Islam and idolatry - A match made in Jannah!

Islam and idolatry - A match made in Jannah!

Give Light

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@ReeseGivesLight - 13.01.2023 15:56

Let’s remember to be in consistent prayer for our beloved Muslim friends!
Christ bless you all in your evangelism! Salam.

@thoughtsontheboardwalk4294 - 02.01.2024 08:00

Jesus Christ is my lord and savior 🙏 🙌 ❤️

@farwestgarohills3831 - 01.01.2024 08:38

If everyone need to come to Mecca to kiss the stone in order to enter Jannah, what will happen to those poor who can't afford the travel cost to Mecca? Certainly, they will burn in eternal hell. Why poor Muslims are not thinking about this?

@someone-fs6ix - 01.01.2024 06:04

These are invaluable

@ahmaddaji6085 - 31.12.2023 15:54

In order for our Islamic friends to enter Jannah, or paradise, it is required of them by allah to take part in Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) at least once in their lifetime.


@lupevasquez2019 - 30.12.2023 19:28

Bless you young man. No one exudes more joy than mbb’s

@poetrymotion2027 - 28.12.2023 04:30

Is the kaba a form of idolatry? No disrespect intended by my question. Idolatry is sinful. Where why how??

@masaratnaqash7337 - 26.12.2023 09:04

Your knowledge is very limited because u don’t know that the ancestors of Arab pagans followed prophet ismael. Pagans already had remnants of that religion but had mixed idolatry with them. So safa marwa running and circumambulation was there dear

@masaratnaqash7337 - 26.12.2023 09:00

The Hadith itself refutes your claim that the black stone was their God

@liliankuhn4671 - 25.12.2023 19:26

The Muslims lick the pagan stone to this day! The pagans worshipped the stone & kissed it, but were told not to because it was pagan. Then the Muslims turn around & do the same thing. That Q'uran is one messed up book & it makes no sense at all.

@TafnedElislam - 24.12.2023 10:06

شكرا على درس التاريخ الرائع
Thanks for the wonderful history session

@user-xt7sv2hi2d - 22.12.2023 06:38

People are Should Not Worship Idols. Worship God Father- Jesus and Holysprit only and Thanks so Much Our Lord Jesus you Diet for Our Sin.🪴🌲🌴🌴🌴🌲🌲🌲🌾🌾🌾.

@believe-in-righteousness - 19.12.2023 01:56

Bro the hadith that Muslims claim is all false so you shouldn't be using the hadith book to disprove islam

@54peace - 16.12.2023 06:33

If I can go back in time and did all the things same as Mohammed did, I can literally start a whole new religion by myself, seriously.
( No I don't have schizophrenia )

@elbassme - 13.12.2023 22:44

Bro is destroying islam
God bless you

@mohinfahim7280 - 12.12.2023 22:08

In the Sharḥ al- Asāṭīr, a commentary on the Samaritan midrashic chronology of the Patriarchs, of unknown date but probably composed in the tenth century C.E., it is claimed that Mecca was built by the sons of Nebaioth, the eldest son of Ishmael.Patriarchs, of unknown date but probably composed in the tenth century C.E., it is claimed that Mecca was built by the sons of Nebaioth, the eldest son of Ishmael.

@kisamehoshigaki1519 - 03.12.2023 21:53

Believe in whatever you want. However know this:

"When the city surrendered and all the nobles from the Muslims and the non-Muslims were standing in the courtyard, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Bilal to climb the roof of the Holy Kaaba and give a call of Azaan from the top of it. This was the first Azaan, which was given in Makkah Mukarramah."

How is it possible that if the Kaaba is a thing of worship, that companion of the Prophet would stand on top of it. It is so that we all Muslims pray in the same direction and in union.

Even the Jews pray facing towards The Western Wall, also known as the “Wailing Wall” or the “Kotel." Is that idolatry, of course not.

@walkiriadesousa5304 - 23.11.2023 03:28

Love your teachings só much! God bless your efforts in teaching The truth! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌

@praov - 20.11.2023 10:54

Interesting, Hindus go around nine planets in clockwise direction

@lesterandrade3653 - 15.11.2023 02:28

muslims says that their god allah is on the highest throne they are praying one god! so why they worshipped in the front of kaaba? what's inside the kaaba?allah is there?so they are praying on the kaaba and when the ramadan coming they are based on the moon so allah is the moon? is allah in the moon or allah is the moon? and not finished there they put a symbol of moon in the church or mosque, so it means they are pagans
The Qur'an openly states many times that Allah is the 'best deceiver'. The Arabic word used here is "ماكر" "maakir", coming from the root m-k-r م-ك-ر, with the word Makr "مكر" meaning deception.

@aetius7139 - 04.11.2023 12:50

These hypocrites call us pagan for celebrating christmas. Calling it pagan holiday. While themselves took over the practice of hajj from the bedouin pagans. The absolute hypocricy of these people.

Kaaba was originally a site of pilgrimages of many religion: various pagans beliefs, christianity, and judaism. The only reason they spare kaabah was so they can profit from the pilgrims coming in. Its all a scam!!.

@gilcarasso2494 - 03.11.2023 00:37

Islam belongs in jehenom.

