 4060 Ti tested on a PCIe 3.0 System

der8auer EN

1 год назад

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Sergio Oliva
Sergio Oliva - 20.09.2023 18:10

3060ti is same price lmao...

Marco - 02.09.2023 19:37

call me crazy but I'm still on PCIe 3.0 and DDR3 (i7 4790K) and I just got a 210€ used 3060ti

Taekwoncrawfish - 01.09.2023 13:30

Lol $.13 for electricity?

In California it’s $.36

VYM's Playpen
VYM's Playpen - 25.08.2023 13:16

All you need to know about modern marketing and scamming is:
3060Ti 256 bit bus
4060Ti 128 bit bus

Javier Vargas
Javier Vargas - 22.08.2023 03:28

the problem here to me is the Vram the 3060 Ti only has 8gb of Vram and is totally trash
for some games cause 8gb is not enough Vram for games like the last of us or even Resident evil 4 remake.

faburisu - 18.08.2023 10:31

So right now it would took 4 years to make a decent choice over a 3060ti , but at the end you have double the Vram, would still be ok for 1080p High or Ultra textures with DLSS & FrameGen making it almost guaranteed 60fps too over that period. Still a safer bet than bitcoins.

LedNe0nDevil - 14.08.2023 12:05

I'm still running a i7 870 - Nehalem - pcie 2.0
Last month bought the 3060ti for the bandwith reason, you know a lot of people always upgrading, but you forget the probably bigger percentage of people who only upgrade when it breaks, and aren't represented in comments or wtv.
I would love to see a pcie 2.0 with 3060ti vs 4060ti. I know I did the right choice, but still curious about the data.

K Krolik
K Krolik - 14.08.2023 03:56

I get deal 150 Euro for used RX 6700 10GB -mining editio GPRO XO80. After UV + OC 10-15% slower than RX 6700XT , GPUs Above 200 Euro need do decent 2K performance and have 12GB+ Vram to be even consider from my point of view.

♤ ʂąƖɬıოცąŋƙ ♤
♤ ʂąƖɬıოცąŋƙ ♤ - 12.08.2023 01:05

the trouble with DLSS 3 if you are in the low 30s and between low 50s fps DLSS3 nor GSYNC can do anything, the fact that the game looks fluent but playing the game seems jerky because of the input lag ( rendering time > 100 ms)

Jay - 06.08.2023 15:31

guess i got to upgrade to the new ryzen stuff soon since i have a b450 chipset wiht my ryzern 5600x

DownButNotOutYet - 04.08.2023 12:57

Ooop's, they didn't drop the prices, they halted/slowed production to create scarcity in the market. Intel and AMD better step up, it's a great opportunity.

tinfxc - 03.08.2023 09:13

Nice recview! but hey, it would be nice if we also see how it performs on a pcie 4 system to see if its worth jumping to it or better stay on pcie 3 bit longer. thanks!

Arcona - 31.07.2023 18:56

Given the title of the video, the charts should have both been the 4060 Ti but in 4.0 and 3.0 slots, instead of comparing it to the 3060 Ti each time.

CrazyBlueTv - 29.07.2023 00:41

Still running PCIE 3.0 due my MSI B450 Mainboard as so far it just wasn't worth to upgrade that Board (Back then the R5 1600 to the R7 5800X3D, 32 GB @3600 and a RTX 3090, was a Vega 56 before) Never really wanted that GPU but the lack of VRAM on 3060/4060 and need for VR there was no choice sadly. DLSS 3.0 is not comparable I feel like as the actual framerate is not higher with the fake inserted frames and increases the frame timing. (the important part in my eyes)

PinoyBlender - 27.07.2023 20:55

great review

Job Wong
Job Wong - 26.07.2023 19:02

I have a RTX4060 Ti card running on PCIe 3.0. I checked the system information from the NVIDIA control panel and found that the "Total available graphics memory: 4GB", and
"Dedicated video memory: 8GB". What does it mean? Only 4GB can be used?

ShroudedWolf51 - 24.07.2023 18:04

It's insane to me that some people are defending the NVidia's marketing term of "just make up for us releasing an aggressively mediocre product by turning on DLSS". That's something that's a value add five years down the line as the card starts to age.

If you're not specifically doing a piece that's testing the performance and visuals of DLSS compared to native rendering, there is no reason to ever include DLSS in that review. If you're doing a review of a particular piece of hardware, you're reviewing that piece of hardware, not the performance of DLSS/FSR/XeSS to stock.