@sith24773 - 31.10.2023 00:28

Q-“Why do Muslims do this?”
A- Because they are clowns

@Fanxeno - 30.10.2023 15:18

Low knowledge

@tr47steetrust-mu7jm - 30.10.2023 06:58

Dig deep.. And always learn... Seek the truth.. From Adam AS. To Muhammad SAW carry the same message... To worship and submit to the Creator.. One Only True God.

La Ilaha Illalah Muhammad Rasullulah, Isa Ibn Maryam Rasulullah, Musa Rasulullah..

God Is Great... Allahu Akbar!

@user-ov5zm5rz3v - 30.10.2023 06:10

To be precise, Mecca was Petra, not the current location. Petra was a base for trade in the Levant and was a short distance from the Dead Sea, where the salt pillar called 'Lot's wife' was located. Above all, it was also the center of idol worship long before the city of Petra was built.
So when Muhammad saw Petra, he mistakenly thought it was the first temple built, and in fact, it may be as old as Solomon's temple!
Of course, this would have been idolatry...

@akhash9659 - 27.10.2023 15:37

My heart aches for more than 2 billion people 😭. Lord have mercy

@Dengtree - 26.10.2023 20:25

This is why I stopped celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December which was the birth of Tammuz the sun god. Christians adopted this practice of pagans

@aspenenglish4976 - 26.10.2023 19:14

This black stone thing is just gross. Muhammad did put 3 idols inside the Kabbah. Jesus couldn’t speak from the cradle😂. Bizarro world.

@Dahit-ji6lf - 26.10.2023 07:37


@samuelswank9653 - 25.10.2023 18:25

The empty Kaaba 🕋 honestly makes zero sense. If it were Zoroastrian, a fire 🔥 would burn inside it. If it were pagan, it would be full of idols. At present, it is an empty cube.

The Temple at Jerusalem had defined functions beyond a Qibla: to house the Ark of the Covenant, to perform ritual sacrifices in, to house priests. This makes far more sense.

@phillipmargrave521 - 25.10.2023 17:48

I pray God deals with Muhammadians in the most Justly of manners.

@jn5501 - 25.10.2023 09:08


@rebeccabee7261 - 25.10.2023 00:10

Wonderful information brother, thank you for speaking truth ❤

@edenalemayehu1003 - 24.10.2023 16:55

God bless you for revealing the truth!

@user-tb4we9xg1q - 22.10.2023 12:25

I can feel his desperation. He needed to be quick to answer. Or .... Jihaad maybe ....

@messiahapostle8239 - 22.10.2023 06:43

Since Muhammad couldn't humble himself to The ONE-TRUE GOD in Jerusalem and was rejected, Satan used him to to turn to Satan and Satan's Idols in Mecca Kaaba. That's Islam and All its murderous practices.

@rendiafriadi3260 - 18.10.2023 14:29

Every religion has pagan origins

@stormystone6240 - 17.10.2023 08:27

Thank you so much! I converted to Islam many years ago but so many things never sat right with me. The way people would kill each other just to kill the black stone always seemed like it had such an evil energy around it. I am starting to get closer to Jesus now but it is so lonely as an ex-muslim Christian. Most ex-muslims I know go completely atheist and aren't talking about Jesus. Does anyone know any support groups for ex-muslim Christians?

@techbazzar - 15.10.2023 11:32

Kissing on something is not worship. If you kiss your child is it worshipping?

@logicallyalone - 14.10.2023 18:39

I commend you for your work sir. Please remember to always use discernment and see the ones who have been given over to their sin are without salvation. Yeshua taught us to spread the good news and any town or people who do not receive it with open hearts we must shake the dust of that town off our feet and walk on. It is a curse that have chosen for themselves and been given over to. Most Muslims will never see the truth and will perish at the final judgement. There are only two types of people, those who worship God and those who worship Satan, there has never been and will never be an in between.

@xyz8538 - 14.10.2023 02:54


@Jeremiah2008 - 05.10.2023 16:22

The Torah is the truth in, genesis when you read about the life of Abraham he never went to Mecca he never built the Kaaba

@MaxMax-lj2ww - 03.10.2023 09:15

Muslims mind set— walk round stone and kiss it and say they only worship allah but pay 10,000 to go saudia and get visa to go Makkah and worship stone let that sink in

@ibrahimalmeky2913 - 03.10.2023 02:02

You can't even answer appropriately, you don't even follow your God. Didn't your claimed God say:"love your enemy" . Go become a true Christian and you will become Muslim someday.

@Scotsmanthebedbug - 28.09.2023 02:11

John 14:6

@scythegamer6547 - 26.09.2023 00:27

Another incorrect claim by this ignorant man, u say that people back then prayed to the 7 planets as gods, but really prophets were sent down to destroy these idols and lead them to Allah, and we do not worship the 7 planets nor do we circle the Kaaba for 7 planets, but we only circle it for our sins to be forgiven as a fresh new start, and the fact the solar system has 8 planets not 7, kind of shows ur lack of knowledge in science also, as for the information u got, it can be fabricated

@scythegamer6547 - 26.09.2023 00:23

Incorrect also, we don’t worship the black stone, nor would we take it as a god, the Hadith claimed they would find a stone and WORSHIP it, but Muslims, we do not worship it, all we do is kiss it because we feel it is from ALLAH, as it is a ancient stone

@scythegamer6547 - 26.09.2023 00:19

Incorrect information, there are not only 7 planets in the solar system but there is 8 PLANETS in the solar system that’s in orbit, the information u got was either fabricated or un trusted