Lake Ishikawa
Lake Ishikawa - 24.07.2023 11:26

Generating made up in-betweens is NOT PERFORMANCE so well done

Akizu - 20.07.2023 19:27

DLSS3 is just a way for Nvidia to fake performance. It makes 4000 gen look great on official charts and that's about it. It is useful in situations where you get 40-60 FPS and want to boost it a bit but I think its not much different than fiddling around with in-game graphics settings. There are many games where you could get a lot of extra fps by tuning down sky, fog or shadows details and it would be really hard to notice and it is an useful thing in game reviews if someone checks what settings give extra performance without making the game look worse but same as with DLSS it gets very subjective as to what is and what isn't noticeable. It also makes it hard to compare Nvidia cards with AMD and Intel as everyone thinks about the performance "right now" where Nvidia was simply first with this kind of tech and AMD's FSR3.0 is uh... somewhere. (I'd want to say right around the corner but I don't think I've seen any info on when it may be coming)

LyuboA - 17.07.2023 03:22

from what i see in Bulgaria usually we buy alot of GPUs but for the past 4 years ppl just dont buy them after NVIDIA release that crap fest 20 series and prices here hit 4500 Euro for 3080 so many ppl just kept they 10 series cards and got console instead
i hope that's happening in other countries too and gets NVIDIA to drop the prices for 5000 series but i don't hold my breath

The Weightlifting Socialist
The Weightlifting Socialist - 16.07.2023 21:39

The magical free market between 2 competitors that rule the market. Their is no competition going on, they have a duopoly and will only bring prices down a small amount that will still net them a massive profit after expenses and still not pay their workers what they should be getting, while upper management and the ceos get the majority of the profit after expenses. This isnt how humanity moves forward, this is the last bit of slavery we have to conquer by ending money and class.

LupintheIII - 15.07.2023 17:38

DLSS should always be avoided when testing GPU.
First you are not testing the same thing since immage quality is degraded, at that point you could also test one card at ultra and one at medium and call it a fair comparrison.
Second it's just a software features and both Nvidia or the game publisher could take that away with a driver update/patch (just like RTX 3000 got locked away from DLSS3).

Advanced MomUser
Advanced MomUser - 13.07.2023 08:14

almost every cpu on pcie 3.0 is going to bottleneck with 4060ti,whats the point of this review...

Quegyboe's World
Quegyboe's World - 10.07.2023 05:45

I think of DLSS / FSR as a feature similar to ray tracing or anti-aliasing. It can be turned on to change the performance and quality of the game in question but it is NOT native rendering so reviews should NOT treat it as such. Review benchmarks are intended to compare hardware / silicon performance side by side. Having DLSS on for newer cards and off for older / incompatible cards would be like comparing ray traced benchmark results with non-ray traced results.

HadePhobia - 07.07.2023 13:55

Why is interesting? I never use DLSS 2.0. My monitor is only 1440P @75Hz and my card can easily give them these 75 frames I need and want. DLSS makes it lose sharpness/image quality.

HadePhobia - 07.07.2023 13:50

Since you consider yourself a serious reviewer, simply buy the necessary hardware, mate, do the tests and resell it. What could be simpler?

Chairman Wang
Chairman Wang - 07.07.2023 09:31

German power prices are insane. What you get with utter brain dead climate policy. Hopefully Ukrainian is a wake up call.

King Floch the beast
King Floch the beast - 07.07.2023 09:22

The 4060ti 8GB was a massive upgrade for my old system i7-4790k that dlss 3 comes in clutch for 1440p gaming.

Octopussy - 03.07.2023 15:49

we will be atomically bombarded by Putin in ywo months tops, so why worry so much?

Pavel Kleymionov
Pavel Kleymionov - 03.07.2023 00:31

Nice review and important point with pci-e 3.0. Thanks a lot. If you have any chanse to test also 4060 on pci-3.0. Since it may be even more impressive due to recomended price 299$.

samer marash
samer marash - 02.07.2023 02:41

well Im not a proffecinal gamer by any means, but im getting empressed by the 4060ti just for the reason of power consumption, that alone would be a reason for me to buy it getting the preformance that is slightly better that 3060ti with almost the half of the power consumption which means less heat which mean runs quiter, I hate fan noise, so yeah I thin k im gonna buy it, just as note though its my first costum pc so Im not upgrading or anything so I think this choice would be the reasonable for me to do, I still think if you already have the 3060ti or something simaler there is no point for you to buy it :)

TheIndulgers - 01.07.2023 00:39

As a reminder:

The RX 480 launched with 16x PCI-E, 232 mm² die size, 256-bit bus, 8gb VRAM, all for $239... IN 2016!

Anyone who bought a 40XX series card should be embarrassed. You are part of the problem.

Koby1K - 30.06.2023 18:32

Ugh nvidia really shit the bed I don’t wanna buy a $80 PCIe 4.0 riser cable just so this gpu will work as advertised.

Sheikh Tashdeed Ahmed
Sheikh Tashdeed Ahmed - 29.06.2023 15:43

Hey man, can you please do a similar benchmark for the RTX 4060 too? Just wanna see performance difference for this gpu for gaming on a pcie 4.0 motherboard vs pcie 3.0 motherboard.

Rob Cosentino
Rob Cosentino - 29.06.2023 00:12

I'm still on a PCIe 2.0 system lol.

Thomas Grant
Thomas Grant - 27.06.2023 15:35

What is wrong with electricity prices in Germany? Why is it such a big difference (~4x)? I mean we know about russia's war against the West and Ukraine particularly and overall aggressive behavior on energy market but still... E.G. in Ukraine if you have a solar plant you'd get 0.10 Euro per 1 kW by selling electricity and that is the most expensive one... and we have a war going on. with lot's of people killed everyday including civilians. You guys have some sort of hidden tax.

Sourav Das
Sourav Das - 26.06.2023 20:19

DLSS+Framegen = NVIDIA giving less and asking more. Its a nice to have for future titles so in testing it should be separated

Nick - 25.06.2023 21:28

I actually like the direction they are heading as far as power consumption goes. We just need them to scale the size down on their cards!

Austin Maiden
Austin Maiden - 23.06.2023 16:20

Rasterization should always be the primary focus, but when one of the main selling points is DLSS 3.0, then the testing should show the difference between 2.0 in last gens model vs 3.0 in this gens model

Subtilizer - 23.06.2023 15:20

This is Top GPU👍 I bought👌

Barry Wainwright
Barry Wainwright - 23.06.2023 05:06

Good review helped me decide to get the 3060ti now 3060ti vs 3070ti :)

Zwerush - 22.06.2023 01:57

Excellent soundcard with video exit)))

Y e e tlejuice
Y e e tlejuice - 19.06.2023 01:37

Oh no...... Oh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK.

Tijuanero Chakal
Tijuanero Chakal - 18.06.2023 17:12

3 zigeuner sind in meiner Wohnung eingebrochen und haben meinen PC geklaut, nichts mehr zocken für mich. Übrigens, ich wohne fast in Afrika (Spanien),.ich muss wie ein Tier arbeiten damit ich irgendwann vielleicht und mit viel Glück eine RX 470 mit 4gb vram kaufen kann. Sie wohnnen in Deutschland. Spenden Sie mir etwas, egal was , eine RTX 3090 egal

DaysofKnight - 18.06.2023 10:11

DLSS shouldn't be included in the charts. Just because it can fake frames, doesn't mean it should get put in the same class as cars that push their all and don't fake frames.

Just because it can fake frames, doesn't mean I'll ever use it. They claim these cards can do 4K, if it can't do 4K decently, they shouldn't be allowed to claim it by using fake DLSS frames.

Adrian A
Adrian A - 18.06.2023 02:40

For me this upgrade makes some sense coming from an old-ish 2060 - 6 gb, and still on 1080p monitor , its close to double performance mostly, if no CPU bottleneck. But for others it may be a bad investment I guess. Luckily my systems has PCIe 4.0 also.
If I ever get 2K monitor I will manage with DLSS for the more heavy titles for at least 2 years, but no upgrades planned , have other important stuff to use my money on.
P.s. Personally I also look at power consumption and this card is efficient for what it can deliver, I dont like hungry cards.

Yogibear2k2 - 18.06.2023 00:53

Good video, though power efficiency doesn't bother me as I care more about performance than how much electricity the thing is going to use. But I know there are a lot of people that are in a less fortunate position than me. I am wondering if the 3060ti is better than the 3070 (non ti) I have at the moment as I am looking to upgrade my 3070 because it's performance is so poor. In theory I am guessing the 3070 should be a better card than the 3060ti because 3070 is a bigger number than 3060, but I know it doesn't work like that. My budget is about £800, so sadly the 3080ti is out of the picture. What about the 3070ti? And the length of the card is not an issue as I do not have a case for me pc. Have not had one for 3 years. Thanks.

plurmedic - 17.06.2023 23:44

The 4060ti hits the mark for me since im coming from a 1080 (non ti). I still play in 1080p even 720p in some cases. Considering I'm doing vanlife and being limited to solar and rare occasions shore power this is great.
